
General ZIRI

SYNOPSIS The Population on Earth has become too much, the atmosphere expanded and interfere with the Dark matters and it led a disease known as Odiene's Curse. Billions of people lost their lives, the disease stop but portals opened all around the world and Zombies were coming out of the portals and creating choas and destruction. The Government found a way to destroy the portals but new ones keeps coming up, everyone has to join the military in order to learn how to protect themselves and loved ones. Ziri was a young boy that was caught up in the mess, he became an orphan but he went on to become a General and great warrior, but what he truly desire was peace, it seems impossible as the war upgraded from a war between humans and zombies to a war between humans and different aliens from strange dimensions and his adopted father stood as an obstruction in his path. Ziri father wishes for a world without suffering and in order to achieve that world, he has to kill adults and train the children to love and care for each other but it will lead to the very mayhem that Ziri was avoiding. The Question is who will prevail. The Aliens and Zombies Ziri, the peace maker or His Father , the world cleanser Find out in this thrilling novels.

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28 Chs

Tech Militants

Ziri woke up and found himself in a strange room ,there was bed everywhere, and he was lying down on one, there were some pieces of cigarettes and bottles of alcohol on the ground .

Arggh" he held his heads and stood up",where am I ,this must be Dandy home, but why is it so dirty

The door opened and Dandy walked in.

It took you a long time to wake up"Dandy said "

Did you drug me ?

Am soory i did , I didn't take you to my home, we are in my dad special training area, no one is allowed to know the location of thus area , apart from members of his group.

Like a cult

No, just a little gang

What type of gang ?

Okay,let me go straight to the point, this is a military group that trains people on how to become supermen and women with the aid of technology.

Why, are you telling me all this aren't afraid that I might spread rumors about your group.

Very soon, you will join our gang.

Ooo, you want to force me

My dad will invites, but I am sure he won't force you , but you have to accept ,in the future you are going to have a great responsibilities on your shoulders, and you have to be strong to handle them.

You talking like a seer.

Get up, let's go and train"Dandy said and help Ziri up".


Huff,huff "Ziri was panting heavily, he was also wearing shorts and was standing near some exercising machines in the gym.

We have not yet started training and you are panting like this ,we are just refining your body so it will be able to handle the train... " Dandy didn't completed his statement because he father was shouting his name angrily and was running towards the gym, the sound of his legs were echoing as the building was trying to contain the weight of his father "

Dan, Dan, how dare you"a gigantic robot came into the room, the robot looks like a gorilla, but it was very fat and massive, immediately the robot step into the room ,it stop shouting Dan name , and stared at Ziri.

Where did you got him from"the robot said still staring"

He is a new classmate dad, I was so shock when I noticed him, I thought you said it runs within some families, that means his family...

Keep quiet"his dad interrupted him and said, "FZ819" immediately he said the code , a tattoo on his wrist light up and it was absrobing the robot parts , revealing a fat man underneath, the man was wearing a captain Uniform, all the robots parts shrink and became a wrist wacth, the wacth was identical to the one on dandy hands ,it quickly strapped itself around the tattoo and covered it.

Hi "Dandy dad stretch his hands forward for an handshake and Ziri fearfully shaked him", my name is Captain Nerd, I am your friends dad, what is your full name.

My name is Ziri Chuks.

Okay welcome to the Tech Militants, it is a secret gang, threat is looming , we need superhumans to stop this threat and our job is to create those superhumans through technology , I would like you to join us ?

No problem Sir, I would love to join" Ziri happily accepted "

Okay , you have to be coming here at least once in a week for training."Captain Nerd said as he walks off", Dan, take him to Vincent for initiation or let me call it registration.