
garp in attack on titan

still in the serializing phase. Wait please

xXI_Like_swordsXx · TV
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The start

I just rewrote this chapter, twice,four hours.

Michael was just a normal guy.

He was a big fan of anime.

Watched some aot.

Was starting to watch naruto.

And lived life normally.

He worked in fastfood his whole life, he had been working at Mcdonalds for 12 years, and after exceptional progress and attitude, managed to get promoted to manager, at a young age of 29.

But his favourite anime, was one piece.

He was a fanboy of garp, a gigantic fanboy of garp, so much so that he was motivated to go to the gym!!! (I know, shocking) He had a perfect build(6.3), perfect house(In a nice area),and a perfect girlfriend, who was pregnant, and a perfect family.

He had even proposed to his now fiance last week and was set for a wedding...

That was, until he got called away to war.(This sets place in our earth, the only difference is U.S joined the war on Ukraine)


"I love you Mary!!! Don't forget me!!!" I'm gonna miss you. "Of course not Michael!!! One Piece hasn't even finished yet" Yeah I forgot about that."Haha, ok, I'll see you in around a year"

*Cliche sad goodbye stuff*

Timeskip of 8 months.

*GUNFIRE*"M-COUGH-Micheal" What is it now, were surrounded, this better be important! "What is it man, don't tell me you've been sho-" Michael looks down to his best friends chest, only to see blood leaking out.

"How di-Cough-did you know?" Random best friend guy says with a smile on his face despite the blood leaking out of his mouth, you know, start of anime stuff."SHIT, c'mon man, your gonna be fine, I can't help you know, but as soon as we take back the town." Michael says, even though he's not fooling anyone, not even himself.

*BOOOOOM!!!!!!* Michael looks up only to see a house infront of him collapse. He knows he's gonna die, his friend knows it to. His friend(lets call him john)

(Just so you know, they are in a town, they had meant to take over, but everyone else has been killed, it's just him and his friend.)

"I have an idea" Michael looks back at john." You shouldn't be talking man, just rest, you've been sho-" "LISTEN TO ME, we both know theres no way I'm making it out alive, but you can!!!

Ok, the plan works like this, I give myself up into the enemys territory, I'll have grenades attached to me, but they won't see them, the moment I'm surrounded, I'll pull the pin, you know what happens next." I don't want him to die, but, this is my only chance. "Are you sure?" "Yes, come on man, lets do this." I'll remember you."I won't forget you man!!!"


"I hope this works." Michael looks at the location that john entered a couple minutes ago, until he sees it.*bomboomBoomBOomBOOmBOOMBBOOOOMMBOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!*

The combined force of twenty grenades, is alot, and then the fact that there were five gas tanks around the base that the explosion occured in, just added fuel to the fire, or should I say,

Gas, to the fire?(PLEASE LAUGH

"You won't be forgotten." Michael smiles, but his face starts twitching, before he feels this pain in his stomach, followed by his eyes getting wet.

"CCccome on mnan, I cantt be cryinggg" At this point his face turned to an ugly smile, as he feels drops of water run down his face, followed by more, and more, until he starts crying outloud.

"WhYyYYyYYYY, WhyYYy YooUuU!!!!"(I've you'vve ever had a pet that died, and you cried, this is what he's feeling)

*Boofshhhhhhhh* Huh, why do I"AGHHHH, CRAP" I've been shot in the leg!!!! IN THE LEG, WHO DID THAT!!!

Michael turns around only to see around thirty soldiers behind him charging to his location.

THERE WERE SURVIVORS!!! Thats when he sees a small object fly in his direction, before it lands and starts rolling to him."What is tha- a grenade, wait A GRENADE?!!!"

Thinking quickly Michael embraces his inner die hard and jumps into another some bushes he sees.

(The layout he's in is that he's on a road with two house blocks on each side, and theres bushed, which he jumps in, just in case your confused.)

And suddenly a large explosion sounds out, creating a giant dust cloud appears.

Thank god I'm in the bushes.

Four minutes later, he sees a bunch of soldiers run to where he was previously.

*Where is he?* *No idea*(Translated from russian)

YOU ASSHOLES, YOUR THE REASON JOHN DIED, no calm, I need to kill them...

One of the soldiers pulls out his phone and starts playing subway surfers( A true man among men)

*MAN, LOOK, I literally just got over one million!!!*

*Ok, and? Thats nothing.*

*What do you mean?*

* I've got a highscore of, 128,068 on doodle jump*

* OMG, IMPOSSI-* Suddenly a loud nose sounds behind him, he whips around and aims his gun,only to see it was a rock, but soon a larger rock lands right infront of the group.


Michael, who is behind the group, is happy, considering that he can throw the grenades now.

Three small objects land behind the group, but since they are still focused on the front, only a few of them notice in time, and yell *GRENADE!!!*

*EXPLOSHION*(I felt like I spelt that wrong, but I don't know.)

Thats when our knight in camo armor rushes forward guns blazing.


Why did he speak in english even though he russian, I feel like nathan drake, anyway, back to war.

Michael charges forward, and sees a humanoid silhouette and raises his arm as fast as possible as he pulls the trigger at maximum speed, like a tryhard in COD.

3 hours later.

I've finally killed them all, I guess I can die peacefully now.

Michael starts to feel weak, as tiredness washes over him, suprisingly he feels no pain despite being shot, only peace, absolute calm.

(Nothing against Russians, so sorry about making the mc kill russains if your russain, I just had to make him be in war, and, duh, russia is in a war, so sorry if your russain.)

Everything goes blurry, just when he think's he's dead, he hears trucks in the distance.

3 month time skip.

Michael hops out of the taxi, he still has troulbe walking considering the nerves in his leg were damaged when he got shot, but he still powers through.

"Here's 50, keep the change." The taxi driver looks back at Michael,"Thanks man, have a good one".

But mike is already at the door. Oh my god oh my god, I can't wait to see her again!!! It's been a year!!! I've missed her so much.

(Start playing sad music, if you haven't got any options try revenge by xxxtentacion or toxic by boywithuke.)

He walks in, expected to be greeted by a loving fiance, but instead he hears nothing but quiet moans, but he just thinks of it to be his mind.(Denial)

He walks in and enters the lounge, seeing a one year old baby girl, he instantly rushes up to the girl and gives her a hug, thinking how close she looks to his brothers daughter(Uh oh), but thats when he see's his brothers seven year old daughter, he sneaks up behind her and says "BOO" but when she sees him, she cries and runs away saying,"but youwr dead"

What the hell is going on?This, is a joke right, yeah? It's a joke.

He starts walking upstairs, only to hear his wife yell. "Your so much better than mike!!AUHh"

Michaels only barely holding back tears, starting to wake up to the reality this isn't a prank.

He slams open the door, only for his mind to go blank.

Laying infront of him.

Is mary.

On top of.



He looks for his stuff only to see his brothers items in their place.

"YOU B****!!!"

"Michael, MICHAEL!!!??? LEAVE, I've already sold all your stuff, and the ring"

"WHY DID YOU DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!"

"Look mike, said you were dead! I just had to move on."

" BY F******* MY BROTHER!?"

Then he looks to his brother, the man he grew up with, the only person he ever trusted apart from mary and his family.

"Please, tell me this is a joke."

"I'm sorry mike, she needed a shoulder to cry on, and, and I was there for her"

"Just please leave."

Michael is barely stopping himself from breaking down.

"Well atleast tell me what happened to my daughter?"

Mary looks pissed. "You mean my daughter, It's my body! Since you were gone I got an abbortion."(ouch)

"Just go home, oh wait you can't lol"(Blank face emoji, I mean who tf wrote this? Oh wait, I did.)

But tears are already flowing down mikes face.(You know when your so sad, you get extremely angry, or when your so angry, you get extremely sad? Thats what he's feeling.)

"Y-you can't to this to me...."

At this point michael is breathing heavily, he's finally broke, but he doesn't know what to do.

"I,hh, I started this family..." Michael says with a broken smile.


What do I do, I want revenge!!!!!!!(Past the point of no return, but I would do the same thing tbh)

Mike just starts screaming all the swears he knows as he rushes over to them, his brother is the first one to step up and try to stop mike.

"You don't want to do this..."

But mike is already smiling with an insane look on his face.

"It's to late for that."

The brother punches first and lands a clean hit, breaking mikes nose. Mike watches as the blood flows out, but he ignores it.

He rushes forward and slams his fist forward like a hammer, smashing into his brothers face like a train and knocking him out, but he doesn't stop, and just keeps punching, and punching and Punching,*CRK*PUnching,PUNching,PUNCHIng,PUNCHING,PUNCHING!AND PUNCHING!!!

Until he's sure he's taken out his rage.

Then he slowly turns his head to mary,who was holding a gun...



He's been shot in the head, but he's still alive, driven by pure rage, he's not in control of his body, but his body is still working,determined to complete the objective before it dies.

He slowly walks over to mary, who is shivering in fear, grabs the gun, and in a final attack, he brings the weapon down and.

Everything goes black.

(REALLY QUICKLY, I DO NOT SUPPORT ABUSE OR VIOLENCE AGAINST ANYONE, MAN OR WOMAN, I'M NOT EVIL, I just added this in for a sad backstory, like at the start of random isekai animes and stuff, plz do not report me, if you don't report this, you will get a ,million dollars, and if you get a free small house.)


Michael slowly wakes up.

"Where am I?" Am I, dea- WOAH, WHO IS THA- GOD?

"Hello, dead soul, basically your dead, I took pity on you, I'm reincarnating you in aot, but your reincarnated as garp, and just for fun I made you gigantic.

Also you get a system, and maybe at the end of the novel I'll make another novel where you go to seven deadly sins, or hxh, or sum."

"Wait what did you say about a nove-"

"Good bye"

Oh come on, I just got her- Seriously, the cliche black out trope? Well fucdfdsdffffffff...

"Where the hell am I?" Garp looks around, and finds himself on a small hill looking outside at the view.(Its like those little villages in aot, they have like one house on a hill and another house 80 meters away, and this continues for a 1 kilometer area)


{REBOOT FINISHED}, Uh status please. { TAB: STATUS}

{NAME : MONKEY D GARP (Michael) }

{AGE : 20}

{Strength level: 5 meter titan- small shed level(Sad I know) }

{ Speed : 44 kilometers per hours }

{Durability : Stone wall(3 ft wide) }

{ Height : 12ft7inch }

{ Stamina : Why do I even do this? I mean how do I describe it?}

{Time : 5 years before start of plot }

Wow, very uhh, descriptive? I mean, I guess I better start training?

Training starter arc.

Have a great day, dont loose to much sleep, know when to stop, and uh, tiktok is the devil.

xXI_Like_swordsXxcreators' thoughts