
Planet Eris

I said," we were waiting for the permissions, and were you not surprised that the papers and detail were ready".

Zen said," yes, I was and not only that but the sign of special force general sign was there".

Ren said," you have a sharp mind".

I said," I am quite impressed with you, yes that was for an army, now then let get going".

(there entre the gate and move towards the palace with their pets).

Misaki said," this place is well developed like ours".

I said," the gate was to just stop demons for attacking and enter our kingdoms, it is not like there destroy it".

Misaki said," I see, so it is like another world, right?".

She said," it is more like separating this place from other kingdoms by gate or wall".

Misaki said," Oh! Now, I understand more clearly".

Ren said," this place is beautiful".

Zen said," this place is well developed".

I said," yes, it is like this place was never separated from other kingdoms".

Zen said," I agree, it is not a bad idea that, if our kingdom joins, we can create wonders".

I said," yes, I hope it will be positive results to the world".

Ren said," I hope so to, I don't want our planet to meet a fate like a planet Eris".

Misaki said," planet Eris?".

I said," many years ago, Eris was having a life like our planet and there well developed".

Ren said," Eris's king wanted to rule all the planets and became an only king".

I said," he developed his world with technology, there tried to create a powerful weapon and did too and one mistake of them destroy the planet and now the planet has no life force".

Misaki said," wow! I wonder what may be the cause that destroys the planet".

Ren said," well there are many reasons like global warning or explosions, etc, there are many reasons".

Zen said," you both sure know a lot about these things".

Ren said," well, Shu is planning to become a scientist, so he has done research about these things".

Misaki said," please make sure that our planet doesn't end up like that".

She said," you can trust me with that as the general(commander) is look after the movements of a scientist, so, there don't anything thing like that or happen".

I said," I am sure Shu and Timmy will improve our weapons and became a great asset to our special force".

Shu said," thank you, for all being there for me".

I said," this, what family do".

Ren said," I can see the palace for here".

Zen said," the demon king palace".

I said," Zen and Ren if war takes place, I hope you will keep the promise, Zen".

Zen said," I will keep my word".

Ren said," Rose, we will keep our word and I hope you will too".

I said," I will keep my word".

Misaki asks," what promise?".

I said," you will come to you know".

(there all enter the hall where the demon king welcome them, he was handsome, cute and young).

The king said," welcome prince Zen and special force".

Zen said," thank you, your majestic".

I said," thank you, your majestic".

The king said," you are rose, right?".

I said," yes, I am, your majesty".

The king said," my son and daughter admire you".

I said," I am honored".

Misaki said," sorry to interrupt but how do you know about us? you are majesty".

I said," there something called the internet, Misaki".

Misaki said," yeah!".

The king said," I want to test and see, what you can do?".

I said," we will prove our capable, your majesty".

(the prince and princess see her for far and there talk to each other).

The Second princess said," cannot believe that Rose is here?!".

Princess said," look at her, she is even beautiful that the picture of her".

Second Princess asks," I am dreaming?!".

Princess replied," you are not sister and look the prince of vampires is also here".

Prince said," yes, I heard he is strong".

Princess replied," yes, but not as strong as you brother".

The king said," Rose, you and one of your friends are only allowed in this battle and you cannot change your partner after the game begins and you cannot choose a vampire".

I said," I agree, I and Shu will plan this game, your majestic".

She said," as you wish, Rose".

The king said," the game will start in an hour, until that we can see around the palace".

I said," thank you, your majesty".

The second princess said," Is this really, we are going to see her in action?".

Princess said," yes, I am excited".

Prince said," father is not going to easy on them".

I said," neither, I will easy on them, prince".

(looks at prince)

The prince asked," you heard me from that far".

I replied," yes".

The king said," amazing, it like this game be fun".

I said," I will make sure it does, your majesty".

(there came out and looks around to palace).

Zen said," you should have disagreed".

I said," I was ready for this".

Ren said," he is going to send the best men, he got".