
A small fight

Sky says to the soldier," here are the permission paper".

(rose was behind the third carriage to drink water, the soldier checks the paper and a soldier stares at Rose come near to her).

The soldier says," entering the city with such a beautiful girl and that too with so many boys around, mind to spend some time with us, baby?". (he tries to touch Rose)

I said," don't touch me".

The soldier says," well, well quiet a chick you are, now, I am even more interested in you".

(as he tries to touch again with Rose, Ren see that Rose didn't come, so he goes to check her and found that a soldier is misbehaving with her).

Ren says," stay, away from her".

The soldier says," you! Want to fight, then let's have one".

I said," Ren stop, don't need to waste your energy and time on that idiot".

The soldier says," who are you calling idiot, I will make sure you regret".

(he rushes towards her and Rose knocks him down, as rose walks away, the soldier attack Rose for behind and Ren protect her and gets wound).

I said (rises voice)," you idiot! You asked for this".

(she pulls her sword and begins to fight, hearing sounds of sword everyone rushes towards them).

Brandon said," Ren are you alright, what happened?".

(sky and Kyoya stop Rose and soldier and others see them).

Ren replied," the vampire was misbehaving with Rose and I stop him and as we returning, he tries to attack her in order protector her I got wounded".

(all of them get anger)

Sky said," what a coward, you are trying to attack a girl for behind".

Brandon says," you pick up a fight with wrong people, dude".

Kyoya says," especially who we are a special force".

(Aki first aid Ren and boys as starts fight with the soldiers).

The soldier says," special force, stop joking".

(as their fight bloom tell this to Zen and his friends and zen gets anger as he comes out, he has seen few high ranked offices in front of him).

Zen orders,�� stop ".

(the high ranked officers stop and there were surprised to see him).

One of the officers says," your highness". (Zen stop him before he says anything else".

Zen says," one of your officers messed with one of my friends, who belong to special force and, I want you to stop him, it is an order as your prince".

The officer says," yes your highness".

(then the officers stop the fight as Zen orders them, Zen follows them).

The officers say," are you, idiot, trying to pick a fight with the special force who are friends of his highness".

The officer (soldier) says," I didn't know sir, please forgive me".

Zen says," who dare you try to misbehave with Rose and not only that you hurt someone".

The officer replied," I am sorry, your highness, please forgive me".

Zen says," if you want to apologize to Rose and Ren".

The officer says," I am very sorry to both of you".

I said," I will not forgive you so easily for hurting Ren".

Ren says," it ok, Rose let him go this time".

I said," but, Ren after what he did to you".

Ren says," I am fine, just let him go this time, I am not going to forgive him too, as he trying to misbehave you and tried to hurt you".

I said," I will let you go this time, but I will remember your face for hurt Ren".

(she walks away and Zen asks the officers to bring him asides).

The officer says," he is here, your highness".

Zen says," who dare you try to behave with Rose".

The offices say," I am sorry, your highness, please forgiven".

Zen says," forgive you, I am not so kind as her, take him a put him in cell and torcher him".

The officer says," please shown mercy, your highness".

Zen says," take him away".

They replied," yes, your highness".

(he returns to other).

Zen says," We should have your lunch before, we resume our journey".

I replied," yes, I agree with you and Zen, I would like to ask a favor from you".

Zen asks," what is it, Rose?".

I said," I hear from, James that few soldiers were killed by the monster in attack if you can you get me details about them".

Zen replied," yes, I will send someone to get details".

I said," thank you also to handle the situation with that officer".

Zen said," your welcome ".

(the have they lunch and zen gives the detail to Rose and their resume their journey).

Sky said," man, that was a good fight wasn't it?".

Brandon says," that was, I cannot believe that he picked a fight with Rose".

Kyoya said," well sure, it was his fault that he wanted to fight against her".

Shu said," well Rose does not fight with anyone without a proper reason".

Sky says," yes, Rose is clam, cute, smart, kind, responsible and most reliable person, she gives chance for her opponents to leave and if don't, she starts fighting".

Ren says," rose was kind to him with the warning".

Brandon says," but that doesn't mean that we allow anyone to pick up on our girls".

Sky replied," yes but girls in our group are very strong too, who can protect themselves and fight against anyone".

Ren says," yes, they are strong, there has equal strength like us".

Shu says," I agree, that officer was sure had a hard time facing her".

Brandon says," I remember his face if other soldier didn't back him up, he would have been killed".

Kyoya says," I am sure, Rose would never kill him but she has shown him, what is it mean to be special forces member".

Ren says," he did a mistake by underestimating her after all, she is our group leader".

(everyone smiles and see the city is very beautiful and heads towards the very big bridge and they cross the bridge and goes to the other side of the city).

Shu says," how much time it will take to get to the maze forest".

Sky says," we will be there by morning".

Shu says," morning, I cannot wait to solve the maze".

Sky says," I heard for an officer, that from us across the city outskirt, we have to take the right turn led way to maze forest".

Ren says," yes, then let take a right turn".

(then take the right turn and a few hours later, in the forest).

Kyoya says," I have sensed some footsteps coming towards us".

Sky says," be careful guys".

Shu says," then our make sure to give them a good time".

Misaki said," with pleasure".

Brandon says," let get read as they are about to attack".

Sky says," and here come, the best flop attack, I ever seen". (as he stops the attack of monster).

Kyoya says," no you cannot attack me from behind".

(as they fight, Rose climb the top of the carriage and starts shooting arrows on the monsters who were hiding in a tree to help them, she sees that a monster was about to attack Ren and shoot the monster).

Ren says," thank you, Rose".

I said," no problem".

Sky says," this monster keeps coming on".

Bloom said," I got them".

Sky says," thank you, Bloom".