
Setting up little Qing for greatness

Tai Tang Rong was the number two beauty in the kingdom, she had once been the number one but had unexpectedly been replaced by Liu Lian . She was the only daughter of the king's brother who was a Wang ye. She naturally didn't like the fact that she wasn't number one but she had to put her animosity aside and work together with the shu girl to deal with the bigger issue, Liu Lian.

Liu Lian was becoming more and more famous every day, she's the only friend of the only birth princess she and the empress sings her praises, even the emperor has been completely taken by her because of the priceless present she had given the princess!

Tai Tang Rong was an attention seeker, the fact that she wasn't the most popular female anymore bothered her more than anything. But obviously we all know she'll never be as good, no matter what she throws at Liu Lian she'll never win, why? Because Liu Lian is the main character!

The day passed swiftly, Liu Qing had decided to start leeching off his ridiculously rich Jie Jie.

Liu Lian groaned in annoyance as she opened her eyes to see an eager kid looking up at her with puppy dog eyes. He really wanted her to take him to the famous shop that everyone had been talking about that was smack in the middle of the city.

She couldn't even lie and say she couldn't afford it, by now everyone knew she was the richest young miss in the kingdom. Most noble ladies didn't have any money, instead they leeched off their parents.

She patted her brother's head gently.

"Little Qing if I take you promise me you'll behave yourself."

Liu Qing squealed before nodding viciously and speeding off to inform his mother that he was leaving the manor for the afternoon.

Liu Lian lazily crawled out of her chair and proceeded to dress up in a black dress decorated with white flowers, a white shawl and silver jewellery.

She had nothing against other colours, she just preferred black and white even though they looked a little strange.

"Mei Li don't bother preparing lunch, little Qing and I will have lunch at the Zhu Fang Lounge."

"Yes miss." She replied and withdrew, her miss was becoming the talk of the town, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. But it could become really troublesome if she decides to offend someone she should not offend.

But there were hardly any people like that, she had connections with the royal families of two different kingdoms.

Who would dare look for her trouble now?

Mei Li smiled as she watched her miss walk to the sedan with a labour maid holding a paper umbrella for shade. Such a harmonious scene, even the nymphs would be jealous of such grace and beauty.

She clenched her fists but refused to linger, she turned and returned to the courtyard.

"Jie Jie!" Liu Qing called excitedly as Liu Lian approached, he had come to admire his Jie Jie, she was really a hero to him as she had saved him from the clutches of death and changed his mother's predicament in the Liu manor with just a few words and actions. To him, she was a goddess, and with her around nothing could happen to him.

No one dared to bully his mother now because of his Jie Jie, and for that he was grateful.

"Little Qing behave yourself." She said with a sigh as she was helped up the sedan. "you're the youngest mater of the Liu manor, act like it."

"Yes Jie Jie."

"Bo Jing is older than you so watch how he conducts himself in public. Never disgrace yourself, be smart."

What was this? A lecture? Liu Qing was already feeling sorry for himself, Jie Jie really didn't like his excitement....

"But when you're with me be the cute little brother I know."

Liu Qing blushes as the sedan started to move, she was really telling him to act like the young noble lord he was in front of others and to her be his childish self, if this wasn't teaching a child to be two faced then what was it?

Liu Lian should pat herself on the back, unknown to her such little lectures will build up little Qing as a great man in the future, could this be called the domino effect?