
Genius Summoner Turning the World Upside Down

A rare plant phantom summoner? Can practice both martial arts and magic? Can master six elements? The recognized master of the mysterious sacred book that holds every knowledge in every field and allow her to have a magical space? Once the Central heard she is the so called waste of the small kingdom of Long Dynasty and even her betrothed the crown prince cancel their contract of marriage, all of the powerful figures laughs. "If she is a waste then all of us are retarded okay!" "If she's no considered genius then who they can call genius?" "Small minded people from small Kingdom lead by small minded crown prince!"

justmeowing · History
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56 Chs

2. Master of the Sacred Book

Lifting her eyes, if only the crowd would not focus on their gossips, they may notice the changes on the little girl's aura especially her eyes that was full of naivety before and now those clear eyes turns as bright as the moon that you could say the owner of those calm full of knowledge eyes is unreasonable to be owned by a young girl that hadn't even reach the age of ten.

Meixiang calmy look at the crowd. It only pass a second to this world but no one of these judging eyes know that to her it pass an unknown years reading unending books inside the sacred book that is currently living inside her body as it recognized her as its master long ago.

After her soul arrived inside that room full of books, a note was placed in front of her. The note says to read the books on the currently unlocked shelves and put those knowledge in her mind and in her heart. After completing the mission, the other shelves are unlocked and her soul came back to her physical body only to learn that to the outside world after her accumulating unending knowledge in different fields, these people only accumulate gossips, years passed to her but to them, only a second had passed.

In just a second, her eyes full of sadness became calm like an undisturbed lake raking her eyes in the crowd to look at a specific person.

Her father, Su Lan, among the crowd is startled at her daughter's gaze but suddenly recovered his disappointed face that turns into a face full of anger. He turn his back towards his daughter and make a way out of the crowd. The members of the Su family whom all eyes to the father-daughter pair laugh at this scene, they sneer while their eyes are full of mockery. The Su family followed and came back to the manor. The crowd slowly disperse leaving Su Meixiang calmly observing everything.

"Third Young Miss."

Meixiang lifted her eyes and met the eyes of a middle age man. A smile showed on her face and in a low voice she called,

"General Tian."

General Tian was startled at the aura their third miss brought. Her bright eyes staring at him have no sign of sadness and disappointment of what happened tonight. This scene makes him doubt of this third young miss.

"This general was asked by the young lady's father, Master Su Lan, to escort the third young miss to the Su Manor."

A faint smile appeared on Meixiang's face. She is too naive before to believe General Tian and his family treats her well because it is her father's order. Meixiang just nodded as she makes her way to the carriage and said nothing else.

General Tian who is a fifth tier martial artist that have sharper five senses than ordinary person was startled again after realizing something. Following her gaze to the straight back of the petite girl, he saw the image of his late master- Dan Feihan.


Returning to the Su Manor, Su Lan is on his knees in front of his father, the current patriarch of the Su family.

"You arrange your daughter's aptitude test at the plaza for only to what?!Only to humiliate the Su family that a waste was again born on our family?! If only testing her talent was executed inside our manor we can atleast have some face but now what? You just put shame to this family AGAIN!! The only good thing you had done to this family is to trick a summoner and bring her here but what happened next? Only she lived for five years and our family didn't get much from her! And now you even let your daughter come after you and became a waste like you!! A trash!!! Go away from my eyes!!"

Su Lan's fist is now in round pressing his finger nails on his palm as his eyes full of anger but hide these emotions by kowtowing almost banging his forehead towards the floor.

"Father, Meixiang's aptitude result may not be good but don't forget that she is still betrothed to the crown prince with the power of my late wife, the ONLY SUMMONER of Long Dynasty."

Ye Yan, the main wife of the first branch of the Su family, step forward and bow her head and said in a full of empathy like voice,

"Yes, father. Although the late sister in law is now gone she is still the only summoner existed in our kingdom. Third niece may not be a talent like sister in law but this generation is not a total loss."

Su Lan frown with his sister in law 'helping' him subsiding the patriarch's anger. Not only she reminded the old man that his wife is now no longer existing and his daughter is a waste but also to be said that the Su family still have the pair of siblings from the first branch who are known to be a genius martial artist, Su Yu and Su Ruwan who is tested as a rare dual magician.

The face of the patriarch became lighter being reminded of his talented grandchildren. He took his seat and tried to calm himself by drinking tea. When everyone felt that the patriarch is now calm, everyone flaunts about their children and their progress to remove the tension in the hall ignoring Su Lan who is still on his knees bowing his head staring on his fist angrily.

The heavy atmosphere in the Su Manor is soon lifted completely while the cause of this tension is now on her bed ready to enter the sacred book again.