

Today is another sunny day at Nier, and even though it is a great time for a picnic, Machine present is increasing to even higher in this region every day.

"That's another group of machines that got killed"

Another dead machine was spotted, it was killed by our patrol team 2 KM away from our Main base.

"Is there a problem with it Commander?" Eva Said

"Yeah, if I am right who over controlling these Machines, is planning something" I answer with a Grim expression

Even though I try my best to stay hidden it won't be long before they find us

so before we lose our momentum of surprise, we decide to strike first while it is hot and our first step is gathering information.

And that's the Sniper team coming in

"Sniper team ready," a voice said to me when I select the unit

"Sniper team do you have a visual of the place?" I ask them

"Yes sir"

If the information and location are correct, we are now seeing one of the Resistance camps where Android lives and if I am right the leader from the picture I am seeing is none other than.

Anemone, I am sure of it.

Now I can accept this is Nier Automata's world.

Since that day when I enter this world with nothing more then MCV, I try to reflect my self and accepted the truth.

I was not in my world, but a dead world where Androids and machines fought endlessly against each other.

Even after all the obvious red flags like the dead machine and city, I keep ignoring it the truth.

But when I saw the familiar people I knew it was Nier's world.

...Anyways how I managed to find them is simply using 10 sniper teams to each of different directions on the unknown map to make it worse I can not let the Machine know about it, but it finally it bear fruit (except the desert, even if they are units from the game, they can still feel the heat) I could send a satellite to space but right now I am running a stealth mission and seeing a rocket only going to make us a target

Of course, there was a risk of Red Girl knowing our location, but I have a reason I have confidence in doing this

One of our Engineer has been gathering intel on the machine of course that was very risky but this is important intel on what kind of enemy we are facing

Our engineer said there is no scanner on the body or anything inside the machine, they conclude that they rely purely on visuals if they want to know what they look like, and from the look of it they seem to connect some kind of network, But the engineer also said that even if there is no scanner that does not mean we can let our guard down

The engineer also said that if we kill the machine the memory bank will be transferred back to some kind of network, Eva tried to find the so call Network but she is unable to find it because of the unknown Network or different technology, so in other words, we have to be careful of what we are doing

"Sir we spotted a person leaving but I am confused"

"Confuse with what?" I rise my eyebrow

"They are wearing gothic clothing??"

"Am I seeing right? why would they wear gothic clothing here?" his other partner said

"I don't know maybe a new trend that we don't know about?" He shrugs

While they idle talk from my point of view the person I Saw and I am familiar with the description of gothic clothing is only one group

YoRha, they are the only one that wears Gothic Clothing even if it is in the middle of a war.

That means the Canon has not been started yet and we have a bit more time.

Oh yeah if you are curious about where I am.

I am currently sitting on the edge of MARV while looking over the area

A squad of infantry from Rifle Squad, Missile squad, APC, Pitbull, and other units can be seen patrolling the area over the road every hour to guard the base, reason? because the Base is filled with unmanned vehicles and the number over a hundred Vehicles with more vehicles in other areas that are hidden

It has been a week at GDI Base, our base growth was getting insane high because I was very busy increasing our base cappebalites

When I notice which world we are in I was getting scared that I build an insane defense on all sides, Watchtower, guardian canon, AA Battery, sonic Emittery even a new defense Sam turret

Of course that requires power so each wall has it own power plant

Another thing I want is some insane firewall to block hackers from hacking and even a Disruption tower to hide our building, of course, this request confuse Eva but I insist anyways because I was scared of red girl, I don't know what Will happened to my building if it suddenly changes color and I don't want to know if it really happens

Anyways I have been clearing out the area with Zone Trooper and Zone Raider cause they are extremely effective against those machines another reason I use those guys is that I hope they are not getting spotted as humans at first sight

well those maniac kinds of enjoy their job anyways, I switch my camera from the sniper team to Zone Trooper and Zone Raider that I sent for daily cleaning

(Zone trooper and Raider POV)



One of Zone troopers smash the machine with a bare hand

"These guys a lot easier than Nod" Zone Trooper 1 said


Zone Raider 2 flies from the sky using his jetpack and lands on one of the machines instantly destroying the landing

"They really are fragile," Zone Trooper said while shooting his Railgun at the Goliath tank instantly Penetrating the Goliath tank and destroying the vehicles as leftover part

"Nice shot!" One of them screams in the distance

"Not yet, there's more coming!"

We they heard this they look over and saw 4 Goliath tanks with some machines behind them, leading the charge to us

When they saw this they had huge grins across their face "Who overkill the less have to clean the entire barracks!"

"Oh you are on"

They immediately run to the horde of machines while shooting their guns and laughing alongside

(Commander Pov)

They sure are having fun right now, I smile wryly at seeing my troops doing that from my screen

While I was watching them from the distance another group was watching the show from the shadow of the building.


"Who are those armor people?"

"...I don't know, I never saw that armor and guns even though I have already lived for 236 years" One of the older androids said

"We should report back to Anemone about our situation."

"Yeah let's do that" They nod at him and they leave quietly without anybody's notice

(Anemone Pov)


A stack of paper drop to the table

"These are the next report Anemone," She said

I look over the report that she gave me ".....Another one?"

"Yes, we spotted another machine destroyed, no trace who over the other than some hole from gunshot"

I sigh at hearing this news again for this week.

These day machines present has been decreasing around the region and we spotted some machine was destroyed in some area, I have no clue if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

While I was reading a report I saw a group of scouts that I send to find the anomaly coming to our room

"Anemone we have something to report," Random Android 1 said

"What is it?" I ask them while still focusing on the report

"We have found the reason for the decrease in machines around the region" that instantly peek my interest

"Oh? then don't make us wait and tell us"

"Well.. there is an armor group with a weird weapon 3 km west" One of them give me a photo of it "and they seem the reason for the decrease in Machine"

The armor they wear is weird, it is full-blow metal armor that covers the entire body "And why is it weird?"

"They are using some kind of weapon that launches at great speed that when it hit, the machine was instantly destroyed, even Goliath was not spared"

Anemone was beyond shock when she heard this.

A gun that can kill Goliath? If I have those I can secure this camp with a better chance. Maybe I can negotiate with them so I can buy the gun for myself?' I thought my self

"Thanks for the report, you can go back to take a rest, you deserve it" They nod at me and leave us alone

"...What's your plan Anemone?"

I look at the vice Leader with a smile"Is not obvious?" I grab the nearby Rifle I keep and make a stand "Gather information about our little neighbor, Go gather the best android, and let's go find this weird armor person"

"Understood" She salute me and leave

After she leave the room got quiet

Hahh so tiring being a leader, I need a vacation if I have the time, but duty calls. I stand up and get a thing the rest of my equipment.

(Commander Pov)

"MARV WAITING FOR ORDER" I got out of a daze when I heard this

I look over at the guy beside me "No" I instantly shut down his request

"PLEASE LET ME KILL THEM" he shakes my body while crying

(if you are all curios who is he? he is The First person that drove MARV named Zake)

oh come you are an adult for God's sake "No means no, MARV are literally soo huge that you do not fit inside City and we are running on a stealth mission not aggressive," I took off his arms from my body "Another thing MARV suppose to be our trump card, we can not spare a single MARV to lose until we know what we are facing"

The guy grumble while not looking at me 'Well can't blame him, his other member are having fun killing while this big guy is staying at our base not doing anything

"I thought you already have fun yesterday?"

(2 Days ago)

"YEAHHH" Zake Scream as he use the MARV to ram the vehicles to Goliath

"Hah you are Soo small!"

"TASTE HOT Sonic!" Zake then aims his Big gun at a group of machine


Zake Shoot a Sonic that kills a group of Machine


while he is having fun killing machine I was in disbelieved Seeing him fight

".....Who the fuck hire a psychopath to drive MARV was supposed to be a good idea?"


"That was yesterday, I need my daily fight or I won't have energy," Zake says while not facing his face at me

As you can see he is a battle junkie In real life

I sigh at this and touch his shoulder "Don't worry there is going to be a fight sooner than you think and when that happened I am going to need every single one of you" I Reassure him so he does not get mad

The guy did not answer me but turned his head to me so I let go of my arms "But what are we really facing? you have just build 5 MARV and you do know 3 of those MARV can control an entire North Africa with its power alone but you are just putting them in the dust right now"

Well he is correct, there are 5 Marv here and more being built. I turn my head over the area again not looking at him

Currently, we are located on another vast land close to the ocean so I can build a Ship and Production of MARV because the place before was too tight so we need another place for Vehicles

EVA gives a suggestion to build another base for the Naval, so with her suggestion, we build another base

There are 2 Base right now, the Original base contains most of the Aircraft from Firehawk, Orca, and Hammerhead also the most secure place we have while being the main HQ and the second base or Naval base where most of the vehicles are made and store our vehicles like APC, Predator tank, Slingshot, Juggernaut, Even Mammoth tank, and MARV.

Of course, we don't forget to hide the base with the Disruption Tower on all the bases.

I even plan to make a bigger Disruption Tower for future hiding, but I scrap that idea immediately seeing as we are running out of time, and the cost for such a huge Disruption Tower is not cheap either.

"I even know what their stronger unit is what was it you call it? Goliath tank? They are no different from the Scoripan tank when they shoot those laser even those Red Ball of Energy is soo slow that even my MARV can dodge those shots what are you soo scared about??" The guy said to me with a Confuse Expression

"....I wish I know, now leave I am still busy" The guy stay quiet and looked at me but leave me alone

Once it stay quiet I got a call from my pad "Commander we have something to report"

"Go ahead" If I am right they are one of the Sniper teams surveying the area

I take advantage of the Sniper team's stealth capabilities and put them not too far from the HQ to alert us if any danger is going to come

"We have found local android while we are surveying the area and it seems they are currently looking for something, what should we do?"

"...." 'What the fuck i should do, hundred of hours playing Command and Conquer Kane wrath does not prepare me for this shit, I wish I was ready to meet them but not now

What should I do? Should I kick them out or let them in?


ANDDDD CUT, author here announcement

i got stuck because i have zero clue what my next step for the chapter was, and i am getting busy in real life so the chapter will be extremely slow maybe every 1-2 weeks i am going to upload if i am not busy

BUTTTT if you want more chapters, the only way to do it is....

support and give out ideas on the fanfic

More ideas mean More chapters i can make

please do it for me, it is free and it only takes you all 10 seconds to do it

with that said see you all next chapter

Next chapter