

This story revolves around fourth wall breaking, dimension hopping, and dungeon clearing. The protagonist Griffin Yeager has to protect Earth 131 from anything that decides to appear through a gate, that is his sworn duty as a GateKeeper.

miles_mcgriff · Action
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9 Chs

The GateKeeper

"Allow me to introduce myself, I am the Gatekeeper for Earth number one hundred and thirty-one, but first I have to explain the situation at hand. I am looking for a wolf ..or is it more human? Not your typical animal or man this beast can shoot lasers out of his eyes and has an iron whiplike tail. He is also standing on two legs, intellectual, with remarkable hearing and smell. Currently, I am standing atop of trees in the Amazon Forest, so picking out my smell should be nearly impossible. Lots of scents and sounds in the green sea filled with leaves, I'm using it to my advantage. I know what you are thinking, you must think I am weak? Red hot lasers? An iron tail? What's so scary about that? I am not being cautious about his abilities, I am more worried about the unknown. Anything can come through a gate, and I mean anything. So with that, I have come to learn to take my time when I can and properly take care of the intruder before any civilians get hurt or die. Everything is connected through gates. Gates are-... Here he comes! Only gonna take me two seconds to take him down"

The wolfman erupted out from a large grassy bush, frantically waving his arms in a circle motion. The creature desperately looking left and right, like a scared kitten standing at a crosswalk on a busy street. The Gatekeeper did not hesitate at all and went on the offensive. Due to the Gatekeeper's stalling and waiting for the wolf man to display any other forms of attacking, it was time to take out the target. The Gatekeeper rocketed off the branches, green flying everywhere, breaking the thick tree, heading into the direction of the wolfman. A golden light almost like lightning, enveloped around the man's right hand, a medium sized dagger materialized in his right hand. The dagger was a bright gold with three points like a triton, but the points were pointed out to the side, diagonally. He threw the dagger. At the same time, the wolfman realized the Keeper was heading straight for him. In a defensive position, feet planted, raising his head pointed directly at the assault. The dagger racing towards his face, the wolf dodges the dagger tilting his head to the right. The dagger now next to his head. The wolfman felt a sudden sense of relief. Now that he had dodged the initial attack and the person soaring at him is still at a good distance. The wolfman closed his eyes, swirling energy flowing within the beast. The energy flowing into his eyes. The GateKeeper still in the air, a smile bloomed onto his overly confident face. It has only been five seconds since the two have seen each other. The battle had just begun but it was already over. The Gatekeeper vanished, completely disappearing from the creatures sight. The only thing he saw was the purest yellow flicker in front of his eyes. With the same light flashing right next to the him, appeared the GateKeeper in an instance. In a fluid and elegant motion like water flowing from a Japanese water fountain, a Shishi-Odoshi. The GateKeeper catches the golden dagger in his right, and swiftly turns around stabbing the wolfman in his chest.

The wolf coughed up blood, red with a shade of green streaming down his body. He was alive but lifeless, already given up on living. The Gatekeeper laid him down on his back as gently as possible, now standing over the motionless body.

"Why did you run? Why did you have to kill the other Keepers?" said the GateKeeper

"This place seems peaceful, if only I was born here... I wouldn't have to become a killer." said the Wolf man

"What's your name?"

"My name is... my name is... Zenshi. It's only honorable for you to do the same."

"There is no such thing called peace. My name is Griffin Yeager."

Griffin's phone rang, the caller Id was his partner Orion. Orion was an older man, who followed everything by the book. Orion is called the Overwatcher, he makes sure the GateKeeper is doing their job correctly and gets rid of any witnesses and evidence. He disliked the goofy and childish side of Griffin but they made a good team so far. Orion teleported next to Griffin, in his usual attire. A black suit and a cloak around his back, with an even darker belt that carries multiple small boxes. Every box comes with a different color and decoration. Orion removes a box from his side, a black box that has red lines swirling around the box in a sporadic pattern. The perfectly dimension cube fit in his palm.

"Annihilation" said Orion

The box flips open, Orion pointing the open face of the box towards Zenshi. It was a black hole inside the box. All the blood, fallen branches and trees, and of course Zenshi pulled toward, sucked into the box. Reduced to nothing, all evidence of conflict ever being here reduced to nothing and evaporated into the box. The boxes only bend or rather open up to the owners will and reasons. It will only devour the whatever the master wishes. The Annihilation box, Sho, is a shredding machine that spits up atoms, but some owners of Sho boxes can even recreate objects that have been reduced to nothing. Orion closes the box by placing his hand over the box's opening, and pulls out a yellow box with black hands carved onto the box.

"Restoration" whispered Orion.

"NO-" exclaimed Griffin.

The box exploded, all corners of the cube except for the bottom of the box was left. A yellow square like barrier surrounded them and the forest. The whole area stopped, the birds, the ants crawling on the floor, the water dripping down from the carpet of trees above blocking the sun's rays, life itself stopped in this bubble. Time was trapped. Trapped was time. Reversal, time went in reverse. The conversation between Griffin and Zenshi, the stabbing of the wolfman, and the destruction of the trees, all displayed before them. Time moved back to the moment before it happened and reshaping life. Completely normal just like it never happened.

"Completion" said Orion, stopping the simulation. Just how the barrier developed around them, it slowly shrunk back into Orion's hand, forming the solid bright yellow box with black hands.

"Ugh.. I hate when you do that. You do know by doing that, it was completely pointless. You also do know you are supposed to do that after I leave the field? My head hurts now, I am also hearing this annoying sound. Do you hear that? It's like a dog whistle? Or is that loud pitching sound like a whale whistle?" complained Griffin

"It's your fault for being able to keep your memories during a "Restoration," that's not normal at all. It's already bad enough that I have to deal with you," Orion said annoyingly.

"Where can I even buy a whale whistle? Not my problem time favors me above most."

"That is why I have to be the one to look out for your mistakes, and keep you in line."

"Whatever man"

"Also let me make myself clear, you are not "favored" by time... your family stole time and destroyed everything!"

"Oh god. Here we go again with the stale history lesson that no one cares about. If it was such a big deal then why not just kill everyone pumping the Yeager blood?"

"Why, you ask? Because it's impossible. It only causes more destruction than any man, beast, dragon, or even gods can handle."

"Well isn't that lovely," said Griffin Yeager.

Hello, please continue to read and enjoy Griffin's adventure as a GateKeeper. If there is any way I can improve please let me know as this is my first novel.

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