
Generic Naruto Fanfic No. 5

A short story is what I like. If I were to give it a title it would be a journey towards immortality but a more accurate title would be a worm wriggling

dracbear1111 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 4

I look down at a body, neck cut. A morbid sight.

Before I could contemplate on today's events, a man appeared, with a stern look and long black hair, eyes as clear as the moon which peers into the soul.

The Byakugan

On that winter day when I first heard this unusual term, I asked around. It turned out that this was a part of common knowledge.

The Hyuga clan, A traditional and noble clan of the leaf village and one of the strongest clans inside the village. The clan members almost always share the trait of the Byakugan, a bloodline trait that manifests in the eyes as a pure white pupil.

The all-seeing eye, Byakugan.

Compared to me this man has it all




I look over to inspect the man further but before I realised it he already grabbed the bag, opening it to reveal a little girl. The same Hyuga girl I saw being bullied on that winter day.

A kidnapping

How cliche

But also an opportunity, considering that I technically saved the girl from being taken away in addition to her being of Hyuga lineage. She's probably the daughter of someone really important.

No shinobi would kidnap a random child and most of all, someone as strong as this man wouldn't come to save an ordinary child.

A Hyuga child being saved by a strong man from the Hyuga clan.

Apologies for the rudeness

"Hey who-" The man started to speak with a gruff voice

"You owe me" I interrupted, with an emotionless look

I turn my back to him to walk home at a leisurely pace, remaining composed no matter the distance. The all-seeing eyes, although I don't know the extent they see better to be safe than sorry.

If I showed even a hint of giving in to words. I might have been taken to be questioned. But a kid who saved a little girls life. No one from a noble clan would force him into anything as long as he didn't show a gap of weakness.

And taking advantage of the situation. Well, let's just say someone from the Hyuga clan owes me a favour, hopefully, the higher the position the better.

When I'll collect, well let's just say I'm good at bluffing even myself. But if my guess is right they would prefer to come to me.




"It's bedtime," the matron tells the children kindly

"Haiiiii" the kids respond in unison

Following the little bobbing heads to their beds, I settle under my sheets. Not sleeping but waiting.

As I sense the surroundings and calmly wait time goes by peacefully

An hour passes

then two hours

It shouldn't be too long, it's only been a day since I accidentally saved that girl.

As I was thinking this a person appears roughly 50 metres away from the orphanage, just outside my window.

I look outside.

White eyes with a headband bearing the leaf

Looks like a jackpot to me

As I make my way outside, I look at the man I'm about to meet. An adolescent young man, clearly a youth messenger.

The Young man eyes me down clearly confirming I am the person he was looking for but also showing a surprise which he quickly hides.

Looks like he didn't expect a child to sense his presence.

"So, who do I owe the pleasure" I confidently say as I announce my intent to converse

"Hifumi Hyuga, can I talk to you young-"He tries to speak to me, likely trying to understand and collect more information about me

"Should I say who owes me a favour" I cut him off, allowing him to speak to me like a child devalues my merit, so I quickly change the pace, while inquiring about his background.

Clearly surprised by my intonation, he composes himself

"The Hyuga clan head wishes to speak with you" Hifumi explains in a calm and formal manner

I nod calmly while secretly jumping for joy.

The Hyuga clan head, my luck can't get any better.

the head of a clan represents their centre of leadership and for members of a clan, their leader's words can sometimes be equal to the Hokages himself. Even outside the Clan they still hold a large amount of prestige, essentially nobleman compared to the common civilian.

If it were only that I wouldn't be this happy, The clan leader also commands a large number of shinobi forces and often most of the members receive orders from the Hokage through the leader himself.

That's not even mentioning the leader is the strongest without contention among their clan.

So that's why I'm jumping for joy

Time to meet the strongest Hyuga.