
Genius Noble With System

Apollo was a genius who was talented enough to achieve big things in his life, but because of a rare genetic disorder, everything came to an abrupt end. But when he thought everything was done, he again opened his eyes to another world as the baby of a noble family. Knowing that this might be his second chance, he decided to do everything he could to create a good and free life for himself. But surprisingly, this world is not simple, as there are beings with extraordinary power who can control the lives and deaths of others, giants who can crush mountains, dragons who can burn the seas, and many more. So now, to truly achieve his goals, Apollo needs to learn and adapt to this new world where life and death can be matters of thought.

sleepingpeacefully · Fantasy
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108 Chs

Ice Nova

He also moved with super-fast speed with his blue ice sword and clashed with his evil twin. 


Both of their weapons collided with one another, creating such a large shock wave that the land beneath them started to be torn apart by the devastating force.

Clang! Clang! Clang! 

They exchanged a few more moves, each carrying a heavy weight and deadly intent. 

"Back off!" 

Both of them moved backwards after they gauged each other.

"Not bad for a weak pu**y; you are better than I thought, but it looks like your strength is not much." 

The evil Apollo grinned, as he seemed to see his weakness. 

He did not shit talk but again attacked and immediately used his two Prana skills, 'Ice Cut' and 'Speed Boost', which were the simplest skills but quite effective, increasing his damage and speed. 

He moved swiftly and slashed his evil twin with the fury of multiple slashes. Every single slash from him was so sharp that it could cut boulders like paper, and it had a chilling aura that would freeze anyone to death. 

The evil twin also didn't hold back, as it also used prana techniques.

"Death piercing!" 

"Ice cut!"

Both of their attacks collided, creating shock waves with a chill to freeze humans and a bloody aura to loosen their minds. 

They continued to move and attack each other, going toe to toe, as it seemed no one was able to gain any advantage over each other. 

But Apollo was the one who was feeling the greater pressure, as in reality he was still being pushed and just holding it back without doing much damage. He wanted to finish this battle quickly, as he had limited time to finish it off, but it looked like it was going to be difficult. 

"Heh, heh, you are looking anxious; it seems you are not feeling good." 

"Your movement is getting slower. Is it because the transformation is too much for you? 

Apollo, hearing the words, didn't say anything, but he knew that the evil twin's words were right.

"Haha, that must be right; otherwise, how could you be this strong?"

"Then, I just need to hold you back for some time, and then I will devour you when you are the weakest."

His transformation is not without disadvantages, as first, it takes too much life force, and second, it takes a huge toll on his body. He can maintain this state for a few minutes, and if used more than that, his internal organs would start to freeze, resulting in his death. 

He learned this transformation at the age of ten by accident, which almost killed him, but luckily, he stopped at the right time; otherwise, who knows what the consequence would be?

After that incident, he continued to train, and after two years of training, he could barely maintain it for two minutes, this can be said to be his killer weapon that no one knows, not even his grandfather.

This transformation is very strong; it does not boost his strength in just one direction but focuses on all-around improvement. If this were a game, then his every stat after transformation would increase at least two to three times, not to mention his chilling cold energy, which also became so much stronger that a single touch from him could freeze people, giving them an instant death.

Since he thought his enemy was strong, he wanted to end this quickly without much damage, but after their small clashes, he understood that his mirror twin was not weaker than him at all, and the longer it took, the worse the situation became for him.

He has to quickly deal with his evil twin; otherwise, this will be his end. To swiftly end this, he had to use his best self-made prana skill, which he created a month ago. The problem with this skill is that it is unstable, and he never did it correctly.

But he believes he can do it now, as today he felt his understanding of life energy increase exponentially, which might have taken him years to understand normally.

He had to say that battling tough opponents in life-or-death situations is the best way to bring out the potential, and he himself felt the improvements in a single day.

Apollo, whose aura was a snow flurry, transformed into a snowstorm, and the already low temperature started to fall even more to an inhumane degree.

The balanced situation between them seemed to have broken as Apollo's aura seemed to overwhelm the evil twin and started to suppress him. Even the backyard, which was only half frozen, started to freeze, fully suppressing the gloomy, bloody death aura.

Evil Apollo's expression changed as he saw the situation. He felt a great danger from Apollo that he could not believe, as the chill even started to freeze his body and the bloody death energy could not seem to stop it, making him afraid.

"No, you can't be this strong; you are just a coward without strength."

"This bluff cannot defeat me."

His eyes became blood red, and half of his skin turned black, with blood markings all over him.

"Just Die! Accept your fate."

Evil Apollo seems to have lost his cool as it jumped towards him, not wanting to give him time to do something.

"Hmm, it's not me who needs to accept his fate."

"It's you!"

"Ice Nova!"

Instantly, Apollo burst with a tremendous amount of life energy, and immediately, with fast speed, everything around him started to freeze, even the oxygen in the air around him.

Evil Apollo immediately got caught up with it; as it was an omnidirectional attack, he was not able to evade it, and right away, he turned into a big chunk of ice.

But his attack did not stop even after his enemy was caught, and it continued to travel and stop until hundreds of meters of area around him turned into an iceberg.

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