

Leo's life changes as he awakens in a new world different from the one he knows. He struggles to find his way back to his home and his younger brother. He soon discovers that the humans in this world all possess "Gates" and it is revealed that Leo also possesses a gate but is ridiculed by everyone once they find out that his gate is the weakest and most abnormal gate to ever appear in this world. The abnormality of Leo's gate eventually changes from a curse to a blessing granting him the power he needs to survive and eventually become the strongest.

Chimasper · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

A Sad Life

"I…I don't remember what he looks like"


Leo stared at the confused Sara, wondering if he heard her wrong.

"I don't think I understand what you…"

Leo's sentence was interrupted by one of the waiters.

"The customers on table 7 are requesting for their bill"


The Tasty restaurant was not fancy, welcoming everybody. Come rich or poor, there was a table for everyone. Mr. Edward's priority was always to please the customers and in so doing was able to raise the business to the level it was with happy paying customers trooping in and out.


Sara was the waiter that served the customers seated at table 7. This prompted Sara to immediately abandon her conversation with Leo.

"Excuse me Leo"

She quickly rushed to hand the customers their bill wearing an alluring smile while doing so.

"I'm soo sorry for the delay. Here's your bill"

Her humility added to her beauty made her irresistible to anyone who came across her. Her smooth and gentle voice was comparable to that of an angel. She received tips from customers on a daily basis, both male and female alike. Maybe that was the reason she kept working here. Who knows?

"Hey Sara, are you done with the customers?"

Leo's shift was already over but he stayed back in an attempt to understand the situation concerning the mystery customer.

"Yup, I'm done"

Sara's voice was sounding better after she had met with the customers. Leo was delighted because he thought that her mood was better because she finally remembered the man's appearance.

"So, do you remember what the man looks like?"

Sara's face instantly changed and she regained her old look of despair.

"I still don't remember. I have no idea what he looks like, his complexion, his voice or what he normally ordered. But I know he always ordered the same dish."

Leo couldn't help but feel shocked. He never knew that Sara was this forgetful. He then realized that if her memory was actually bad, she wouldn't be able to work here without having issues.

"How long has he been coming here"

"As long as I can remember"


Leo let out a sigh. He had given up on trying to learn more about the man from Sara.

"Ok, whenever he comes around next, just let me know"

"Okay, I'll do that"

Sara felt ashamed of herself. Unable to recall a single detail of a man she supposedly saw every day. She was never the one to brag about anything but she knew that her retentive ability was no joke. So then, what happened?.

Leo left the shop and headed home. While he walked down the street on his way home, his imagination began going wild again. He ran different scenarios of how the event between the man and Sara went down.

'The man must have the ability to hide his presence, like in the movies. No, that's not right. That doesn't explain the memory loss. Maybe he is the ghost of one of my ancestors who possessed Sara and erased all her memories.'

A chill ran down Leo's spine.

'Nope. That can't be it either…What if he is an alien with the technology to wipe certain memories from a human's brain.'

This seemed more reasonable to Leo, but it didn't explain why he asked to meet with him. Not to mention the fact that aliens don't even exist.

Leo immersed himself in his thoughts, not realizing that he was muttering to himself. When he got home, he changed into his normal clothes and sat in the living room while holding a glass of milk.


He took small sips from the glass while focusing on something across the room.

"I miss you guys"


Leo was staring at a portrait of his Father, Mr. Charles Rivera, and his Mother Mrs. Josephine Rivera that was hanging on the wall. Both he and his brother were orphans.


Back when Leo was just a little boy, he was always cheerful and friendly with anyone that approached him. He was far from being called shy or an introvert. Jax was only an infant around the time when their father's drinking problem started. No one really knew the events that took place that caused Leo's father to get addicted to alcohol. He was a kind-hearted man, always putting the needs of others before his own. But all that changed after his problem started. He became lazy and somewhat abusive towards Leo's mother. Although there were times when he went back to his normal kind and caring self. Those times kept on diminishing until the house was always filled with loud shouts from heated arguments between Leo's mother and his father.


Leo's mother could not really be described as a beautiful woman, but just like his father, she was kind, caring and most of all, she was ridiculously hardworking. She was always out trying to make money for the family and her burden only became worst after Charles lost his way.


But even with his problem, he was still able to accomplish a few things. Like attending PTA meetings while Josephine was busy, getting groceries from the store and cooking though not often. Leo's mother worked as a chef, taking up multiple shifts in order to make enough money to sustain the family and pay the bills. She had gotten use to this new lifestyle where she acted as the father. But not too long after she gave birth to Jax, things got worse when Charles' liver packed up and he died.


The grief of losing a loved one was too much on Josephine. Her doctor had advised her when Charles was still alive to avoid anything that served a source of stress to her because her blood pressure was abnormally high. But after the painful death and the drastic increase in her workload, she too eventually succumbed to her death 3 years later.

Leo had always blamed himself for his mother's death. If only he was older, if only he was stronger then, he would have taken all the burden off her shoulders. She would still be alive.

Leo bit his lips in anger.

"I'm sorry mom. I promise to give Jax the support that I was unable to give you".


The crooked voice of a being watching Leo from a distance is heard. But no one, not even Leo hears the voice.