

Leo's life changes as he awakens in a new world different from the one he knows. He struggles to find his way back to his home and his younger brother. He soon discovers that the humans in this world all possess "Gates" and it is revealed that Leo also possesses a gate but is ridiculed by everyone once they find out that his gate is the weakest and most abnormal gate to ever appear in this world. The abnormality of Leo's gate eventually changes from a curse to a blessing granting him the power he needs to survive and eventually become the strongest.

Chimasper · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Test your Gate 3

The gate point had announced the commencement of the test. It seemed as though the Laoshe understood and immediately dashed towards Leo who was already frozen at this point. At the top of one of the trees close to the field was a boy with a small bird on his head, the very same boy who had connived with the bird to steal the meat from the butcher's shop. Turns out that he saw Leo, the Chief and the others leave the village and thought it a good idea to follow them. He had witnessed several test this way and he was always eager to see more.

Even in his frozen state, Leo's mind was still functional.

'Why did it not hesitate like the last omega, I haven't even moved from this spot and yet it still rushes towards me. His eyes shifted to the gate point and he realized that this Laoshe might be different because it was summoned by the gate point.'

The Laoshe was almost upon him and he still couldn't move, he shifted his eyes to Kiva and the others and they were standing still without even trying to help him.

'Ahhh. Was I deceived into thinking that they would help me when I needed it? I'm dead. He was now face to face with the Laoshe.'

The boy atop the tree was angry that Leo wasn't even trying to move and save himself. He looked at Racky.

"That guy is supposed to be a Menzhu."

He gave a small pebble to the bird and pointed at the frozen Leo. The bird placed it in its tail and flung it towards Leo at an incredible speed. The Laoshe had already pounced ready to eat Leo. Kiva, Lucius and the other soldiers had already activated their gates and were about to jump in and save him although they were unsure if they could make it to him in time because they never expected him to freeze like that. Kiva instinctively knew that even with her superior speed, that she could not reach Leo before the Laoshe.

'Why didn't he move? Was I wrong about him? Somebody, anybody, please save him.'

The pebble that the bird threw hit Leo on the head, right before the Laoshe could make contact. The shock the pebble caused made him feel like the Laoshe had grabbed him and this was the push he needed to activate his gate. He opened up his glowing eyes to see the mouth of the Laoshe almost closing down on his head. Subconsciously, Leo stepped back a little, but enough to protect his head from the bite. The Laoshe missed him, but he was right in front of it and there was no room for escape. It then raised its right claw to slash Leo.

The move Leo pulled wasn't superfast but the timing was incredible. Everyone saw and they immediately put a halt to their advance. The boy was surprised, he never expected the pebble to do anything.

As the claw came down, Leo tilted his upper body to his left side. The Laoshe saw this and cancelled its attack by raising its upper body and its forelimb off the ground in an attempt to pin Leo to the ground. The Laoshe was fast, but something about the way Leo moved annoyed it. It brought down both its claws on Leo only to miss him again. Leo had rolled toward the right side of the Laoshe from underneath it and barely missed getting stomped by the claws. It quickly turned to continue its attack, but Leo was already performing a basket-ball like spin move to the left side of the Laoshe. At this point, it was already furious with its inability to catch a prey that was right next to it and as a result it turned as quickly as possible to its right like a dog chasing its tail, opened its mouth wide to sink its teeth into Leo who was still completing his spin.


The creature had bitten off its own tail. Leo grabbed the tail while he was spinning to the right side and placed it right where the Laoshe intended to close its jaws. The Laoshe quickly abandoned the pursuit of Leo and began vibrating in pain. Its tail was bleeding very badly. Leo had already put some distance between the two of them with this chance and sympathized with the Laoshe and the amount of pain that it must've been going through.

'That must really hurt, considering that its tail can serve as another body to host its consciousness.'

The tail that was already bitten off began regenerating at an alarming rate and soon it was good as new. Leo was amazed by this and realized that the Laoshes would die only if the injury was fatal.

"It seems that his gate is indeed powerful." The Chief said with a bit of pride in his voice."

"Who would have thought that he actually had it in him."

Leo's moves was enough to impress even Lucius. Everyone was delighted at Leo's performance excepts Kiva.

"He is not fast at all. He's just barely dodging the attacks before they connect. At this rate, he is going to die." Kiva finally let her guard down and spoke like a girl her age.

The Chief and the others took a glance in her direction and concurred that he was not fast enough.

Leo was not sure how exactly he was able to make the right decisions in the niche of time and assumed that that must have been the power of his gate, and yet he still felt scared. He turned his gaze away from the Laoshe and towards the gate point. It was watching him with a stern look on its face.

"I guess it's still analyzing."

He turned back to the Laoshe.

"It's calm now. Does it mean that it has acknowledged me as a threat? This might be bad."

The Laoshe launched itself forward towards Leo and was looking more calculative and less savage as it did so. Leo quickly tried running away and maintain the distance, but failed to see the hole that Lucius punch caused, and tripped while running across it, causing him to lose his balance and create a chance for the incoming Laoshe. It quickly grabbed Leo's back with its teeth and raised him up in an attempt to smash him to the ground.

"No!" Kiva screamed.

"Well, it was fun while it lasted." The boy on the tree said while getting up to leave with Racky."


The monster smashed Leo to the ground and instantly realized that it was just his kimono. The monster was clearly confused and wasn't aware that Leo was flung into the air and was right on top of it.

'Since I'm supposed to be super strong right now, I'll just punch it with the momentum of my fall, hopefully, that should neutralize it.'

He clenched his fist and as soon as the Laoshe was within range, he punched it right on the head before falling to the ground. He immediately raised his head to see what effect it had on it and to his surprise, it didn't even faze it.

"He is not even strong?" Kiva was now in despair.

The Laoshe pinned Leo down and was about to take a bite.

{Notice: The appraisal of Leo Rivera's Gate is complete.}

The Laoshe raised its bent head and looked at the gate point, freed Leo from its grasp and ran off into the jungle.