
Seal of the Magus

After his call to Austin, Ajax bought seven modified Communicators. They had his number and access to news sites from the Shattered Star Ring, though no posting privileges. He loaded them up on a small spaceship he bought, nothing special really, but he got a good deal for it due to the announcement that Austin made right after the call.

Who wouldn't want to give a discount to The Magus' Adopted Son.

He set the navigation and headed for Planet Aquamarine, and started learning a few Advanced Knowledge while on the way. He had bought some materials and used the workshop on the ship to build some equipment. Mainly a Lightweight mech similar to the Viper that he called the X-23 Mechanical Suit, some Electromagnetic Weapons, and a few Heavy Mechanical suits that were similar to what he could remember about the Sunil Enlisted Mechanical Suits.

In the end, he timed his actual arrival with the Launch of 1.0. His ship entered the atmosphere and he received radio communications from the six nations. His reply was two fold. They should choose a landing sight, and they should invite Bennett Anderson to the meeting between them.

The six nation's leaders were a little upset that someone outside of them got invited, but still complied. 

At the meeting site, he kept his ship in the air and landed in a drop pod. Several players started coming closer, since they could see the ship floating there. The leaders gave their respects to the elf that came out of the pod.

"Hello, and welcome to Planet Aquamarine," Bennett said. 

He had been nominated to talk first, since he was called by name to the meeting.

"Hello, It is nice to meet you. First things first. Can one representative from each nation and Bennett Anderson come forward, I have a gift for you," he replied.

The leaders walked quickly and excitedly towards Ajax. Ajax in turn handed each of them a communicator.

"My Father, the Beyond Grade A, The Magus Austin, has allowed me a little selfishness. What he granted me was the right to give your planet a bit of support. These Communicators currently have access to calling me, and to view the news in the Shatter Star Ring. I understand you are probably disappointed about not getting the right to post to forums or contact others, but trust me when I say that now that this planet has some actual support, there will be those who would try to use you to both garner my father's attention, and take advantage of the situation by giving bad deals to you without you knowing."

The leaders nodded, taking advantage of others was something that happens quite often.

Ajax gave them a moment, then continued, "That is why all contact will go through either me or my father until the understanding of your nations have reached a level that will prevent unpleasant results. Any questions?"

Bennett asked one that they all were thinking, "Why did you single me out?"

Ajax smiled, "Because you are a neutral party. The six nations might try to do something that could hurt the people in the long run when they have access to more, so you are the person who will be a sort of balance to them. I will contact you when making decisions for the viewpoint of a neutral party, along with the six nations so I can get a clearer look at what must be done. There are cultural differences between us after all so it is important to see as many sides as possible."

Bennett smiled, and the six nations realized the extent Ajax was willing to go for them.

"Now, let me introduce myself. My name is Ajax. I don't use my family name, since it might cause people to treat me differently when I wish to do things incognito."

The leaders thanked him and invited him to their capitals. He replied, "Sure, I wouldn't mind meeting some of your trusted people. Perhaps I might find a companion to work as an aid or to give me their viewpoints on improvements to the planet that can be done. Now, let's start with…Stardragon."

Having made his decision, Ajax traveled with the leaders of Stardragon to the Western Capital and was allowed to wander the city with a few agents to act as security.

Ajax took the time to speak to the agents and get a feeling for how things were going on the planet.

'Wait, there isn't a Zero? Then is this a different timeline?' he thought.

He checked the forums and didn't see anything related to Zero on them.

'Interesting... But this means that Aurora will be killed eventually. I might need to deal with that situation somehow.'

Everywhere the went in the capital, there were players gawking at him, since he was someone who came to the planet to support it. Periodically, Ajax would invite some players to get some training from him, making him a Special Trainer in their eyes.

A random question from a player caught the attention of the agents that were walking with Ajax.

"Can I go to space with you?" a player asked.

"Perhaps if you show promise, I can take you with me as a member of my Mercenary Group," Ajax replied.

The agents took note of what he said. It was possible to go to space with him!

Di SuSu, who happened to be on guard duty asked, "What would be considered Promise?"

She too had an interest in going to space. He smiled at her and brushed a bit of hair behind her ear.

"Well, you show promise already, but normally, they would need to be Grade C to be useful there."

She lost a bit of her normal flirtyness and blushed a bit, "But I am only Grade E..."

Ajax leaned in and placed a hand on her waist, "Well, I wouldn't mind getting you a proper trainer, if you didn't mind becoming my lover."

She felt the desire to become strong and to prove herself rise, and she nodded with a bit of a flirty smile, "Sure, but do you mind if I bring my best friend too?"

She wouldn't forget about Lin Ya Lin, who she liked to tease.

"Depends on if it is your boyfriend or not," Ajax said with a smile.

"No, it is a woman. Perhaps she could help me take care of your 'needs'."

"Perhaps," he replied.