
General ZIRI

SYNOPSIS The Population on Earth has become too much, the atmosphere expanded and interfere with the Dark matters and it led a disease known as Odiene's Curse. Billions of people lost their lives, the disease stop but portals opened all around the world and Zombies were coming out of the portals and creating choas and destruction. The Government found a way to destroy the portals but new ones keeps coming up, everyone has to join the military in order to learn how to protect themselves and loved ones. Ziri was a young boy that was caught up in the mess, he became an orphan but he went on to become a General and great warrior, but what he truly desire was peace, it seems impossible as the war upgraded from a war between humans and zombies to a war between humans and different aliens from strange dimensions and his adopted father stood as an obstruction in his path. Ziri father wishes for a world without suffering and in order to achieve that world, he has to kill adults and train the children to love and care for each other but it will lead to the very mayhem that Ziri was avoiding. The Question is who will prevail. The Aliens and Zombies Ziri, the peace maker or His Father , the world cleanser Find out in this thrilling novels.

Decopied · Fantasy
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28 Chs


Croc and Mara were leading a team of fifteen students as they went towards the new students hostels.

Kill if necessary ,those fools are soo evil "Mara ordered"

Mara, we need to talk after this scuffle is over " Croc said as he glanced at a Mara angrily "

About what ? "mara asked"

I have been asking you out for the past two years and you ignored me ,I want to know what you saw in that guy that made you to choose him over me ? " Croc asked"

Let move fast before those people kill those kids"Mara said as she ran away"


There was a significant hotel near the barracks, the deans of all the branches of W. H. B were dining and wining together in one of the rooms, their assistant was also present.

Aaron you are really trying, your branch happened to be one of the most biggest branch of W. H. B"the Dean of Danab branch hailed Aaron"

The branch was already the biggest before Aaron became the Dean, Bernard did a good work, by the way" the Dean of Creaston branch said as she stood up and started massaging Aaron shoulders.

Aaron,they are some talented students among this set, they managed to knock out almost all the N.S ,only few was consioucs and that was because they surrendered Aaron assistant said as she sipped her wine"

So what are you trying to say ? , we are here to enjoy, don't spoil our mood, the fact that the government made me the president of W. H. B as made today one of the happiest moment of my life."Aaron asked"

Those children that rejected the V.I S uniform were among the traitors, please Aaron don't harm them, just give them a light punishment ,those talents are rare to come by" Colonel Mandy pleaded "

Major Abigail, that was massaging Marshal Aaron shoulders quickly pushed him and lied down on the ground.

Aaron felled on the ground and quickly got up only to see that Marshal Bernard has appeared in their room and would have strangled him if the major has not saved him.

Aaron ,why ,why do you have to put those children through that, this is pure evil"Bernard asked while gnashing his teeth and folding his hands tightly ", all the soldiers have interfered in the scuffle, they are killing all the U.N.S , majority of those soldiers are kids.

It was an order, it is not only in Ultrive branch ,it is happening all over the branches, all the Deans agreed with my plan, I know it is sad but I did exactly what you did back then the only difference is that I used children while you used adults, I am just trying to reduced the population ," Aaron replied ".

Please Aaron, leave this children out if this and do it through the adults, do you know the pains you are putting those innocent children through "Bernard asked"

Ben calm down, you are capable of solving this problem , allow us to raid mersian and we will leave earth for good "Aaron said as he smiled mischievously"

You need to stop these now .

And you also need to stop protecting those aliens .

The people you call aliens are the reason behind your existence.

And do I look like I care.

I am going to stop that nonsense.

Even though you stop them, just make sure you don't interfere with the komoyo trial cause if you do ,everyone will be against you and I might put you behind bars.

Bernard looked at him in anger, his shadows was rising but he quickly calmed himself down and teleported.

It seems like he wants to settle the scuffle, are we not suppose to stop him, "Mandy said".

No, some of those...., "the female captain that was massaging Aaron shoulders said but Captain Mara interrupted her".

I wasn't asking you" Mara said with snare".

Allow her to speak, Abigail continue "Aaron stooped Mara intrusion"

As I was saying" Major Abigail said as she eyed Mara", some of those U.N.S might survive this scuffle and the komoyo trial, they will see us as wicked people if we try to stop their protector, we have to handle things behind the scene.

You talk too much " Mara said ", Aaron are you aware that Bernard cousin was among the new students, he was even a U.N.S.

What, wow ,I have found what I have been looking for, Bernard killed my parents and everyone in my neighborhood during the pandemic, although he took care of all the children within our neighborhood and he made us soldiers but we suffered, many of them supported his cause but I refused to support him ,my childhood would have been blissful but he took away my happiness, I shall revenge, I shall destroy the children he loved so much, and most especially that his cousin, the child will never survive the komoyo trial." Marshal Aaron said as folded his hands tightly, the room became very hot and there was flames coming out from his eyes".

Aaron calm yourself down,if not you might burn down this hotel, almost all the first bacth of the W.H.B students went through the same truma."Major Alan screamed as the heat was becoming unbearable, he is the assistant dean of Vest branch"

Aaron ,you really need to calm down "Mandy joined " I was an orphan ,my parents and siblings died during the pandemic, I was at the brink of death when Ben rescued me ,the reason I didn't joined Ben was because the government will tag us as criminals and destroy us in the long run, so calm down and I will advice you to leave Ben cousin alone ,if he found out that you killed him ,he will come after you.

I am not afraid of death,when he comes, we will shall die together "Aaron said as he calmed down" Mandy go and check if he has settled the scuffle .

Aaron ,please stop talking about death ,am not ready to lose you"Abigail said as she came closer to Aaron ".