
Gems of Immortality

In an world after the Immortals the only proof of there existence is the many races said to be their creations and the Gem of Power. These Gems are the powers of the Immortal in physical form and can be used by humans to achieve greater heights. What will they use them for?

Sepia_Panda · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

In Mother Earth's beginning, beings called Immortals were created to be Her helpers.

These Immortals had control over the elements, nature, and life itself. Despite their great power, The Earth allowed them to have free will. As such they formed clans according to their desires, goals, and dreams.

Despite the many differences, peace existed for centuries, until one clan sought to rule all including Mother Earth. Their leader was known as Azazel.

Through his sly words and empty promises, he gathered a large following and it seemed like he would succeed in his goal.

However, the Earth had a champion, The Elder, the first Immortal and the only one who could commune with Her.

The Elder and his clan opposed Azazel and a devastating war broke out. The ground was ripped open, new lakes, rivers, and mountains were formed. As well as new forms of life known as Monsters. The goblins, orcs, golems, giants, and more were formed to help wage this war.

In the end, to preserve the remaining lives a duel between The Elder and Azazel was decided.

After a battle that could only be described as catastrophic, The Elder was victorious and Azazel slain but The Earth was left with deep scars.

Mother Earth in her fury stripped them of their powers and turned them into powerless humans.

However, She couldn't completely abandon Her children. The twelve main attributes the Immortals possessed were split into gems allowing humans alone to access its power.

It is said, that if you find them all then you will become an Immortal; so long as you can prove yourself worthy.


"The End"

Elizabeth closed the book and stared at her two little boys sleeping soundly as an infant lay sleeping in your arms.

The bedroom was a cozy one and not much different than what you'd think a normal two-child bedroom would be.

There sat two medium-sized beds sitting parallel to one another in the middle of the room some six feet apart.

Elizabeth Sat in a rocking chair that was placed in-between and at the foot of the beds.

Continuing to gently rock back and forth her attention changed to the window.

The full moon began rising from under a cloud and its glow wafted over her mixing with the yellow glow of the candle.

In the moonlight, her fair skin seemed to glow brighter than most and her silky dark brown hair was in a side braid. Her soft facial features became clear and her strikingly light blue eyes seemed to pierce through what darkness remained.

Closing her eyes she took in the light sounds around, the candles flame flickering, the rocking chairs wooden creaking, and her children's light breathing.

It was pure bliss to her like a symphony for the quiet night. This life she had to put so much work and sacrifice to achieve.

"Okay!" opening her eyes she moves the chair to the far wall, puts the book away, and kisses the boys on the forehead.

"Sweet dreams my dears," she says leaving the room. Heading down the hall she arrives at a small nursery where she lays her infant in their crib.

"He should be home soon," she thinks heading to her bed just as the front door opens.

In the doorway stumbles an exhausted average-height man, with an extremely toned body and semi-short dirty blonde hair.

"I'm home, Elizabeth," he mumbles.

"Welcome home, Ken," Elizabeth says, helping him move toward their bedroom. "This is the last long night right?"

"Ya, James will .. handle tomorrow. Just morning training." sitting on the bed half awake he tries with all he has to complete his sentences.

"I hope James isn't overworking. Ah! Maybe I should make him something? He doesn't have anyone to take care of him at home. I doubt he's eating very healthy."

"I'm … sure … he would … greatly appreciate … that." Ken passes out with his torso lying sideways on the bed, his legs dangling off the side and his clothes half off.

"uuuuuuh, it's like I have a fourth kid. He's lucky I like him."

Elizabeth finishes getting Kens changed and fully in bed with him slightly waking up here and there to make it doable.

"I do wish he didn't have to work so much, it may be somewhat selfish of me but I want to spend time with him, even if he has to miss work. Life isn't always sunshine and rainbows huh."

She laments as she gets herself ready for bed.

As she lays in bed staring at her adorably exhausted husband she can't help but get giddy over their family date tomorrow all five of them together for an almost entire day. As she daydreams what tomorrow will bring she slowly drifts to sleep.


It is dark, no cities close, and the moon hides behind thick dark clouds. A single dim light from a small campfire shines.

It's a rocky mountain path overlooking the ocean. Though with no lights it looks more like an empty void going on forever.

Three cloaked figures are sitting around the fire with two more that are standing guard. One guard is next to a cave entrance that seems more man-made than a natural one. The other is on the other side of the camp and seems to ensure no one interrupts them.

The smallest of the figures sits at the fire nervously messing with her hands and frequently glancing between the fire and the cave entrance.

"Will you stop it, Luna! You're getting on my nerves!" Reprimanded the largest of the figures in a stern tone. Luna looks down getting more nervous and sheepishly apologizes.

"Ember, why you gotta be such a stick in the mud? Have fun, we're camping!"

The third figure excitedly says.

"First off Aki, we are not camping, we are guarding! Second, my name is Amber, not Ember!"

"That's what I said! Ember!"

"No, it's Amber! You are saying Ember!"

"Yep, Ember"

"A M B E R"

"That's what I've been saying! Silly Ember, doesn't know her name, hee-hee."

"For the last …. No, you know what I'm not doing this. I'm sure you're just messing with me or that you're just that stupid." Amber sighs exhausted from the exchange.

"Hey! Aki is not stupid, Aki is as smart as a cat!" Aki proudly states while standing up pounding her fist to her chest like she's saluting something in the darkness.

"That's not as big of an accomplishment as you think it is. You brain-dead cat." Amber mutters under her breath, feeling the need to say something but not wanting to continue a brain-killing conversation.

Aki sits down right next to Luna making her jump "Soooooooo, why are you so nervous!"

"Um, well what if something bad happens to him?" Luna says, still looking at the ground.

Aki and Amber look at each other and start laughing.

Amber with all the confidence in the world "You really think he of all people would be in danger! I'm strong but he's on a whole other level. It's a joke that he even brought us here!"

"Ya, boss man is the cream of the pack!" Aki states with Amber facepalming at the bad idiom.

"But still he taught me to always prepare for the worst so I'm … um I'm just trying to follow what he taught me!" Luna exclaims slowly building confidence

"Well, I suppose since you're a healer that would make sense," Amber says

"Oh, oh speaking of, Aki's got a bad hangnail can you heal it?"

"Umm, I guess it wouldn't take much out of me."

As Luna goes to heal Aki a loud explosion is heard from the cave followed close behind by the ground shaking and more loud noises. A battle has broken out.

Luna and Aki both fall to the ground. Amber stands looking at the cave.

"Seems like talking didn't work out." Amber turns and leans toward the two. "Also Aki, aren't cats supposed to land on their feet? Maybe you're more of a dog."

"Aki ain't no dog, Aki, Aki was … er … was just making sure Luna wasn't left out ya that's it!"

After about five minutes it grows quiet. The three stare intensely at the entrance, waiting with bated breath what will happen, the silence eating away at them.

Throughout this the other two cloaked figures have remained in the same spot, not having moved an inch.

Luna begins trembling "Did he win?"

Amber, less confident than before "Of course no way he lost. Right?"

"Oh oh, Aki sees someone!"

Another cloaked figure stumbles out of the cave clutching their left arm which was missing from the elbow down. His face was covered in blood from head wounds. The smell of burning hair and flesh fills the air.

Luna rushes to his side "Master Ronin!" She begins to analyze his injuries. His left arm is not just missing; the stub is burnt, frozen, and has traces of rocks and plant vines in it.

"If you have the rest of your arm I can reattach it, but I can't regrow something this bad." She asks frantically.

Ronin looks at her with an exhausted, and grateful expression. "That would be impossible, he … Well, the best description would be that he disintegrated it. There is nothing left of it."

At that statement, Amber and Aki tense up, and Luna gasps. She begins healing the many cuts, bruises, burns, freezing, and more.

"I've never seen injuries this bad before. It might take me a while to fully heal you. It's not just burns and cuts, you have some severe internal damage. There is also what seems to be plant growth in your right shoulder and nerve damage. What happened?"

Ronin looks at the other and sighs, "Well, we misjudged how absurdly powerful Immortals are. Let alone that one. But it was my fault, my ego got the better of me; it won't happen again."

He makes his way to the fire and sits down to rest while Luna continues to heal him.

Amber and Aki are completely at a loss for words, they were so confident in him winning and he lost! The two follow him to the fire still trying to process what is happening.

Ronin, realizing that he must take action to help calm his subordinates, "Shadows!" The other two guards haven't moved up till this point but when called they immediately appear at his side, kneeling simultaneously saying "Sir!"

"Shadow 2 report!"

"Sir, if all goes well tomorrow your child will have successfully infiltrated that man's ranks." one of the guards reports with a female voice.

"Inform them that their mission has changed to observing and reporting information. Also, they should take this opportunity to improve their skills."

"Yes sir!" Shadow 2 disappears leaving a flurry of wind.

"Shadow 5, report!"

Shadow 5 in a deep voice "Sir, we currently have about one-third of The Nalas Kingdom nobles on our side. Though currently a challenge we could seize control at any moment."

Looking down for a moment Ronin mutters "If I didn't lose I'd probably start immediately." turning toward shadow 5 "Change in plans we are going to do a slow takeover, I want minimal resistance when we take control. I don't care how long it takes."

Shadow 5 dumbfounded says "It may not be my place but that could take ten to twenty years. Are you sure?"

"Yes, this loss has shown me I've been too impatient. We must be over-prepared to ensure the desired results."

"Your orders shall be conveyed!" Shadow 5 disappears

"Amber, sorry to ask this of you but I need you to increase the strength of our soldiers. This includes more Gem Dungeon trips. I want every soldier to have a Power Gem by the time the coup starts. You are to start the day after we get back."

"Of course my lord!" Amber bows having regained her composure.

"Aki, you will be helping Amber by doubling the time you spend scouting for Gem Dungeons"

"Aki will not disappoint boss man!"

Ronin patted Luna's head. "Thank you for healing me, you'll be helping me get a prosthetic" She looks down, blushing profusely, and nods, unable to respond otherwise.

"Alright let's rest for tonight and start heading back at sunrise."