
(Team M)

There shouldn't have been any kinks within the process of the tournament, however, there wasn't any way for anyone to know that Jero's cultivation was higher the legendary overlord rank.

Jero had limited his power to less than 10 percent, fooling them into thinking he was at the mind stage. Save for the class D kid whom Jero beat half to death, no one knew even close to 5 percent of his power.

That kid in class D he had used 4 percent, which had shown Jero around what kids could take. Fighting in this tournament would be easy. In fact, the only hard part for Jero was that he had to pull his punches to the point of annoyance. (Basically, like when you purposely lose to a kid who is more than 5 years younger than you. It's boring, but you have to make them feel like it's real.)

"For entertainment purposes, class Z will fight first. Then Y, then X, etcetera." The organizers, who had been convening for who knows what purpose, finally spoke up. "So will Class Z's representatives please step onto the stage? The matches will be 3 vs. 3."

Jero and his squad strode up, and although Jero was confident, and so did Zwei and Marke, the other two were only faking their confidence. They inwardly were terrified and were certain of losing.

"Yo, referee and organizers," called Jero, "I'll fight alone against these guys. They don't need to be here right now."

"Okay." With their consent, Zwei and Marke ran off stage, hiding within the crowd. Their heads seemed to shrink into their robes, making them look like a turtle hiding its body.

"Hold up! You can't win like that Jero!" Shouted Tate angrily, "Although you're strong, you're not that strong! Come here!" Stomping onto the stage, Tate angrily reached for Jero's cloak, before stopping short.

"The judge has spoken. He is going to fight alone now. Tate, back off, and watch as your student is put into place!" Sneered class M's teacher, "Arrogant prick thinks he can change the world. Hmmph!" Grabbing Tate's Gi, he flung him back to his students; causing the whole of class Z to tumble back.

"Alright, now that class Z is sorted out, class M's representatives may show themselves." The announcement echoes through the air, a light breeze brushed past everyone, towards the stage.


The class M representatives appeared before everyone with a strange sound, like a plastic bar hitting a leather jacket.

"Hmm? He was able to block it..." The representatives of class M mumbled at the same time, "Strange..."

That breeze was naturally them, and they had tried to make it seem like the wind hurt Jero as it came by. Then they would've appeared out of nowhere, causing the crowd to cheer. However, Jero had his own plans, and blocked it, even though not even the judges could tell anything had happened.

"So that's your power?" Jero looked at them indifferently, "Weaklings should not be in the ring when the three that were supposed to come up, are in the crowd watching." He frowned, staring at those individually, making them not only angry but a bit uncomfortable.

"Since you wish to court death, then we shall grant your wish." Yelled one of the three.

"Bro, we didn't agree to that!" One of the others rebuked, "We have to decide these things together!"

"Can't we just get along?" Yelled the third one, "Why are we fighting?"

The three bantered back and forth, the bantering turned to arguments quickly after. Despite the crowd watching them, they didn't feel like bimbos, instead, they each wanted to rip apart Jero. However, despite their common interests, they decided to argue about deciding things as a team.

This continued on for an hour before finally, the organization and staff present got tired of it. The sect decided to spank them, due to them acting like idiots. After that had happened, they finally reached a conclusion. (After a few minutes of arguing)

The conclusion reached was that they would go up and fight Jero, who after watching for an hour, decided to sit and meditate the meaning of life. When he heard them reach their conclusion, he knew exactly what he was going to do.

What kind of team, works without the teamwork? The answer is not one, as to make the team work, you must have teamwork. There is no I in a team, and although there is a 'me', that 'me' isn't even in order. To strike the iron while it was hot, he was going to destroy their 'team' with work.

"Participants, are you ready?" The announcer tiredly asked. The four nodded, "Then may fortune be forever in your favor! Let the tournament, BEGIN!"

As he said this, team M, who were about to start fighting, stopped. They stood there, looking weirdly at the announcer. "Yo, boss... Hunger Games? Really?" They asked, "And we're not fighting to the death... To top that off 'boss', fortune shouldn't be needed, as shouldn't this tournament be based on skill and talent?"

"Errm... Yea... I guess you're right..." The announcer awkwardly shifted his eyes to the ground, "Then what should I say?"

"Umm, how about 'ready set go' boss?" They suggested, "That still works... At least I think it does..." One spoke out his opinions, which sparked another argument although this was short lived.

Jero who was on the side was trying his hardest not to laugh at these bimbos. His eyes sparkled, and his hands covered his mouth. His sides were shaking, which the other team took as fear.

"Hey boss, we can start now, right?" If looks could kill, bimbo one would kill Jero with his intent. Possibly of laughter though, not of his menacing glare... Jero's face turned blue, a slight 'hic' sound came out from his mouth.

"Hah! Guys, I scared him so hard he's crying! And he has the hiccups!" Laughed bimbo one, which the other two joined in after seeing the blueish purple face.

"Buahhahahahahhahah!" Jero, who, unable to contain his laughter, exploded outwards, knocking everyone back at least 10 meters, "You idiots are so funny, I tried to not laugh, *hic, but that was too *hic, hard!" Tears streamed down Jero's face, making it seem fake.

"To top that off, you can't even go a minute without arguing over the stupidest things! You are jokes. Get out of my sight!" Growled the still hiccuping Jero, "If I win, leave this academy forever! If I lose, I will let you do anything to me."

"Disgracing this academy is the last thing you'll ever do *** hat!" Yelled the bimbos, "We accept your bet! Just don't cry when we beat you!"

Gonna do a new format of 1 - 1k or more words chapter a day. I owe you guys 4 more.

(Tomorrow, If I haven't finished it's 5.)

CreedOfUnitycreators' thoughts