
General ZIRI

SYNOPSIS The Population on Earth has become too much, the atmosphere expanded and interfere with the Dark matters and it led a disease known as Odiene's Curse. Billions of people lost their lives, the disease stop but portals opened all around the world and Zombies were coming out of the portals and creating choas and destruction. The Government found a way to destroy the portals but new ones keeps coming up, everyone has to join the military in order to learn how to protect themselves and loved ones. Ziri was a young boy that was caught up in the mess, he became an orphan but he went on to become a General and great warrior, but what he truly desire was peace, it seems impossible as the war upgraded from a war between humans and zombies to a war between humans and different aliens from strange dimensions and his adopted father stood as an obstruction in his path. Ziri father wishes for a world without suffering and in order to achieve that world, he has to kill adults and train the children to love and care for each other but it will lead to the very mayhem that Ziri was avoiding. The Question is who will prevail. The Aliens and Zombies Ziri, the peace maker or His Father , the world cleanser Find out in this thrilling novels.

Decopied · Fantasy
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28 Chs

W.H.B Tournament

An Helicopter arrived in the school premises, Marshal Aaron and some soldiers stepped out, he was strapped in bandage all over his body.

The teachers lined up and saluted as they escorted him to the office.

Bernard is going too far, he is creating monsters, the members of the Chasters that brought down all our trained soldiers and even gave me an hard time,most of them were children between the ages of sixteen to twenty. "Aaron stopped pacing around and went back to his sit, the teachers were all standing except his assistant Mandy"

When I was in the hospital, Croc and some of a young Chasters teleported my room and dropped this latter."Aaron brought out a paper from his pocket and read the contents "

Dear teachers of the W.H.B, you were meant to teach us how to survived and protect our loved ones but you are after our lives, you made live a living hell for us and we shall revenge soon, you shall pay for your sins, we either change or destroy W.H.B.

Yours Sincerely Victims"Aaron stopped reading the content and faced the teachers", let's prepare for war, locate and gather the talented ones from hades we need new highly talented recruits, they shall be our army and monsters, hades is going to host an event that will attract talented ones, I will send you the description but make sure that all the bloggers spread it around as fast as possible cause ,it is starting tomorrow. "Aaron stepped out"


The internet was buzzing with the news, W.H.B has launched a competition in an underground fighting arena called Hades, there are going to be seven winners, the winners will be given a sum 100 million dollars and automatically become a soldier with the ranking of a captain.

Ziri was at the training center with Franklin.

Come out , come out you idiot "Ziri shouted and was swinging his hands, he sighed and turned to Frank", I can't activate my power, but whenever I am in danger, the ability will activate automatically "

While Ziri was talking ,Frank took one of the chair and swing it at Ziri, it hitted Ziri face and he fell down with the chair on top of him ,Frank quickly removed the chair and help him up.

Were you trying to kill me"Ziri said and spit blood out of his mouth ,several pieces of his teeth fell out ,dark energy covered his face and his wounds started healing.

I thought you said your powers activates when it senses dangers, but it activates when you senses the danger,it can't protect you from dangers you are not aware of."Frank said with a smirk", how do you intend to beat the Marshal like this, one hit from him, you are gone.

My father always told me to avoid toxic and negative people, I can see you one of them if you aren't going to advice or help me,get out "Ziri said in anger"

I was here before you, you the one to get out "Frank replied and continue with his exercise".

Ziri hissed and went to his hostel ,he lied down for some time before coming down, he went to his laptop and search " ways to gain control over ones power", he was reading different advise on the topic when he came across an ad.

The W.H.B is holding an event , it will be a fight between high dark beasts and humans ,there are different stages and risk of dying , the stages are between one to twenty and each stages come with different rewards."A blogger was introducing the competition in an ad"

Wow, this is what I need to grow stronger"Ziri said and applied "

Few hours later, Frank came into the room.

Frank, I have find a way to grow stronger, take a look"Ziri showed Frank the advertisement on his laptop"

What, you have already applied, did you check the chairman of the competition? "Frank asked"

There is no chairman, W.H.B are the ones hosting the competition "Ziri replied nonchalantly"

Frank didn't responded but was operating the laptop.

My suspicious was right, Marshal Aaron is the chairman and he is going to recognzise you."Frank said" he will kill you immediately he sets his eyes on you.

I saw Aaron when he stepped out from the helicopter, he can't appear on the public like that, someone is going to represent him."Ziri argued while frank went back to the laptop to check if Ziri was right"

You are right, Tim is the host of hades but her assistant will her "Frank explained", one of the requirements is for the participants to fight him, he will gauge their strength and check if they are strong enough for the match.

Let me see the person ,I am going to beat black and blue" Ziri stood up and looked at the laptop, he gasped immediately he saw the person "

He is the one ,is him"Ziri shouted and woke Richard up"

Ziri be quiet "Richard said and used the pillows to cover his ears before going back to sleep"

I am going to that Tournament, I am going to kill him, he his going to pay for Dan death."Ziri said and gnash his teeth ,his veins on his neck became visible, he turned and started packing his clothes and his personal property"

Wait, who is he" Frank asked"

He is the spy that my dad paid to spy on me, when I joined the tech militants, he infiltrated the gang and contacted the police, he is going to pay, he is going to pay "Ziri said in tears"

Ziri you can't do this alone ,you will need the backing of the Chasters "Frank said with a concern looked"

Ziri ignored and continue packing few of his properties, he zipped the bag and was going towards the door when Frank called him.

Wait, I am going get one of our members with a transformation ability to change your face so that you won't get into trouble before the Chasters help you out"Frank said and rushed off, few minutes later he came back with a female teacher.

He is a member of the Chasters and he is a participating on W.H.B tournament, please change his appearance so Aaron won't kill him on first sight.

The woman was about to put hands on Ziri head ,when she turned to frank and asked

"will he going to do something that will attract attention"

Why as you asking me that question, just do what I asked you to do"Frank answered"

I need to know the kind of face I will put on him, I don't want to pit a face that will be easily noticed.

Yes,he will.

Okay "the lady answered and put her hands on Ziri heads, her hands glowed white and Ziri whole appearance changed, he became a young man with a well shaped body. He tooked his bag and went inside Car then he drove off.