
Gate of God

This is a strange and inexplicable world...Mountains, water, stones, flowers, grass, trees, wood, the Sun, moonlight, stars... All creation under the Heavens and Earths are sources of energy. In this world, there are all the classics from his previous world, but there is a new addition: The Law of Dao. Fang Zhengzhi was conflicted. I can obtain power from reading books? Should I read Tao Te Ching first? Or should I read The Art of Becoming Invisible? What about the Analects of Confucius or... The Golden Lotus? With The Law Of Dao as his foundation, can Fang Zhengzhi master the Dao of All Creation and open the gate of God?

Xin Yi · Eastern
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1117 Chs

Sword within the Sword

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

Ever since he had met with Wu Yuer, Fang Zhengzhi had learnt from her that Yun Qingwu had another identity.

The Young Demon Lord!

Even though Fang Zhengzhi was somewhat taken aback when he heard of this identity of Yun Qingwu, he knew that Wu Yuer had no reason to lie to him.

Hence, in his heart, he inferred very easily that the incidents of the Southern Mountain Range were naturally related in some way or another to this woman Yun Qingwu, especially the part about having ties with the demon race.

The four scholars in front of him were evidently of the demon race.

Fang Zhengzhi didn't need to remove the skin masks on their faces on purpose. Because, when Fang Zhengzhi had defeated Nangong Hao's formation, one of the scholars had already launched an attack on Chen Feiyu.

What was Chen Feiyu's status?