
The tale of past

Shu said," well that was easy ".

Aisha said," good job, Shu".

Misaki says," yeah! Good job".

I said," well done and we made it in time, tree starting to move".

Misaki says," lucky us".

Bloom says," thank goodness".

Aki says," so, this is maze forests, I would like to know more about it".

Misaki says," yes, even, I want to know about it".

Aisha said," me too".

I said," yes, I think it is time for James to lead the way". (Rose calls James)

James said," for here, we need to take a left turn, for here it will take 4 hours to reach my village".

I said," let's go, guys".

(the village is controlled by a mage and they have magic pets who can able to control elements, they reach the village, the head person of the village came to meet us and greets them).

The head person says," welcome to the prince, noblemen and special force to our village and James, thank you for bringing them here".

James says," it was my duties, master".

The head person says," you all must be tired from a journey, so please rest for a while".

I said," thank you sir, but I would like to the reason, why a monster is attacking the village?".

The head person says," the monster wants to take control over our village, so he can control and the rule the world".

James says," if he wins, he will use us against to fight with humans and vampires".

Zen says," if that happens, the world will be destroyed".

Ren asked," is there a story behind this gate?".

Zen says," the story starts when, vampires, humans, mages and monsters or should, I say demon, were fighting for the existence as they were 4 kingdoms exist in this world and humans and mages which include witches, fairy, etc, join the forces and later vampires agree in co-exist but the demon king didn't and because of that (humans, vampires, and mages) they had fought against demons and as the result, we won and sealed the demons in a place, humans and vampires ask them to protect the place and the mages change they kingdom here to protect sealed gate and their king given his daughter's hands (marriages) to the king of human and vampire which made, the vampires, humans and the mages as a family and the after the old king died the kingdom of magic was divided equally between the humans and vampires as the kingdom of magic was between the human and vampire kingdom".

I said (continues)," which connected the human and vampire kingdom and the kingdom of magic and kingdom of demons' existence forget as it became part of humans and vampire kingdom, as the humans, vampires, and mages were all bonded and became family, which brought to the present, if he wins this village he will spread war against each other".

Zen said," We all will turn against each other and which led to destruction as most of the population is now cross breeds and top of that humans mostly don't know about their hidden power within them".

I said," we can stop the demons, even now and if possible, make the demon's king sign the treaty".

Ren asks," what if he didn't?".

I said," we will seal them once again".

The head person said," I try to seal it many times with many different spells and it didn't work".

I said," only we know that and sure will think about again".

James said," if he tills disagree?".

I said," we will seal them".

The head person says," I am not strong enough to cast the spell".

I said," who said that only you alone will do it?".

The head person asks," what do you mean?".

I said," don't you understand, the seal was not created by one person".

James says," what?".

I said," the seal was the combination of three kingdoms".

The Alex (head person) says," explain yourselves clearly, rose?".

I said," seal itself define the unity of the three kingdoms, which shows their determination, dedication, love, sacrifices, hardship, and teamwork of them, to say it simple the seal is the made by all the three kingdoms people ".

Zen said," I see, so you say that to complete we need a human, vampire and a mage who will represent three kingdoms".

I replied," yes to complete the seal, we don't need any spell, all we need is an emotion that is why the spell didn't work because of emotion itself the spell".

The head person says," that is why I tried many spells which there passed down for generations to us but didn't work, you are a smart girl".

I said," thank you, so, we can seal the gate once again and we will all seal it together as a team".

Misaki says," well done it solving, the problem"

(everyone says, yes and smile with happy).

James says," then, why don't we seal it now".

I said," we need to give them a chance for them to choose, James".

Zen said," I agree with her".

The head person says," me too, maybe the present king agrees to co-exist".

Ren said," what will we do now".

I said," we will send a letter to the demon king and ask permission to meet us".

Misaki says," stop it".

(everyone was surprised and turn toward her and few small animals jumps on girls and all girls. The Alex (headmaster) order, the animals to stop and move away).