

3.1 Sebastian Gandigan

"Who is Sebastian Gandigan?"

Turnbet repeats Trina's question.

"I can't believe that youngin' gave you such an expensive pendant ", Kam sneered. "Or that he's the. Mr. Golden Boy."

Caterina had narrated the entire story to them the moment they had woken up. About how a stranger had spared them and how he had entrusted the pendant to her.

"Thank goodness we did not lay an hand on the boy", Tyrant sighed as he mounted his horse. "Else we would have been playing in the lion's mouth."

Kam chuckled. "We did touch him, at least Turnbet did."

"Snitch", Turnbet said.

They were riding back to their base at high speed all still stunned by what they had experienced but none more than Caterina. They still hadn't asked about the pendant, neither had they answered her question.

"Turnbet? Guys?" She began. "Who on earth is Sebastian Gandigan?" She could see a wry smile on Turnbet's face and for the first time she found dread in his eyes. She thought he had something to hide.

Turnbet sighed in exhaustion and said, "Have you ever heard of the kingdom of Gandigos and the day of the Black Moon?"


"As you know Gandigos is one of the greatest kingdoms on the Callem continent." Turnbet started. "One of the greats with unparalleled riches and power, a kingdom deemed impenetrable. Everyone's dream home."

"Eldorado!" Kam chipped in.

Caterina marveled at the words she was hearing, "Such a place exists?"

"Too bad that was in the past", said Butch.

"And why is that?" Caterina asked with keen interest.

Turnbet continued, "Seven years ago everything changed and Gandigos, the great kingdom fell." They could all feel the trembling in his voice as he spoke. "It was called the day of the Black Moon!! A dark sorceress attacked the kingdom of Gandigos without warning with an army of monsters by her side, monsters so dreaded it would give you nightmares. I should know, I was there." He made a short pause before going on. "This sorceress used magic unlike any ever seen before, magic so horrid one would say it was a living nightmare, even the elite Knight's of Gandigos were no match for her evil army. This feat earned her the title, 'Black Moon Sorceress'... She had eyes filled with evil and a mouth flowing with blood, she rained down fire on that day and massacred like one driven to the brink of madness. It was a sight I could not unsee." His voice shivered within him, "We knew not where she came from or why she came but… She was a demon, we could not-" His voice trailed off.

"Turn-bet", Caterina muttered. She had never seen him in such a state, his eyes were red with rage and his voice filled with regret. It made her wonder what kind of ties he had to Gandigos. "If you don't want to, you don't have to."

Turnbet took a brief moment before going on. "She reduced the kingdom to ashes, brought down it's proud walls… even the royal family were no exception. The king was fatally injured, the queen poisoned and the princess abducted."

Caterina could not believe such a thing could occur in their world, guess she knew very little of the world she lived. How could one woman- no! Sorceress, bring down a mighty kingdom? But there was still one odd detail Turnbet had left out, "What about the prince?" Why was the prince left out? Was something the matter?

Turnbet sniffed, "By the time I left Gandigos seven years ago Prince Sebastian was DEAD!"

Caterina could not resist the urge to gasp, "Are you sure he died seven years ago?" She knew Turnbet would never lie to her. "Was that a ghost?"

Turnbet shook his head lightly, No, that was him!! I don't know what miracle they performed but somehow the prince was brought back to life."

"And how do you know all this?" Kam asked, clearly he was not as educated on the topic as his comrade.

Tyrant spoke up, "Because he was one of the forces that tried to repel her. One of Gandigos' elite knight Captains."

"The what!?" Kam and Butch exclaimed.