
Genius Reincarnated: Enjoying Endless Dimensions

Genius Reincarnated: Enjoying Endless Dimensions (GREED) Synopsis: In a world where ordinary meets extraordinary, Siv emerged as an enigma from the moment of his birth. A rare genetic mutation rendered him immune to the grasp of disease, while gifting him with a prodigious intellect, a photographic memory, and unparalleled comprehension. Born into the lap of luxury as the cherished only child of a wealthy couple, Siv's life was a closely guarded secret. His parents nurtured his unique talents in the shadows, dreaming of the day when he could navigate the world freely and unburdened by his exceptional gifts. But destiny has a penchant for cruel turns. At the tender age of nine, a ruthless betrayal shattered the fragile cocoon of safety that had enveloped Siv. In an instant, he transformed from a guarded secret into a coveted prize, hunted by a government thirsty for control and shadowy figures driven by their insatiable greed. The media hailed him as the genius of the era, a divine child destined to lead humanity into a new dawn with his unmatched innovations and skills. Yet, behind this glittering facade lay a nightmarish truth. Siv's life was a relentless cycle of captivity, spent in a laboratory with scientists and researchers, exploiting his genius for their own ends. In the darkest hours of his torment, Siv clung to the memories of his beloved parents and the refuge of anime, manga, and novels he discovered through the internet. Within the confines of his suffering, he wove intricate fantasies, casting himself as the hero of his own tale, yearning for freedom and a loving family to call his own. As years passed, the pressure on Siv intensified, pushing him to the brink of despair. At the age of nineteen, his fragile existence was pushed to its limits when a group of desperate individuals launched a daring assault on the secret laboratory where he was confined. Their demand was simple: Siv must unlock the key to a cure for a deadly virus outbreak, and in return, they would offer him the promise of freedom. "Shit... after getting so close to freedom..." Siv's thoughts whispered as darkness closed in. Siv's strength waning. "I am feeling so weak... Am I going to die...?Finally, I don't have to suffer anymore..." But just as the abyss seemed ready to claim him, a mysterious voice shattered the silence, rekindling a spark of hope within Siv's fading consciousness. "You poor soul." The Worlds or Series that appeared in this Fan-fic. 1. Shijou Saikyou no Deshi Kenichi (History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi). - Current world A/N This is a non-canon fanfic of History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi . There will be other worlds of different animes, manga, novels and games. Also, I am just writing this because there are not many good History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi fan-fictions. There is no definite update schedule. So, please like and support me and if you have any suggestions please write them in the comments. Updates will be at least two chapters a week . Also, there might be grammar mistakes because English is not my primary language. I don't own anything in this fanfic other than my Original Characters. Support on Patreon - https://patreon.com/AeonDimensions

Aeon_Dimensions · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 02. The Beginning Of A Genius And His Suffering (2/2):

This new element of Anime, Manga, Comic and some fantasy novels collection brought a great change to Siv's life. He was shocked to his core. He always thought life was just a single track thing with proven logic and situations but after getting introduces to Anime, Manga, Comic and novels with the elements like magic and monsters etc. which were beyond logic sparked his imagination and interest. This made him question are the things mentioned in these possible. For the first time in his life he could not stop his stoic face crumbling into a silly smile and stars of interest sparkling in his eyes. 

He Immediately finished reading his first fantasy Manga went to his parents Shin and Ivy who were sitting in dining room and discussing something. After reaching in front of his parents Siv stood with a serious face still adorned by the silly smile and sparkling in his eyes which shocked both his parents. 

Siv Asked "Mom and Dad I want to make a V..very …..very important request to both of you do you have some time right now..?"

Ivy and Shin who were both shocked to see there son Siv who always made a stoic face not expressing any of his feelings showing up in front of them with such a silly smile on his serious face, came out of there shock after hearing there son's request.

Shin looked at his wife Ivy who similarly looked to him shock and concern evident in her eyes. Shin then nodded to Ivy his wife and turned his attention to their son Siv.

Shin then cleared his throat said "Sure son we always have time for our lovely Boy. Tell us what do you want to ask."Ivy also looked towards Siv with a warm smile and nodded.

Watching and hearing both his parents ,Siv slowly made his request with utmost sincerity. Siv said "Mom....Dad….I wanted to request you both to teach me superpowers and magic I want to become a hero of justice like the book you gave me."

What came next was an absolute silence in the room .Both Shin and Ivy blanked out after hearing this and after few seconds Shin was the first to burst out laughing followed by Ivy. They both laughed hard while grabbing their stomachs and tears in their eyes for a few minutes.

After watching both his mother and father laughing reaction to his serious request Siv was shocked and didn't know what to do. Siv was confused about his mother and father's reaction to his genuine and serious request and after sometime got a little frustrated and asked " Di….did I say any thing wrong ….Are you not going to teach me Superpowers and how to be a hero ...Please say something I am confused...why are Mom and Dad laughing at my request."

After hearing this Ivy stopped laughing and pinched her husband Shin to make him stop laughing too. After both Shin and Ivy calmed down. Ivy looked at her lovely child Siv warmly smiling at him and hugged him.

Ivy said to her son Siv,"Dear all that you read is not true and proven…. Sometime what you read might be work fiction and fragments of imagination born from the idles, fantasies, hopes and dreams of peoples they are similarity to the mythical beings and stories that you have read before."

Hearing this Siv lowered his head and asked in a sad tone,"Does this mean that Superpowers are not real and I can never become the hero of justice and protect mom and dad."

After hearing their son Siv's words about protecting them both parents Shin And Ivy smiled lovingly and looked warmly at their son.

Then Shin with a proud grin on his face Said to his son Siv," My boy it might be true that superpowers are not real but no one said you can't be a hero and protect mom and dad. You can be a hero you just have to believe in yourself . The qualities that make a hero is that he is always humble and kind to others, he helps the people in need, he has a strong and straight character, A hero never deceive and lies to good people, A hero never looks down on any one and never bullies week and good people, A hero is always empathetic and uses his brain intelligence for good, A hero is strong willed and never gives up no mater what, no matter how hard things gets even after losing he will again return stronger learning from his mistakes, and lastly a hero is not strong because of his superpowers as bad guys can also have superpowers , A hero is strong because of his strong willed conviction to never give up and the strength of Soul and character. Its thinking about these ideals and following your own set of rules to cultivate yourself and forge your own path that makes you a hero. So try to be one, Me and your mother will always love and support you."

Ivy smiled and said," that was something coming from your clumsy dad, who never cleans his room but jokes apart. Siv my dear son what your dad said is absolutely correct. You have to be kind and good towards people that are good and treat you kindly and you have to be decisive and rough towards people that are bad and cruel and make sure that they are punished. And for that you have to be strong and intelligent. For this my dear son me and your dad will always support you."

After carefully listening to both of his parents Shin and Ivy and slowly but steadily grasping the words and meaning behind them Siv remained silent for a while processing every thing . And the looked back at his parents with determined eyes.

Siv spoke slowly with determination," Mom ….Dad… I understand . I will become a hero and make you proud and protect you both. Please promise to support me."

Both Ivy and Shin Smiled and said,"We promise."

This event made Siv more open to  show the childish nature and expressive emotions which was a welcome change for the now happy Mother and Father. 

After a years when Siv had already turned 6years. The couple again faced with a new challenge of reaching a point where they could not teach any thing more to Siv by themselves cause they had taught him every thing they could on there own were now having an important discussion regarding there options for the future. After a lot of deliberation Shin and Ivy reached to a conclusion.

Shin said to his wife Ivy," Dear if we really want our son to grow and have better education and exposure we need external help."

Ivy asked with a worried expression," We should still be able to arrange more study and research material of all kinds and by paying some people to get them to record lectures and practical application for Siv to watch and learn later on. I am still worried about people finding and targeting our son for his traits and knowledge in the name of helping others and bullshit agendas which in reality fulfill nothing but their personal greed and....."

Shin stopped his wife Ivy and said," We can't go on like this. Not everyone out there is bad , and we just have to get help from the people we trust in….Like my cousin Sam Kuzuoh he might be able to help us he just knows that Siv is a special child that is why we had to move and you Ivy had to quit your job to take care of our son Siv. We can explain our situation to him and get his help. It will also be good for our son to meet new people and interact with them for exposure. Is this alright with you dear."

After hearing her husband's words Ivy sighed and said," I am still worried about our son Siv...i don't know but if you are sure about this being the best path to choose then so be it."

After coming to a conclusion both started there preparation and Shin talked to his cousin Sam Kuzuoh who readily accepted to help them with every thing.

Years passed now 2009 and Today was a very important day of Siv's life as it was the first day he would be going outside his house to celebrate his Birthday to a nearby town with normal people as suggested by his uncle Sam .In the past years Sam has helped Shin and Ivy a lot and had become very close to the family. Siv has also helped his father Shin and uncle Sam by developing new highly popular and useful tech and medicinal cures while using his father's backing and connections. The name Siv was getting famous as a mysterious genius. 

After getting ready the family got into the car and started there journey towards there destination. Siv was very exited and happy to go outside for the first time in his life and both the parents Ivy and Shin were also happy for their son.

But this happiness didn't last much long for this good family.

As Shin was driving he suddenly found there road blocked with a big stone. so He stopped the car and said to his wife Ivy," Hey Dear come and help me a bit with removing this stone blocking our path." and they both got out of the car.

Siv's mother looked at Siv smiling and said," Dear Siv the doors are locked with child lock so wait here and read your novel when we reach town then you can come out...OK...Just wait for some time." Siv's mother Ivy got out of the car while locking it with the key and going to help her husband Shin.

Every thing was fin but suddenly they were ambushed by unknown men with knives, metal bat and one of them had gun and the asked them to hand over Siv and the car keys. After the mention of handing over their son Siv ,Ivy and Shin quickly understood that some one leaked their son's secret. 

Thus Ivy immediately completely locked the car and threw the keys far away from the road into the forest area for the safety of their child. And looking at this Shin quickly called his cousin Sam for help but what he got was a laugh as this kidnapping was organized by him. 

Sam had became greedy watching the gains brought by Siv's backed by his father Shin increasing his profit margin and fame. Thus he contacted some high profile politician and people to plan this kidnapping. After this call and having their only hope broken they could only apologize to their Son.

As all hell broke lose for Siv a pure child who just turned 9 years as he had to see his father Shin and mother Ivy beg for mercy and apologize to their son Siv as the were brutally beaten and slowly tortured to death while Siv couldn't do anything other than screaming and crying for help and mercy for his parents locked in the car until he passed out. But this was just the starting of hell like suffering for Siv.

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