
The magic pets

Misaki asks," what are there?".

The animal says," we are magic pets".

Bloom says," magic pets".

The animals," yes, we have the power to control elements, like, I control light".

Aki says," I see, you all are cute".

The animals," thank you".

The head person says," they usually don't meet with anyone and now they see about themselves is a surprise".

I ask," I see".

The animal says," we want to be their pets".

Alex (headmaster) says," if there don't have a problem".

(The animals ask them very cutely and girls would not resist).

I said," hold on, girls, I need the Alex (headmaster) permission for this".

(The animal which jumps on Rose ask her in a very cute manner and the good start asking requests Rose to keep and gather around her).

Bloom says," please, Rose even the head person said we can keep them".

Misaki says," please, Rose, we cannot be so cruel to them".

Aki says," that is right, see how cute they are Rose".

Shu says," I hate to say but even, I want them to be with us".

Misaki said," please, Rose".

Aisha said," please me too, Rose".

The animal says (ask Rose cutely)," you don't want me".

I said," alright, alright, I give up, you can".

The head person says," the animal power can be used by the master, and only the one who is a pact with them can use the element".

Misaki asks," well, how are we going to decide to whom, we want especially when all are so cute".

I said," let the animals decide with whom they what to stay with".

The first animal says," I will be Misaki pet, as my power is light and she is capable to use it".

Misaki said," ah! I am happy".

The animal says," Misaki, now give my name and then, I will be your pet and hear your command ".

Misaki said," ok, sunshine will be your name as you shine like the sun".

The animals," then sunshine will be named".

The other animal says, "I will be with Aki as I use control of nature"

Aki said," thank you, I will name you jasmine".

The animal," jasmine is my name then".

The animal says," I will take muse, as my power is to control sounds".

Misaki said," lily than".

The next animal says," I will take Shu, as my power is knowledge".

(as others were in the doing the power user ceremony).

The headmaster person says," you boys, there are few magic pets who can turn themselves as weapons, like to try some".

The boys say," yes".

(the boys got were pets, who can turn themselves like weapons and Ren, Zen, rose were a leaf out and most powerful animals come out and see that there found out their partners).

The animal asks," I will this boy, pets as, I am a shield and sword".

Ren said," alright, thank you".

The next says," I will take the prince as my master as I can turn into weapons want ever you like".

Zen said," ok, then partners".

The animal asks," head person, I want to be Rose's pet".

The head person says," what are you sure, you want to".

The animal says," yes, I can sense great power in her and she can manage me".

The head person says," Rose, this one wants to become your pet, it is a special pet which can control all elements and turn into weapons and time it can change into two weapons at the same time too, so, what to try?".

I said," ok if you say".

The animal says," so shall we do this, Rose?".

I said, "ok, let's do it".

The animal says," put your hand on my head".

I said," ok, let start".

(she does as the animal says and the animal struggle and says).

The animal said," you are very powerful than, I thought, it will be my honor to be your pet".

The head person says," that is a tigress, Rose, she is very strong to use take care of her".

The animal says," name me, my master".

I said," call me Rose, then, I will name you as snowbell".

The animal says," then, today onward my name is snowbell".

I said," can, you turn small like a kitten otherwise people will get scared".

Snowbell says," yes, I can Rose".

I said," you are a very cute and head person, I want two more for my two more friends if you can find any suitable for them".

Snowbell says," I know and these two animals will very suitable for them".

I said, "thank you, snowbell and you are really cute".

Snowbell says," thank you".

I said," thank you for agreeing with us about the giving chance for demons".

The head person says," I hope, everything going well".

I said," don't worry, you have us and we will protect you all".

The head person said," you people are our last hope".