
Gene Modifying Spirit

He can mutate monsters and change their biology That's all Btw it's just for fun so don't expect anything great. It's best to set your expectations low Cover photo is mine, I draw it Chapter length: random This is a very nonsensical story full of nonsense.

Marx_Cipriano · Fantasy
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13 Chs

More wisps

/lightning tree

Made by burning and ravishing the tree's biological privacy and turning it into a tree with shock reaction, in short, by extensively modifying it to become a electrical source/

"Wow.... that's..nice" I don't know anymore what to do with the descriptions, nvm.

On front of me was a beautiful tree surrounded by burned grasses and floating daed fish near it's roots on the river, it's fortunate that sucmadic managed to stop the electrical current in time.

Btw it looks like a normal tree but with every so often Lightning Mana burning the stuffs arround it. For this matter I have to do something and that brings the original 3 wisps to my attention.

In the meantime, sucmadic is taking care of the excess lightning Mana in the air and thus the only reason this forest is not burning yet

I will create more such modifications to the life forms here and I need more hands to prevent the level of lightning Mana from going out of control.

I do plan at catching more wisps and putting these tree in charge of them.

Ok, let's start. I picked Isa and started to inject both fire and lightning Mana inside it at the same time. You see I can't really modify them at the meantime as I need more samples for this. I tried so many times and the only thing I can see at this wisps are cloud of Mana.

Maybe I can do more if I have a ghost sample.

I continue to inject more and more until I receive another trait to my trait list.

/Exploding flame Mana cloud

A supercharged flame that explode at the will of its caster/

I don't know if that's even a trait. Isn't it a magic? And that's what makes this wisps really complicated.

Nevermind, Isa is now a white colored floating ball of flame. I don't feel like the temperature is hot tho, maybe colors for flame doesn't really matters here, maybe there's another thing that factot the strength of the flame.

/White light wisp (isa)

A burning ball of electrical and exploding torment/

"Don't use that exploding property of yours" I just said that in a passing note as I call Dalawa. But on a quick glance, there's something that changed on Isa, there are now Arch and circles around his body composed of words and symbols, I will check it later.

Hmmm for dalawa Hmmm lemme think.... Lightning Mana and Air Mana. That will do just great

And then I did the same I do to Isa and *ding*

He has a white semi transparent body

/Lightning control wisp

A wisp that controls lightning Mana in a fix area aka a domain type wisp/

It's the first time that I heard about domain type wisp, that's new, not bad. Same as Isa, he also have the symbols and stuffs, but his have different structure and formation.

Next is Tatlo and I picked Earth and Lightning Mana

He's now a dark gray wisp

/Lightning zone wisp

A domain type wisp that can affect the natural property of the soil on a fix area of effect/

Another domain type, -sigh-

Ahhhhh I'm tired! I'm just laying on the grass and relaxing from my back pain

"How long have passed?"

/15 hours/ She's quite bored based on her tone

"Ahhhh as expected, the wind have been becoming harsher and colder lately" I look at the sky that's becoming quite dark.

/I already told you, a storm is coming. Not like it will affect you even if you spend the whole storm just sleeping here/

"Wait....I can shorten the time I have to wait by sleeping?" That only means... hahahahhahaha

/Nope, do your works/

"Awww man, that sucks"

/Do it^^/

"Fine, it's not like I have more stuffs to do to pass my boredom" Ahhhh this sucks

C'mon, it's not like there will be more humanoid and kingdoms if I just sleep! nvm

-3 hours later-

"Man, how I like grilled fish, but this taste like stones" I chewed on a fish that become one of the first victims of that tree.

The taste is aweful, I'm just chewing it for entertainment tbh. Like something to stimulate my tounge.

I then picked some random fruit that looks like it's a citrus and squish its juices on the fish.

"It tastes better" Yeah, like a sour flavoured rock, actually I'm not using any fire, I'm just using the tree. That's its purpose for now..to grill fishes.

/They should appear soon/

Lese just reminded me of something, my current goal is to actually get more wisps and I can get them by using the same Mana particles I used and they only appear on a certain time on the night.

"Thanks" I stand up from the log I'm sitting on and looks at my grilled stone(fish)

Well, it's bad to waste food, once you cook it you have to eat it. Don't waste food, buds.

After eating my food, I just lay on the ground and feeling the small droplets of rain.

"Ahhhh Isa, Dalawa, Tatlo, Sucmadic, don't let the the electricity to travel on the water because that will cause us a lot of trouble" I then gave my orders after standing up as the light particles already appeared and weirdly, that tree is producing them too, albeit it's producing larger quantities of them.

What happened next is mind boggling, the lightning Mana particles attract all the other Mana particular in the air and combining together to form wisps of white colors

"Lese, record everything and I mean everything" I hurriedly made contracts with those wisps and have them help containing the Lightning Mana in the air as I can't risk this whole forest burning down.

/Alright/ After getting her confirmation I quickly release more Mana into the air to promote their numbers and soon I'm getting more and more.

This is going to be a long night.

A long beautiful night, the lightnings are falling arround and causing the ratio of Mana to favor its element. Wisps are forming arround because and the Mana concentration is climbing as I release more Mana. Usually I wouldn't do this because it will attract a lot of attentions, but whoever will dare to enter a place as dangerous as this will be an idiot and I will also need the place to have a high Mana concentration to further my plan. The tree will eat itself and die if there's not enough Mana in the atmosphere.

I continue the cycle of forming contracts and releasing mana and preventing, no, minimizing the number of damage as much as possible by ordering the wisps to protect the surrounding from the dangerous level of Lightning Mana

/You're really an idiot -sigh-/

"I know"

And so it continues

-the elven village, probably-

On a forested area full of...uhmmm..... trees.. ._. Tree houses connected by bridges is established here and near is a barricaded cave with a strong wall.

People here are currently hoarding stuffs on the cave for the storm, mostly long lasting foods. When suddenly, loud roarings resounded from very very far away

Everyone are alarmed by the sudden roarings from an unknown place.

Everyone are curious and somewhat fearful.

"What's happening?"

"We should tell the elder"

They are used to this type of things and such things usually don't end well, it's either a big beast or an even bigger beast.

They are known for hunting beasts, but bigger beast usually give them some casualties even if they manage to defeat them all the time and not only that, they also scare away the smaller animals, thus making it harder to gather food.

This particular region only have 2 seasons, wet season and dry season.

They mostly rely on hunting and gathering fruits. Magic is something only elders can use and the most they can do are to create fire balls and wind shield.

-inside the cave-

The cave's interior is very large and going up the further you go, there are lots of men working here and also women cooking some food. They all apear very young in appearance, but don't be fooled because the average elve's lifespan was 500 years to 800 years. But the disadvantages is that they have low birthrate.

-In the deepest part of the cave-

The place is very pleasant, with fires on the side of the room to give light.

In the middle was a beautiful man sitting on a stone and another man was kneeling on front of him.

"Elder, what should we do?" The kneeling man speak in a quiet voice.

"We need more informations, we can't act recklessly. I can't put my people in danger"elder

"Send some hunters to keep watch of the surrounding while we prepare for the worst that can happen" elder

The kneeling man just nob before leaving.

to be continued

I feel so much cringe, this is so bad in my opinion