
Ajax City

Some players that were nearby recorded the event and a thread was started with people making various comments.

[This is how a man should act! Take a woman in hand and have her friend join too!]

[Why can't I be this lucky?]

[Well if you were as handsome as him, you probably could pick up girls just as easily ;)]

When Ajax left the Western Capital, he brought his two new girlfriends with him, much to the joy of Stardragon. They had inside women now!

Ajax went over to the other Capitals for a few days each, with the number of women being his guides and guards increasing after it was known that he had taken two agents of Stardragon as lovers.

After his tour, he had acquired another five women, each being Grade E supers. He didn't want to deal with people who weren't able to be supers being in his retinue, but he made sure to give each a bit of time while he traveled. 

He decided to build a city, so he called in contractors to come build a city expediently, resulting in Ajax City appearing in the location that Black Phantom Sanctuary 3 was in the story. He reached out to the wanderer camps in the gray metal wastes and they joined for an easier time surviving. Soon, word had spread and Wanderers from all over the world had started coming, quickly making more construction necessary, which brought players to work for the city.

All of this culminated in Ajax getting a Faction of his own, which he called the Elven Dawn Faction. The only two that were in his Harem were Di SuSu and Lin Ya Lin, the rest were given the position of perspective assistants and aids for his organization.

He gave instructions that if the Germinal Organization approached, they were to be brought before him for a meeting.

A month after his city was built, a Germinal Agent finally showed up. They were spotted quickly and brought to a meeting room where Ajax sat waiting for them. Di SuSu was seated at his side, to give her opinion on things.

The agent was named Borin, or at least that was what he called himself. He presented a conference device that lit up with the image of the Germinal Leader.

The Germinal Leader examined the elf before him for a few moments before speaking, "You are Ajax, correct? I wonder what the so called Six Nations have told you of the history of this planet?"

His voice was raspy as he spoke, and after Ajax motioned for him to continue and the silence of Di SuSu, the Leader spoke again, "Did you know they ripped other peaceful countries to shreds, all to control the world. They broke promises and slaughtered innocent people. My life was changed by their cruel hands."

Ajax nodded, "This is the story of many worlds, but have you not sacrificed innocent people for your own ambitions?"

"A necessary evil to put an end to the regime of corrupt people who only intend to devour the weak and abuse the poor."

Ajax smiled, "Oh, then if I unified the world under a new leader, would your conflict end? Would you be content with that?"

Di SuSu looked conflicted but stayed silent to see where this was going.

The Leader nodded, "If they didn't hold the power to stop the new leader from hurting anyone again, then sure. I would accept that. But who would you place as the new leader of the world? Someone of great ambition...perhaps you?"

Ajax shook his head, "No, not me or someone who wants the power for their own gain. I would pick someone who has shown in the past to be for the people."

The Germinal Leader looked surprised, but then asked in a quiet voice, "Then who?" He spared a glance at the woman he had found out was in a relationship with him.

Ajax smiled, "I heard a story of an agent from a country that abandoned that country to save people. He isn't against the killing of others, but he wants there to be order to even that. I am sure you know who I speak of."

"Bennett Anderson?! Hmmm," the leader thought for a few minutes then nodded, "I could see him leading well, but I doubt the current Six Nations would just give you their countries. How would you manage that?"

With the same smile, he said, "I would offer them a Retirement Package. Bennett would have the main power but they would become Special Regions. The Ruling Law would be placed in the hands of Bennett, but while the Six Nations adjusted to being United, they would maintain some of their rules to keep the peace. After some time, they would be settled to some planetary laws, and some regional laws."

"What makes you think they would allow that and not just stay in power while pretending to be Unified?"

Ajax nodded, "That is a risk, if they want to lose all support from my father and me. But there is one thing you seem to be confused about. They would need to dismantle their armies if they agree, only keeping a peace keeping group for each region so crime doesn't spread. Of course, that means you would need to no longer be a threat either."

The masked man nodded and gave a sigh, "I can agree to that. What would it take to show I will stand down aggression after they become Special Regions?"

Ajax put a hand to his chin and thought for a bit, then he answered, "There is a Legend from a time called the Exploration Era. During that time there were two sisters, One with the power of Life and one with the power of Death. While I was doing research on this planet, I heard of two girls that seemed similar. Though one disappeared when nobody was looking, and the other seems to be working for you. Give me them, and I will take that as your proof that you would stand down. I would also have a job for you and the organization that you currently run."

The Leader smiled, "Oh, what job?"

"I would have you stand in the place of my city's Intelligence Division. Though you would need to keep your people from being terrorist anymore, you would stand ready to make sure the Special Regions don't do anything regrettable. You would of course report to Bennett with any suspicious activity, and he would report anything that is more than he can handle to me. What do you say?" he asked the masked man.

"I agree! They will be brought to you soon. What about my research division?" he asked after remembering it.

"No more inhumane research, but it is ok to do research. I could even offer more advanced Knowledge for your researchers to work with, so long as there are no Human Experiments or the like."

"I understand. While this result isn't as grand as I had always hoped, it is still acceptable for me," the raspy voice of the Leader sounded one last time with a relieved sigh before the call ended.