
Genius? Definitely not me!

After being stranded in a strange world, Ceid was finally able to blend in with the new environment. After earning his keeps, joining the strict training regime of the Draconian Chamber of Commerce, and promoting his cultivation, he finally graduated from the training in less than two years. Some called him a genius, but he knew he was not. He earned everything through various small methods and putting in more effort, struggling hard. "After this final assessment, I could finally return to Earth!" That was his vow before he was finally thrown into another world! "God! Don't you feel pity for me?" Thus began his new journey in another strange world.

EveStar_Origin · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Each with Their Own Worry

Chapter 23 Each with Their Own Worry

15th March 11AE, 21:20, Azure Building.

The soldiers had barely disappeared around the corner.

After ensuring the soldiers had gone away, Ayda immediately turned around.

She looked at Ceid and said, "Please excuse me. I'm going to my room to rest."

Before Ceid could respond, she hastily went upstairs to the first floor, seeking solace in her room to calm her racing heart.

Perplexed by her sudden departure, Ceid watched her retreat.

Nevertheless, as he saw her figure vanishing into her room upstairs, he called after her, "I'll let you know when dinner is ready."

Ceid caught only a faint "Um" from her before she disappeared into her room and closed the door behind her.

As Ayda leaned against the door, taking deep breaths to calm her racing heart, she couldn't shake off the weight of guilt settling in.

Remorse flooded her mind.

Several days ago, consumed by a thirst for vengeance, fueled by fury and determination to avenge her family, she plunged headlong into a quest for justice and revenge.

With boldness bordering on recklessness, she infiltrated the enemy's underground stronghold deep in the mountains, undeterred by the dangers that lurked within.

Her recklessness knew no bounds as she confronted the enemy leader, even toppling their underground stronghold into ruins with a decisive strike.

Her daring was unstoppable, as she seized the chance to take away the sinister organization's artifact before fleeing into the night.

Even now, her heart was pounding with the weight of her audacious actions.

Yet, as the dust settled and her emotions cooled, a newfound apprehension crept over her.

She couldn't fathom the recklessness that had possessed her, nor could she shake the fear of reprisal that now haunted her every thought.

Never before had she embarked on such a ridiculous risk, and now, in the aftermath of her vengeance, she found herself plagued by the specter of pursuit.

She was too afraid of someone finding the artifact on her;

was too apprehensive of someone retaliating against her family;

was too worried about implicating others.

Despite her efforts to conceal her true identity and erase any evidence of her presence, she couldn't shake the nagging fear of being tracked down.

She chastised herself repeatedly, questioning why she had been so bold to leave a note revealing that she possessed the artifact.

Isn't that naked provocation, a blatant challenge, inviting trouble??

Wouldn't it have been wiser to slip away unnoticed, avoiding unnecessary confrontation?

She was right, though. The words she left behind had indeed provoked and angered the organization.

They would still be hot on her trail even if she had departed discreetly.

It was one thing to retaliate for their fallen leader was one thing, but most importantly, they needed to recover the artifact.

So, amid her constant evasion, concealed movements, and covert entry into Asma City, these thoughts and inner conflicts tormented her relentlessly.

Doubts plagued her mind, questioning the righteousness of her actions at every turn.

Thus, when confronted by the soldiers moments ago, her nerves got the best of her, amplifying her anxiety to a palpable degree.

For her, Ceid's quick thinking had been a saving grace, averting potential trouble. Nonetheless, the encounter had left her nerves frayed. She was so antsy during the confrontation that she felt a chill run down her spine.


Meanwhile, on the ground floor, Ceid watched her retreat with a knowing smile. As he shook his head, a thought crossed his mind: would it ease her mind or add to her worries if he revealed that the military was, in truth, searching for him?

The idea of witnessing her reaction piqued his curiosity, but he hesitated. He didn't want to disrupt the peace they had found. If she took the news calmly, it would be fine. But what if she panicked and fled? Would he lose his first friend on Blanc Planet?

Indeed, Ceid had come to view Ayda as his first friend in this new world.


Ceid lingered behind, his gaze filled with excitement and growing anticipation as he watched the workers install the electronic appliances and display monitors.

As the final piece fell into place and the holographic projection illuminated the space, the reception hall was bathed in an ethereal glow. He couldn't help but marvel at the transformation. The once dusty, abandoned shell had been replaced by a majestic hall, ready to embrace the future.

Among the workers, Ceid spotted Borris, who diligently oversaw the entire installation process as their leader, ensuring everything ran smoothly.

This made Ceid truly appreciate Luxell's commitment to keeping his promise and delivering a dependable construction crew.

With a veteran construction crew at his service, Ceid knew he made the right choice. Their previous expertise in modifying luxurious reception halls, complete with state-of-the-art holographic projections, ensured a seamless and flawless setup from the first boot-up.


"This is amazing, Borris," Ceid praised, clapping the foreman on the shoulder. "You and your team have done an incredible job."

Borris grinned, wiping sweat from his brow. "Thanks, boss. We put our hearts into it. Wait until you see the cafe tomorrow. It'll be even more impressive."

But Ceid's smile faltered. "Tomorrow," he echoed, a sudden worry clouding his gaze. "Even if the cafe is ready, who will cook food for us?"

Borris blinked, momentarily confused by the sudden change in Ceid's demeanor.

Ceid quickly composed himself and offered a reassuring chuckle. "Ah, yes, well, keep up the good work. I'm looking forward to your surprise tomorrow," he said encouragingly.

After exchanging a few more pleasantries, Ceid decided to explore the other floors.


Ceid began to ascend the floors slowly, inspecting each floor for their progress. But his mind was preoccupied with the thoughts he had when he was talking to Borris.

After the cafe was ready, I needed not only a cook. I would also need someone to serve. To be exact, a waiter or a counter clerk.

However, he was acutely aware that hiring too many individuals would heighten the risk of exposing his true identity.

At this point, he remembered back to the hologram showcasing the building. It somehow reminded him of the restaurant from there.

Maybe I could set up something different. Something... unique?

Yes, I could set up something unique but also automated and efficient—a next-generation service, so to speak.

As for Ayda, he planned to have her as the shop assistant– his story to the soldiers wasn't entirely fabricated. But whenever he thought of Ayda, he became hesitant.

As he reached the top of the building, Ceid stood near the floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the neighborhood.

The construction workers had begun to carve out the floor area between the 4th and 5th floors to create the planned lounge room. Ceid could already see the two floors merged, resulting in the floor-to-ceiling windows in the lounge area towering at over 10 feet in height.

From this vantage point, the expansive space before him offered a breathtaking view.

At this moment, no one was near the area. As he looked at the scene below, he murmured, "Though I said this, I'm still unsure whether or not Ayda is interested in being hired.

Up to now, I have never conveyed my intentions. It's been nothing more than a one-sided wish of mine."

Thinking of here, he sighed.

With the weight of her burdens and worries, he understood that she likely saw this place as nothing more than a temporary refuge. When the time came for her to move on, she might depart without hesitation.

After all, her concerns still centered around her mother and brother, both lying unconscious in hospital beds.

Plus, could he honestly offer her partnership, knowing the weight of his secrets and tasks?

But thinking about the cafe, he realized he still needed a real chef to cook.

After receiving his task, motivated by the allure of quick profits from interdimensional goods, his initial plan had been ambitious.

Instead of starting small, he had invested in a multi-story building. While this decision provided ample space for future growth and expansion, it also brought a daunting operational burden.

He envisioned needing a receptionist and an assistant for the reception hall, a chef and a waitress for the cafe, security personnel, a building manager, a finance officer, an administrator, and a person in charge of human resources.

Even if he ignored the security personnel for now, he'd still need three to five people!

He'd gone from managing a simple shop to becoming an owner of a small enterprise. And keeping his identity and mission under wraps meant relying solely on internal staff, which he didn't have.

Frustration bubbled within him. The sheer number triggered a headache. Retreating to his room, he sought solace in meditation.


Later, everyone gathered on the ground floor as the final systems were installed.

Monitors flickered to life as the central hologram displayed a 3D model of the entire building.

Seeing the scene, Ceid was prompted to remind Wyd to enhance the security measures for the building's system. It was crucial to ensure that sensitive data stored on the server couldn't be accessed by anyone in the reception hall or elsewhere in the building.

But regardless of Ceid's internal worry and concerns, cheers erupted as the system hummed to life.

Ceid then confirmed with Borris if the cafe renovations were complete. Satisfied with the "yes" and the promise of finishing touches tomorrow, Ceid generously dismissed the workers for the night, suggesting they rest well for their final push.

After everyone had departed and the building stood quiet, he locked the newly repaired entrance door.

As he watched Ayda retire to her room, Ceid took a moment to carefully inspect the reception hall, marveling at the craftsmanship displayed by the crew.

Ceid found himself drawn to the cafe. He ran his hand along the gleaming counter, imagining the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the laughter of patrons.

Compared to being a renowned shopkeeper, Ceid's original dream back on Earth was to open a cafe. He envisioned a place where he could enjoy a tranquil life, surrounded by books and the ambiance of a stylish cafe.

Regrettably, he lacked the skill to play the piano. However, he reasoned that he could always hire an aspiring musician, couldn't he?

While he was reminiscing his memory lane, the excitement quickly faded, overshadowed by the stark reality of the situation. A mounting list of tasks loomed before him.

"Maybe I was too hasty," he muttered, pacing the space.

"This whole grand enterprise… can I even manage it?"

As always, he began to overthink things.