
Gears of war: fanfic on temp htatus

This is my first fanfic novel of gears

Same_Jake · Video Games
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6 Chs

Chapter 1 Rebirth, wishes, new life

'So i'm dead and now i'm floating? in a void like place just waiting for something to happen'.

'i don't know how long i have been here for but it feel's like hour's maybe days? my sense of time is messed up.'

'But i can't seem to remember much about my life when i was alive even if i try but i still do know my name and a few games i played before but that's it the rest is a blank slate.'

'When i first come here i freaked out because i couldn't breathe, see, smell, or hear but now that i know i'm dead i calm down quite a bit.

'But i'm soooo bored just waiting for something to happen so i'm just gonna go through what memories i have to pass the time.'

Time-skip ??????? Years

"hello little lost soul"


"Who said that!"

"it was me little one"

When i heard those words a bright light flashed in front of me and out came a very beautiful lady that gave off a motherly vibe. She hade long glossy brown hair, light wheat colored skin and beautiful eyes that hade a color i could not describe.

"Who are you" i ask

"i'm a goddess little one but i must ask you why have you not moved on yet." she said

"Moved on? what do you mean" i ask

" i mean why have you not reincarnated, so much time has passed yet you're still here in the void, you were supposed to lose all your memories and be reincarnated into a new life but you are here and with your memories even if it's just a few." she says but it is more to herself that me.

"So what happens now" i ask.

"either your soul gets destroyed and the void consumes you or I can reincarnate you myself it is your choice" she said

"!!!! I'll be reincarnated than please!" i said with a bit a panic

"very well little lost soul but there is a procedure that reincarnated souls must go through and that you must spin a wheel that will determine what world you will go to and i shall give you 3 wishes but with a limit" she said with a smile, while i perk up when i heard wishes.

As soon as she finish talking a giant wheel appears before me with many names and symbols of different worlds, such as Resident evil, Warhammer 40k, Halo, MHA, HOTD. Boku no Piko, and many more but i had a small dilemma i did not know how to spin the wheel. so i look at her and ask

"How do i spin the wheel miss" she giggled a bit when i ask and than said

" you must have the intent to spin the wheel little one" she said with a amused smile

I blush a bit before doing what she said and having the intent to spin the wheel, and as soon i though it the wheel started to spin at a incredible speed at which i could not keep up with.

After it spun for an undetermined amount of time it landed on a symbol the look like a gear. I could vaguely recall such a symbol so i thought for a bit and then remembered that the gear symbol represented the gears of war universe.

I shivered a bit at the thought of the war torn world even if i forgot if not all of the story. when i was trying to recall more of what i know of the world the goddess voice took me out of my thoughts.

"little lost soul your world has been chosen now tell me what you 3 wishes are so that i may help you move on but do remember your wishes have a limit." she said and i started to think for a while before speaking because if i was going there i needed to choose carefully.

"For my first wish i want a strong body that is somewhat resisted to imulsion, my 2 wish i want a strong willpower and determination. and for my final wish i want a system that will help me keep track of my progress".

"very well little lost soul now that the preparation's are done you, can now be reincarnated, enjoy this life you were given and goodbye" as she saids that i feel my self slowly disappear but before that i ask her for her name.

"Wait what is your name miss!"

She smiles softly at me when i ask and than said "my name is Renata little one"

And before i completely disappear from this place i tell her my name and then i appeared in a wet, dark, and warm place with distant voices the appear from time to time and before i can observe more i was hit with a wave of drowsiness that put me to sleep.

Author Note: i hope you like this prolog for this fanfic of gears of war if you did not pleas leave a comment so i can see where i need to a approve upon at. THANK YOU.