
Genius? Definitely not me!

After being stranded in a strange world, Ceid was finally able to blend in with the new environment. After earning his keeps, joining the strict training regime of the Draconian Chamber of Commerce, and promoting his cultivation, he finally graduated from the training in less than two years. Some called him a genius, but he knew he was not. He earned everything through various small methods and putting in more effort, struggling hard. "After this final assessment, I could finally return to Earth!" That was his vow before he was finally thrown into another world! "God! Don't you feel pity for me?" Thus began his new journey in another strange world.

EveStar_Origin · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Reunion with Xiao Hei and Xiao Hong

Chapter 31 Reunion with Xiao Hei and Xiao Hong

17th March 11AE, 07:25, dawn.

"On to the latest news from Asma City.

Since the bombardments began at 26:10 yesterday, the first defense line had been engaged in battle for over 11 hours. Due to early preparation and extensive bombardment support from the rear, they successfully repelled the first wave of the beast horde with minimal casualties.

Currently, only a few scattered beasts remain, still launching aggressive attacks. Many others have either been killed or fled in fear."

On the Globe social platform, The Globe News's anchors were busy reporting on the latest updates of various frontlines across Blanc Planet.

These days, the ongoing threat of a beast tide heading towards Asma City has been a recurring topic in the news.

On the other hand, Asma City's predicament was not unique in this world.

Several other cities were also bracing for potential encounters with the beast tide in the coming days. Various online news anchors and influencers were actively sharing the latest updates on the preparations made in their respective cities and regions.

Although military arrangements were kept confidential, they were not entirely shielded from the public eye.

Governments from various countries chose not to censor the news, preferring to allow information to flow (albeit with some guidance) to alleviate public panic and bolster confidence in the government and military's efforts to ensure public safety.


Early in the morning, Ayda found herself unable to sleep soundly. After tossing and turning about, she eventually rose before dawn.

She was now watching intently the latest news about the frontline.

For the past few days, aside from concerns about her pursuers, Ayda had been concerned about the looming beast tide. Every time she glanced toward the direction the tide approached, she couldn't shake the suspicion that she was somehow linked to its cause.

Since then, she has been watching the development news of the Beast Tide on the Globe social platform. However, witnessing the mounting casualties only deepened her sense of guilt. She couldn't shake the feeling that she was somehow responsible for these casualties.

It was for this reason that Ayda had chosen to conceal the true reason behind her being pursued. She was afraid to face the blame for the beast tide's occurrence.

However, if Ceid knew her struggle, he would likely chuckle at her naive assumption.

Ayda had openly shared her status as an awakened individual. Remarkably, her family seemed blessed in this regard, with three out of four members having awakened abilities. Even her younger brother, though yet to awaken, had been targeted and attacked by a mysterious group, indicating his own uniqueness and significance.

But given Ceid's background, he was not surprised by this.

Moreover, he had discerned more information during their heartfelt conversations.

As he comforted her and infused his True Qi to stabilize her emotions, he could already sense that she was a Mortal Level 3 awakener.

In the universal cultivation system, it equated to the Third Layer Initiation Affinity Realm of the Elemental Cultivation Path.

Considering the relatively short time since Aura Qi's recovery, and her lack of resources and proper cultivation methods, Ceid could only sigh in acknowledgment of her innate talent, a testament to her bloodline.

Nonetheless, even with her good achievement, a level 3 is still a level 3. It could not affect the general situation. It could not cause such a big disturbance.

Unless she sneaked into a beast king's nest and somehow managed to kill a beast king's child, she would not trigger a beast tide by itself.

One must know that in this beast tide, there were numerous beast kings from different species involved in the battle. Meaning there were many beasts above Mortal Level 7.

Moreover the beast tide, as a whole, was estimated to be led by a beast king at the peak of Mortal Level 9, one step away from promoting to Mystic Realm.

At most, if it even remotely related to her, it was just her action that day that somehow caused a bigger incident to occur that provoked the beast kings' retaliation.

Of course, Ayda, filled with guilt, didn't think this far.

And since she hadn't confided to Ceid yet, Ceid didn't come over to assure and explain to her.


While Ayda was tossing about in guilt, Ceid was assiduously cultivating.

He may be calm about it, but Ceid still felt insecure without having his original cultivation level.

After another night of cultivation, he finally achieved another breakthrough as the day approached dawn.


With a long exhale, he felt the subtle changes coursing through his body. Faint wisps of Aura Qi began to manifest, signaling the onset of his breakthrough. With continued effort, he anticipated that a steady stream of Aura Qi would soon follow.

What he needed to do was to continue to cultivate diligently.

After sensing his body's condition, he woke up and opened his eyes.

<Congratulation, Host, for your successful breakthrough to the third layer of Spirit Sense Realm.>

"Thank you, Wyd," Ceid replied with joy in his voice.

"And thank you for helping me control the Aura Qi to gather around me," Ceid expressed his gratitude.

"Without the Aura Gathering Formation, much of the Aura Qi leaking from the energy crystals would have been lost. It makes it difficult for me to cultivate efficiently. So you've greatly helped me busily."

<Host, it is my duty to at least do this much.>

Though Wyd replied in a business-like manner, it could not hide the joy in her voice.

As expected of an advanced AI. She is very spiritual.

Ceid thought to himself.

He took a glance at the time. It was already 7:55 and it would be dawn soon.

"So what is the situation on the front line?" Ceid asked about the important matter at hand.

<Presently, the battle over first defense line was temporarily finished as wave successfully repelled.>

<According to the military statistics, a total of 42,132 beasts were killed while small number scattered fled during confrontation.>

<Among 7 8 28 39 them, Level and Beast Kings were accounted for.>

"No Level 9?"

<Affirmative. >

Hearing this, Ceid frowned.

The absence of even a single Level 9 Beast King was alarming. Although it was only the first wave of the attack, considering the level of the beast horde with so many Level 8 and 7, they should be led by at least a Level 9 Beast King.

If such a powerful creature was absent, it could signify a variety of possibilities, none of them comforting.

"Sigh...It's no use to be overly concerned with this matter. It's not like I can interfere, right? And I didn't come here to play hero and savior." Ceid mumbled.

<Affirmative. As a member of the Sord Interstellar Community, you are forbidden to interfere in local incidents unless your safety is compromised.>

"Okay, let's check the storage space first."

With a swift mental command, he vanished from sight.


It was a picturesque small world, where verdant valleys stretched out beneath the watchful gaze of distant mountains. These valleys were embraced by a lush jungle bursting with vitality, boasting a rich tapestry of plant life.

Rows of meticulously tended spirit gardens adorned the landscape, featuring an array of medicinal herbs, spirit trees, and fruit-bearing plants.

Flowing gracefully through the meticulously planned gardens, a gentle stream meandered towards a tranquil lake between the valleys and mountains.

Several buildings and infrastructures built near the lakeside stand proudly, neatly arranged along a path.

On the end of the path, a stone bridge was erected, spanning from the lakeshore to an island in the middle of the lake. The stone bridge was intricately carved with depictions of various popular divine beasts, which added to the enchanting atmosphere.

At the heart of this serene lake stood an island, where a majestic villa courtyard overlook the scene.


At this moment, inside the villa's courtyard, the ground shimmered with a soft glow before revealing a man with blond hair and piercing azure eyes.

Breathing in the fresh and crisp air, rich with Aura Qi, Ceid felt refreshed. When he glanced around at the familiar scene, the suffocating feeling he had before completely disappeared.

"Even though it's only been three days, it feels like an eternity since I last set foot here," Ceid said with emotion.

Since his injury and subsequent loss of cultivation, he hadn't been able to come inside this space.

Thankfully he could still access the rich resources inside that he had stockpiled. Otherwise, it would take a much longer time for him to reach the third layer of Junior Practitioner and enter inside.

This storage space was his master's gift to Ceid as a reward for graduating from the harsh training program. The small world fragment was given to him as a testament to his hard work.

The training program he joined, not only does it required him to complete all the education and training modules but he was also required to meet the standard graduation level like any other academy: becoming a Venerable Practitioner.

When he received it from his master while upgrading Wyd's system, the space was desolate. There was only flat land and distant mountains in the space.

It took him a lot of effort, with assistance from his elder sister and brother, to transform it into its present state.

"So where are they, Wyd?" Ceid asked her.

At this moment, a projection of a phoenix girl appeared before him.

Wyd, taking the form of a tall and graceful young lady, had radiant golden skin and long flame-like hair, in shades of fiery red-orange. Her eyes gleam like molten gold, adding to her captivating presence. She bears magnificent wings reminiscent of a phoenix, shimmering with vibrant hues.

"Little Hei and Little Hong are inside the side courtyard, Host," Wyd said while she pointed to the right.

Ceid immediately walked in that direction.

Finally, he saw his mischievous, coquettish cat and his arrogant but spoiled brat eagle lying down on the prepared bed and nest. 

The two of them were nestled there peacefully, without a care in the world.

Finally we meet out anticipated Xiao Hei and Xiao Hong. Actually I got conflicted about the naming since personally I prefer Xiao Hei and Xiao Hong. Felt more intimate. But if in English, it would be Little Black and Little Red. But somehow it felt distance with me. So I ended with Little Hei and Little Hong.

I would love to hear your opinion. Please leave a comment to let me know.

- EveStar

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