
Rose's duty

Zen asked," if I called him".

I said," yes James has something to say for you and me".

James says," greets to your highness, I am here from a nearby village were few monsters are attacking us and taking our resources, lands, foods, and not only that but few vampires and few humans were killed in this attack and your village head person told that only you people can, help us prince and special force.

Zen asks," yes, I will help you as it is my duty as a prince".

I said," then Ren takes James to a room for rest while we discuss this matter with Alex (headmaster).

I said," Zen let us go to Alex (headmaster)'s office".

Zen and I said," may, I come in Alex (headmaster)".

He replied," come in".

Zen and I discussed this matter with him and said that he will contact kings about this and said us to wait. Alex (headmaster) called Chise who is a mage. she opens the portal and then Alex (headmaster) asks zen to come with him and me to stay here.

(the next scene was Alex (headmaster), zen and the vampire king).

The king asks," zen my son, you are back and Alex is everything alright?".

Zen answered, "father, there is something important that, I would like to discuss with you and king John".

(the vampire king opens a screen to talk face to face with king John and zen and Alex (headmaster) discuss the issue to them and kings them permission for them to go personal and solve the problem with help of special force and give them the paper which they require in solving the problem, Zen and Alex (headmaster) return to school and with some papers).

The Alex (headmaster)," Rose and zen your team can leave to the complete the mission and leave after preparing ourselves and rose these details from the royal soldier and the permission of both the kings".

(rose and zen returns and ask to set a meeting to discuss the plan which included Zen's friends who were nobles and the meeting starts and James with some high-rank offices).

I said," everyone listens to the details of recent attacks. As you can see the detail the one, we are going to face is most dangerous and who attacks the village. We have permitted to both the king and Alex (headmaster), I wanted you all to know that the prince and few of his noble friends are going to join us in this mission, here is the list of people who will be taking part in the mission. I make Riven as in charge of my absence to take care of my duties and Timmy as the defense security in charge. Now all you prepare from ourselves from the mission, we are going to leave at four in the morning".

Ren says," these monsters are very strong than the one we faced before".

I say," yes, there are but, I am sure everything is going to be fine, as I have the most powerful, reliable, and strongest team than anyone".

Everyone smile and said we will always protect each other no matter what the danger is and who we are against, one for all and all for one.

I said," now all you prepare yourselves for tomorrow and we meet at the front of the school gate tomorrow at four in the morning".

I said," Ren, riven and Timmy to stay and others to leave".

(others left the room and only Ren, riven, Timmy, rose were in the room).

I said," Riven and Timmy, I and Ren have something important to discuss with you both and the information is only known to me, Ren and Alex (headmaster), the reasons, I am not involving you to in this mission because (Ren gives some paper works to them) someone is allowing the vampires who were made uncontrollable, we found some amount of drugs in their bodies which made them to losses control on themselves and someone was allowed them into the school premises and recently the attack rate and disturbances in city and school campus are more, I want you both to investigative this matter and report me and find out about the person behind it but don't take any action against them because we need proofs and the someone who has high post is involved and behave that you don't know about this matter, this matter highly confidential and here is the permission from both the kings and my permission from the investigation".

Ren said," use mostly Rose permission to enter the palaces, you will have no problem as Rose has permitted to you".

Riven and Timmy," yes, leave this matter to us, we will solve the case and report to you".

I said," then, I will leave this matter to you and riven please don't lose control over yourself no matter what and don't get into a fight with anyone".

Riven says," yes, I will become careful".

I said," Timmy please watch over him and take care of yourselves as it is a dangerous mission and top of that only two of you".

They said," yes and we will complete the mission as soon as possible and report".

I said," then, I will leave the school and these matter in your care".

They replied," yes, and may you all complete mission soon and come back safely".

(they left the room and rose and Ren remains).

Ren says, "I know Riven and Timmy are strong but still send two numbers, isn't it too less".

I replied," I know that is why I ask a few high-rank offices to follow them as a backup".

Ren says," rose, that's very kind of you but you would have asked them to work together it would have been easier".

I replied," I know but Riven and Timmy they are strong and it will show their team and trust on each other and I hope, there will be no necessity for the backup team and as the foundation of a special force, I will do everything to protect my family and friends".

Ren says," Rose, I know you are trying to treat everyone equally, but why don't you tell anyone that you are the commander (general) and as the foundation of special force".

I said," I don't want to draw a line between me and them or loss this family, I have already lost a family, so, I don't want loss this one, I am involving myself in mission and everything to more time as a family and to ensure their safety".

Ren says," I am happy and please with our family and affection, (he bent down in front of rose) from today onwards until to the death, I will be loyal and a most reliable person who you trust, relay and dependent on until my last breath and always been aside of you to protect and become your shield in battlefields and protect you and your little family".

I said," Ren, (hugs and says) thank you from always been my side".

Ren says," I will always be by our side and protect you and take care of you".

I said," thank you".

(Ren and rose were still hugging each other and clock make sounds which break their hug and see each other they start blushing).

Ren says," I...…I think we should call it a day and rest as we leave tomorrow for mission".

I said," yes, we should ".

(they both lock the door and went to the domain and said goodnight to each other and went to their rooms. The next day, all assemble outside of the gate and leaves the school with James, few were rider horses and few were in carriages with water, food, clothes, etc, which were the need for traveling).

Ren said," I have brought Jack as you ordered".

I said," thank you Ren and Jack for agreeing to come with us".

Jack said," no problem".

I said," thank you, Riven and Timmy for coming to give a send-off".

They replied," no problem be careful you guys ".

(they said their welfare to Riven and Timmy near city outskirts and leaves)

Sky said," we are about to enter the forest, make sure to stick together, otherwise you will get lost easily due to mist and the animals are quite dangerous so be careful guys".

(They all said yes, the horse riders covered carriages as there were three carriages and few horse riders, three covered or stayed close to the carriages, one clearing the way, as all the girls rest in the carriage while boys took action, three hours later there come out of the forest).

I said," boys, take rest for some time and sleep in the carriage we will shift our places after three hours, so rest for some time".

(the girls took their places and resume their journey as boy's rest in a carriage).

Misaki said," it must have been hard from them to make through the forest as it was so mist and can barely see in the early morning or at late nights".

Misaki said," yes, thank goodness that animals didn't attack us".

Aki said," it was kind of them to say us to rest".