

Leo's life changes as he awakens in a new world different from the one he knows. He struggles to find his way back to his home and his younger brother. He soon discovers that the humans in this world all possess "Gates" and it is revealed that Leo also possesses a gate but is ridiculed by everyone once they find out that his gate is the weakest and most abnormal gate to ever appear in this world. The abnormality of Leo's gate eventually changes from a curse to a blessing granting him the power he needs to survive and eventually become the strongest.

Chimasper · Fantasy
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33 Chs

The Laoshe and the Shaeyu

The Chief had successfully convinced Leo that they were some kind of Super humans, capable of achieving impossible feats that people wouldn't normally be able to achieve.

"This is all breath taking."

Leo then remembered the energy boost he got when he was running in the Jungle.

"These gates that we all are supposed to possess. The night I appeared here, I was chased by a tiger looking monster or should I say animal with scales all round its body and a tail that could transform into a snake. It chased me for quite some time, and when I was almost out of breath and about to be killed, I suddenly gained an energy boost that saved me and allowed me to put some distance between myself and the animal. Did that boost have anything to do with my own gate."

The Chief was shocked. Kiva did not report that Leo was chased by any animal.

'Could it be that Kiva hadn't found him then? Come to think of it, she did say that it was the sound of roars that Led her to find Leo. But why would she skip the part of his chase?'

"We call the animal that has the features of a Tiger and a Serpent a LAOSHE. It's one of the most common animals in the jungle and it's rare to see one that moves alone, unless it's an omega."

The Chief was curious as to whether the one that chased Leo was really an omega. He demanded Leo to give a description of the one that chased him. He knew that understanding how the chase went down and the exact animal might give him an idea of how powerful Leo's gate might be.

"Well it had green scales all over its body and although it was big to me at first, it turned out to be the smallest in its specie."

Hearing this made the Chief unhappy, but he hid his emotions from Leo.

'This can't be happening, how could he have had a hard time dealing with the youngest and weakest of the Laoshes, maybe he didn't realize his power to battle it in the first place. Yes, that must have been the case.'

"Ok Leo, the Laoshe you faced must have been a child if its scales were all green. The green color gives them the ability to hide in plain sight from predators and also enables them to stalk their prey and determine if the prey is actually weaker or stronger than them."

"So that's what it was doing. When I noticed the Laoshe hiding behind some bushes and watching me, it didn't attack me right away until I stepped back and showed it that I was really afraid of it. I should have stood my ground and scared it away."

Leo said this knowing fully well that if he was standing face to face with it again, he would still decide to make a run for it.

'I was right. He never tried to fight it. This is good, I mean who can blame him. It's not unusual for people to die right after appearing here, because they are unaware of their gates although it does rarely occur.'

The Chief then inquired about the chase and how he managed to evade the monster.

Leo narrated his chase to the Chief and how the boost somehow made him faster than normal even though the Laoshe was still faster than him in an open field. He explained how they fell off a cliff and was entangled in some vines which caused the Laoshe to transfer its consciousness to its tail in order to reach him.

The Chief was surprised to hear this because he had never witnessed this ability personally, but he had heard that the Laoshes only did this while they slept to keep watch over their main body.

'This boy, in such a little time, he has already witnessed a Laoshe skill. This information could prove vital to the village. But the problem is that his gate might not be one that enhances ones speed since he was not able to outrun an omega Laoshe.'

Leo also spoke about how the snaky-tail also had the ability to elongate. He told the Chief about the fall and how the aquatic animal ate it and saved him in the process.

'I see. This must've have been where Kiva caught up to him. Her report detailed how she heard roars coming from the river side and by the time she got there, she saw only Leo sitting beside a bloodied river. She must've suspected that Leo might have been the killer.

The Chief could not hide his astonishment. The members of the village were forbidden from going near the river simply because no one among the fighting force possessed gates suitable for fighting in water. As a result, they didn't have much information concerning the aquatic animal.

"Did the animal that ate the Laoshe have the features of an alligator and a shark?"

"Yes it did, and it also had long hands protruding from the sides of its head,"

"You met a SHAEYU and it is one of the animals in the jungle that the fighting force is incapable of fighting. May I ask if you witnessed how it killed the Laoshe?"

"Oh it was gruesome, the Shaeyu grabbed the Laoshe's neck with its teeth and held its body with its claws and spun around vigorously tearing off flesh in the process. The sight was captivating."

"Did the Laoshe have any shot at survival?"

"Not one bit. Its strength paled in comparison to that of the Shaeyu. It looked like an adult beating up a kid."

The chief knew that the Laoshe that attacked Leo was one of the weak ones, but for something to kill it and devour it with ease means that this particular Shaeyu that Leo saw must have really been powerful and adding the advantage of the water, confirmed that their rule to stay away from the river was justified.

Leo gave the Chief the total rundown of his journey up until the point where he passed out and woke up in the village. The information that the Chief gathered from Leo's ordeal was worth it, but all he understood concerning Leo's gate was that it granted him an extraordinary perceptive ability which is actually a common ability.


"Yes, Leo."

"You haven't answered my question."

"Oh yes. You asked me if the energy and speed boost was part of your gate. Well from your story, I would say that it's not."

"Seriously, then what the hell was that?"

"That should be your innate strength. If your gate was a speed type or had speed attributes, then you would have far outrun that Laoshe."

"That makes sense. Then I guess that the next question should be how to activate one's gate."

The question was one that the Chief had already heard multiple times.

"I will teach you how to do it, but first I'll tell you how to identify when someone's gate is active. "

This excited Leo.

"No need to get excited, it's not complicated. The manifestation of one's gate is shown when the eye pupil changes and adopts a bright golden color."

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