

Leo's life changes as he awakens in a new world different from the one he knows. He struggles to find his way back to his home and his younger brother. He soon discovers that the humans in this world all possess "Gates" and it is revealed that Leo also possesses a gate but is ridiculed by everyone once they find out that his gate is the weakest and most abnormal gate to ever appear in this world. The abnormality of Leo's gate eventually changes from a curse to a blessing granting him the power he needs to survive and eventually become the strongest.

Chimasper · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Old friend New enemy

The Chief's gate had been activated due to his rage. The ground beneath his feet was cracking from the energy that the Chief emitted. He felt the need to give Zolomon the beating of his life.

"I think it would be in your best interest to calm down. I am, after all, stronger than you; and I'm sure you don't want to be left out here barely alive."

This hit the Chief hard, but he was smart enough to know that Zolomon was right. He relaxed and deactivated his gate.

"I thought that a few years would be enough to make you understand the reason for my actions in the past. We live in a world that is based on survival, and that can only be achieved by becoming strong or in my case gaining a strong friend."

He began laughing maniacally.

The Chief was clearly disgusted by this man and was trying his best not to give into the temptation of starting a fight with him. He took a deep breath to let out the pent-up anger and regained his usual calm and respectful demeanor.

"I see that a rat informed you of the possible appearance of another Menzhu and you came rushing back to seduce him into following you. You are still as selfish as you were 12 years ago."

Zolomon began acting surprised.

"Why would you accuse me of doing something so devious; I mean, yes, I did convince Lord Joffery to leave the village and migrate to a more developed village and stand as their ruler; but that was all in the past. I've acquired all the riches that I could ever want and the trust of the one of the strongest beings on this planet. I have no need to trouble myself with the likes of you."

"The likes of me? How far have you fallen Zoloman? Did you forget that you were once a member of the village? You took away the possibility of everyone to have a better life and for what?"

This comment seemed to have touched Zolomom, who was serene up until this moment.

"Don't talk to me like you never thought of it. You are just mad because I did it first. Do you know how many years it would take for a village that just acquired a Menzhu to develop? I did it to avoid waiting and I'm glad I made that decision."

The Chief shaked his head.

'He is definitely not the man I knew. The power of serving as the right hand man of a Menzhu has warped his mind.'

"Then if you are happy with your life, why are you here?"

Zolomon quickly went back to his cheerful state. The change in his mood was like that of a person that was mentally unstable.

"Well, if you must know. I did get word of the appearance of someone that was likely to be a Menzhu, so I decided to come and experience the test for myself. I was surprised to find out that not only was he not a Menzhu, but also happened to be the weakest being on this planet. To be honest, I felt bad for you. I know how much your dear Kiva was hoping to find one."

"Don't ever say her name."

Zolomon looked around and became serious.

"I think it's time we said our goodbyes. Make sure you keep watch over the village and don't ever give up hope."

The Chief remained silent even after he was done talking.

The leaves began spiraling around Zolomon from his feet upwards and as it was about to enclose his head, he let out the words.

"We shall meet again, my old friend."

The Chief watched him as he vanished without a trace and was now left alone in the jungle. He sighed and looked around him.

"It seems like I am surrounded."

The Laoshes were drawn to the energy he released earlier on and had now surrounded him in order to lay down an ambush. The Chief looked around and was delighted that they were all Omegas.


A Laoshe stepped out and to the Chief's dismay, it was a beta Laoshe with brown scales and black stripes.

'This is bad. I can't take down this many Omegas and a beta at the same time. I have to run.'

The Chief immediately activated his gate and ran with enough speed that the Omegas could not possibly dare to match, but the beta gave it a shot and displayed the enormous difference in power between itself and the Omegas. The Chief's speed was unbelievable for a man of his age. During the chase, the Chief intentionally took a route that did not lead to the village in order to keep the village safe.

"I cannot let them know the location of the village. I don't think I can outrun this Laoshe and I'm exhausting my energy faster than my gate can let out. I need to do something quick."

As he ran through the jungle, he spotted a familiar plant, the same plant that Leo was about to eat before discovering that it was a trap. He smiled at the sight of this and immediately knew what to do about the Laoshe. He picked up a stone while he ran and reduced his speed for it to get closer and to also give it something to focus on while he made his way towards the trap.

"Come on, you stupid animal."

He ran past the trap and stopped a few feet away from it and turned around to carry out his plan. The Laoshe, having nothing in mind but the desire to catch its prey, made its way onto the pile of sand beneath the fruit and prompted the Chief to throw the stone at the fruit.


The plant monster had clamped its jaws down on the Laoshes body, instantly killing it and slowly dragged it into the ground.

The Chief was breathing heavily, but was glad that he was able to neutralize the threat. He was also aware that the plant's attack always attracted nearby Laoshes and he definitely did not desire to have an encounter with them. He immediately started heading back to the village. On his way back, he saw an Omega Laoshe on the ground, dead with a wooden spear in its head.

He smiled.

"I see that Marcel has gotten stronger. If only he wasn't so mischievous."

He passed the dead corpse of the Laoshe and headed towards the village.