
Chapter 1.2

Chapter 1.2

Sebastian clicks his tongue and says, "By the looks of it I would say you are actors with some pretty crappy props or low level criminals who just cannot afford to make ends meet."

Turnbet felt his eyes twitch, something about the boy's attitude threw him off especially his eyes. It had this energy he could not understand.

"That's it!" Turnbet yells as he raises his sickle, "I'm getting rid of this fucker."

Sebastian plants his fist on Turnbet's face throwing him off his feet and into the air. "Please watch your language." He says in a threatening tone.

His action had everyone shocked, the once light-hearted boy had turned to a crazed powerhouse in an instant. Turnbet rolled back a couple feet's before falling on his face- unconscious.

The other bandits charged at Sebastian with their weapons in the air.

Sebastian let out a light puff of air as he dug his hand into his hair. "Very well then", he said. I did not want to do this earlier but… he thought. "Violence it is!" He said, "But can we not talk this through like matured adults...? No?"

He smiled even more as he opened his right hand. "Argen Wrath come forth", he said in a loud clear voice.

A long red blade with intricate carvings appeared in his hand out if thin air, humming a low tune. The low level bandits still at the time had not realized who it was they were challenging.

Sebastian brings down his hand in a swift motion cutting the air before him in half, the wind pressure from it sent them flying.

"Return", as he says this the sword gives out red sparks before vanishing.

"I did warn them", he said to himself.

The space before him where the bandits once were was now filled with billows of dust and a huge cut on the ground left behind by his earlier attack.

"Wow! Never knew I was this st-" He merely just wanted to give them a mere warning but ended up going a little extra.

"How did you do that?" A voice said from behind.

"Eh?" He turned back to see what was probably the last of the bandits who happened to be a female.

She had snuck behind him when he was distracted with the others. "Sorry about your friends, miss…?" He stretched out his hand for a shake and with his wide smile on his face.

In a desperate attempt to protect herself she swings her flail at him. "Get away from me monster."


In an instant he vanished from her sight and she feels his arm wrap around her neck in a friendly gesture.

When did he get behind me?! She thought.


She gulped down in fear. "You killed them you monster!" She screamed.

Sebastian takes the flail from her before she can take another swing at him and says, "They are still alive, see?" He points to their unconscious bodies scattered feet's away.

"Why don't you kill me now?" Why did he not kill them either? With that amount of power he could have…

He pat her on the head, "I never hit a woman, besides you should not cut your hair this short. It almost threw me off."

She was confused as to why he was not hostile to her, instead he was acting like he was a brother to her.

He let her go and ruffled her short pink hair playfully, "A true lady keeps her hair because it is her pride."

She felt her cheek flush with embarrassment.

Sebastian walked back to his horse and brushed the dust off it's mane. "What's you name?" He asked intuitively as he took another glance at her.

Those eyes! "Trina." Why did she answer him?

His eyes sparkled in the light like a gem placed in the sun.

"Hah?!" He looked at her with puzzled eyes.

"Caterina", she raised her voice this time. As she looked at the young man, she felt a thumping in her chest. His killer smile seemed to stop her heartbeat ten times over. She asked herself if this was what they called 'love'!

Why was he so good looking? Even his hand was soft and tender as she shook it. It sent signals rushing to her head.

"You are quite a lovely girl Caterina, but…" He turned to the unconscious bodies of the bandits. She didn't know why but she could sense that he posed no threat, at the moment. "… You keep some really bad company."

She rubs her thumbs together anxiously, it was the first time she was in the presence of a dashing young man that had not been beaten to a pulp.

"They're the family I grew up with as a kid", she said in her defence. "They took me in and raised me."

"In the dishonest art of thievery I see." He walked back to her and took her hands in his. "I did mean what I said earlier Caterina so I will be keeping this in your care till I return with the money."

With that he walked back to his horse without saying a word more.

She looked down in her hands to see a golden pendant with the carvings of a majestic bird under a yellow sun. "This seems to be something precious to you."

"It is." He said with a smile.

"And you're expecting me to keep this without selling it?" That sounded absurd even to her.

"Yup!" He smiled again.

Her mouth fell wide in shock. "Why are you giving this to me? You know we did try to rob you a minute ago?"

He looked her in the eye and said. "Well, I have taken a liking to you Caterina."

"Why?" She ran to him, "Why me?"

"You remind me of someone very dear to me", he said as he mounted his horse.

"Who?" She had to know why this stranger had done what he did.

"My Sister!"

With that he kicks his horse into motion.

"Who? Me?!" The shock she had received from his words still kept her grounded there. "Why didn't you kill the others?"

Sebastian looked over his shoulder and said, "Killing is wrong, I do not support it!"

His reply was strange, everything about him was strange.

"Wait! What is your name?!" She yelled after him.

"SEBASTIAN!" He yelled back as he rode his horse farther away from her.

Her eyes shot up.

Did he just say Sebastian? Could he be that same Prince Sebastian Of Gandigos?

She stood there with the medallion in her hand as she watched the young man disappear from her view unable to reach a conclusion with her previous encounter…

Sebastian could see it up ahead, the path he had set for himself drawing nearer and nearer and he had to reach out to it before it went too far.

They say, the BLUE EYES are the eyes of prophecy. The eyes of A GREAT HERO!

"Sister", he said, "Stay strong. Your brother is on his way."