
The maze

Aisha said," it was good not to wake up them at 2" o'clock to finish the preparation, which saves their energy for them to handle the forest route which is not easy".

Bloom says," James the routes are very tricky and can get lost easily as the road just like a maze".

Tacna says," Leave that to me, I love solving mazes".

I said," I know, Tacna after all you are the expert in solving the maze, but we have still time for that, first, we have to pass a city, then a bridge, comes the forest which is known as the 'maze'. (an hour later).

Misaki said," I think, we should start making breakfast, I am hunger, so does boys".

I said," I am hungry two, let stop and prepare breakfast".

Misaki said," guys, James told me that there is a river and which is beautiful scenery".

Aki says," it should be near 10-20 minutes from here according to map". (20 minutes later, there reach the places).

Bloom says," it is a wonderful place".

Misaki says," I, so want to take a dip in the river".

Tacna says," we don't have time for that Sky, we need to forces on the mission which is our priority".

Misaki says," Rose, please just from some time, please".

I said," Misaki, Tacna is right and if you want, we can spend some time while returning from the mission, ok".

Misaki asks," you promise, Rose".

I said," I gave my word to you alright".

Misaki said," alright then".

Aisha," I am going fishing then, anyone wants to join".

Tacna," then, I will join too".

Misaki," then, I will help".

Rose says," well then, I will get wood stick for cooking".

(rose get wood, while Aki and Misaki collect stones).

Misaki said," I got 4 fishes".

Aisha said," I got 5 fishes".

Tacna said," I got 6 of them".

Aki says," Misaki doesn't carry too many bags at once". (bags contained food)

Misaki said," I am fine, I can carry them, see".

Aki says," watch out for rocks".

(Misaki slip because of rocks and Rose and Aki rush to save her, rose to catch Misaki and Aki catch the bags).

I said," Misaki are you alright?".

Misaki said," yes, I am fine, how about the vegetable?".

Aki says," got them in time and don't worry the fruit and vegetable are just fine".

Misaki says," shoo! .... then fine".

Aisha says," don't do that again".

Shu says," thank goodness, Rose got hold of you, you are really lucky".

Aki says," yes, Rose are you alright?".

I said," I am fine".

Misaki says," now that everything is fine, let's start cooking".

(everyone says, yes and they start cooking, Aki and Misaki start washing vegetable and fruits and Misaki and Shu start to set fire and Aki and bloom wash vessels and I dry them and all start cooking).

Misaki says," few more minutes and we will become done cooking".

Aisha and Shu," the fishes are all most done too".

Aki says," then we should call boys".

I said," Misaki called boys, I will call zen and other".

Misaki said," ok here, I go".

I said," guys, wakeup, time for breakfast". (zen opens the door in his half-sleep, see him so cute, rose start blush and look away and says).

I said," G-G-Good morning, the breakfast is ready".

Zen says," thank you and good morning ".

(all the boy wakeup and all wash their faces).

Sky said," this place is beautiful".

Brandon said," yeah, this is beautiful".

Kyoya says," I, agree with you all".

She says," yeah, and thank you for breakfast to".

Misaki says," then, let start eat, guys".

I said, "you, guys go ahead, I will check on James and come.

(James was in the carriage and Rose go to give him breakfast).

I ask," James, can you eat on your own".

James says," it hurts, a bit but, I can manage".

I said," no, you cannot so, I will help you".

James says," no, I can manage, you must be hungry, so you should eat". (rose raise her voice).

I said," stop being stubborn, your body must be hurting like hell, I know our health condition more than anyone because I injury you (reduces her voice and says), so let me help you".

James said," alright if you don't mind".

I said," would you like to join us for breakfast, James".

James says," ok, I will join us guys".

I said," alright then but first, we need to change your bandages ".

(he sat on the edge of the opened door, rose un-shirts he removes the bandages and clears him with water, James stares Rose).

James says," Rose, are you blushing?".

I said," shut up, I am going to apply for medicine now, say me if it hurt and I will stop applying it".

James said," yes, my lady".

(Rose start blushing even more than before, James would say nothing but stare her the wind blows, James says, in his mind that she smells like Rose flower as Rose bandages him, her hair covers his face and his say that hair is smooth, Rose to see him and ask him)

I ask," James are the binding tried". (he blushes and turn his face away)

James says," no, it fine ".

I said," then shall we go for breakfast".

James says," yes ". (rose hold him and head toward others, (James think in his mind, I wish you would stay with me, like this forever, James is shocked by himself and realize that he has fallen for her).

I said," you guys, I told you to have breakfast didn't, I?".

Bloom says," yes, but we wanted to eat with everyone".

Aisha says," it is rear that we all eat together".

Misaki says," yes, when in our vacation, we could not eat together".

Shu says," so, we wait for you to come". (all of them sit and starts eating with James and Rose feeds him).

Aki says," it is just like a family isn't it?".

Sky said," yes, this sure gives a family feeling".

Brandon said," sure is and food because tastier".

Kyoya said," yes, sure good job girls".

She said," yes, it is quite tasty, thank you for the breakfast".

James says," Rose, I am done, thank you for helping me".

I replied," no problem". (all finish having breakfast and boys help clean and put everything back in the carriage).

Ren says," let resume our journey as it takes three days and we cannot travel at night because of forest and road is not clear, so we should travel so much as possible in the day time, so we can reach there so soon as possible".

I said," I agree with Ren, so let get moving, Kyoya can, I rider your horse".

Kyoya says," yes, you can".

I said, "Brandon which way should, we go for here".

Brandon says," right one".

(a few hours later there enter the city outskirts, next scene at the check post).

One of the soldiers says," no enters without the permission".