
Gale Force

A darkened wasteland, one of sand and stone as mist swallowed the horizon. This place, cold as if it had never known life, where the wind blew a sharp chill, leaving behind only silence.

A desolate scar into the land, filled with scorched trees and blackened earth stretching from horizon to horizon as far as the eye can see. It was like nothing ever seen before, the amount of death unparalleled in history. And yet, one light still lingered.

Small, against the force of death before it, yet powerfully filled with hope. A young woman surrounded by that light raised her hands forward towards the beast in front of her. Her brunette hair flowed within the frozen wind. The beast's breath was chilling, promising death as it opened its snout wide.

Tears cascaded down her face as she smiled one last time.

"I'm sorry," was the last thing she spoke as the beast's jaw closed around her before being engulfed in the light of her glow.

When it all dissipated all that was left was a single cracked spark as it descended down to its new owner.

The sound of waves crashing against the shoreline. The casual bustle of the townsfolk. The stone and plaster built buildings with their cedarwood accents and red tile roofs. This here is the lovely city of cedarwood. Peacefully secluded within the surrounding cedarwood trees and ocean waters, this is the type of city that doesn't see much action.

Although, sometimes that isn't always the case.

The sound of several explosions echoed from the cities square causing people left and right to flee. At the center of the chaos was a man with fiery orange hair. He had a wicked grin on his face as he flung balls of fire towards the fleeing citizens while his gang terrorized the city.

"You hear me Cedarwood!" the fiery man yelled.

"This city now belongs to us! Crimson Riot!"

The gang roared in cheer with the cry of their leader. One little girl getting caught in a blast, got separated from her mother as her mother got swept away with the fleeing crowds.



The fiery man grinned at the sight, walking towards little Molly intending to make an example of her. Setting ablaze a fire in his palm, he reeled back before throwing the blast directly at Little Molly. Little Molly could do nothing but watch as the heated flame barreled towards her until… Fwoosh!

The fire was suddenly swept away by a glow of unusual light. It was bright white in its soft glow, yet within it lied swirls of pink and blue. The man's fire flared around the wielder of this unusual light, the young lady standing protectively in front of little Molly. Her black and white outfit contrasted her long dark brown hair as it blew alongside her magenta jacket, both flowing with the intensity of her magic energy. Her deep blue eyes glowed dangerously as she blew back the man's fire with a seamless burst of her aura.

"Go. Now," she spoke, her voice soft yet stern as she addressed the little girl. Little Molly didn't hesitate and ran back to her mother, but not before glancing back at the young lady curiously. A soft smile crept up the young lady's face before it quickly disappeared as she locked eyes with the man in front of her.

"Who are you?" The fiery man asked, glancing at her in confusion.

"This is your only warning," she spoke her voice quite clear. "Leave now."

The fiery man laughed, charging up his fire magic, "What? You think I'm intimidated by you? No way in hell!"

"So be it."

The fiery man stepped back reeling for another attack before throwing his intense fire towards her. She batted it away swiftly, the embers not even burning her skin. The fiery man stepped back in surprise for a second before quickly throwing several more flames at her. She didn't seem to move at all before all of the attacks were sliced into pieces by her magic.

Tch! The fiery man growled in frustration.

Then suddenly, a wicked grin crossed his features as he saw one of his men use their magic to hurl a rather large boulder towards his seemingly unsuspecting opponent. She didn't even flinch, the boulder closing in on her until…

Someone quickly ran past the fiery man, bursting off the ground with a powerful pulse of energy and shattered the boulder into pieces with a swift and decisive kick. She wore a purple and gold kimono adorned with magenta roses; her dark brunette hair tied up in a tight braid that fell down her back. She landed gracefully onto the ground before swiftly speeding towards the man who had tossed the boulder, and landed a decisive jab to his neck. The man fell to the ground, wind knocked out of him as he lost consciousness.

"Rachel, do not forget we have other enemies to deal with," she spoke, turning back to the young lady in the jacket who hadn't moved from her spot.

"I suppose you are right Kiara," Rachel smiled, addressing the young lady in the kimono behind her.

With a swift flick of her wrist, Rachel threw a vast wave of light towards the fiery man, shocking him as he was thrown back from the attack. The fiery man slid to his feet, but not before Rachel sped in front of him, her hand glowing with a burst of her magic. The fiery man quickly lit his palm as the two magics clashed with an explosion of light. The fiery man didn't even have a moment to breathe as Rachel swept away the dust from the explosion with a wave of light. The fiery man then threw five more burst of fire towards her, all of which were quickly destroyed by daggers of light.

Rachel then cut past him slicing across his chest with her magic as he collapsed to the ground. Rachel moved to finish him off before she was blasted away with wind magic by one of his subordinates, directing her attention. In his shock he slowly turned to his other subordinates, only to widen his eyes further in surprise.

Large waves of water crashed against his subordinates as the waves swallowed them whole. Commanding these waves, was a girl with deep blue hair and pale empty eyes. Her skin tight outfit reflected the colors of the ocean as her fierce hand movements commanded the sea around her. She raised her hands high as the water twisted before erupting fiercely behind her.

The members of Crimson Riot within the water geyser were then frozen solid by a small girl with half brown, half blonde curly hair. Her blue and white outfit complemented her bright blue eyes as the area around her froze with her magic.

"Mizu! Some of them are fleeing to the east!" She shouted to the water mage.

"Understood! May look out!" Mizu shouted back to the ice mage in surprise.

One of the frozen gang members glowed, before shattering the ice around him aiming to attack an unsuspecting May as he fell. May turned just as the enemy was sliced back in an array of sparks by an armored woman with black and silver hair.

"Silver!" May gasped in surprise and relief.

The woman known as Silver dispersed the swords in her hands as the previous man fell unconscious to the ground behind her.

"Leave those to the east to Karla, and meet back up with the others," Silver directed.


To the east, the fiery leader from before was now currently trying to make his escape through the city's alleyways.

"Those worthless idiots," he growled. "Good for nothing, the lot of them."

"What good are subordinates if they can't even take down a few girls. I should've known better than to rely on Rouges," the fiery man muttered limping through the alleyway, clutching his arm.

Suddenly, a loud scratching sound echoed off the alley walls. The fiery man turned sharply.

"Who's there?!" Silence met his ears as he shrugged to himself. "Damn. Those idiots must be rubbing off on me."

Suddenly, he tripped on the spot, stumbling before looking to see what it is he tripped over. His eyes grew wide to see many of his subordinates knocked out at his feet, covered in what looked like burns within the dim light. The scratching sound returned, now louder than before as the fiery man turned to see sparks emitting off the wall in the distance. Swiftly, he threw a burst of fire in the spark's direction, the fire swiped away with ease, and what he saw, horrified him.

Karla grinned, her green eyes piercing the darkness as her figure was cloaked in the shadows of the dimly lit alleyway. Her messy pink hair bellowed around her as she smiled bearing pointed teeth.

"Going somewhere?"

Rachel ducked to the side as she dodged the blast of wind that sliced just past her ear. Throwing her hand to the side, she summoned a wave of light, directing it towards the wind mage. The wind mage used his wind magic to blow him out of the way of Rachel's magic.

'He's quick. Not bad.' Rachel smiled.

"You think you're so tough! Take this! Tornado blast!" Summoning a small tornado, the wind mage tossed it in Rachel's direction.

Rachel stood tall and unwavering towards the attack as she just watched it barrel towards her. When it was right in front of her, she spoke one word, her voice just above a whisper, "Prism."

At that moment, giant white wings opened behind her destroying the feeble tornado as a glowing white owl ascended behind Rachel. The wind mage widened his eyes in shock, as if paralyzed by the very sight.

"That power… I've heard of it. It's unmistakable. You're them. You're… Gale Force."

At this Rachel smiled, directing her hand in the wind mages direction. Prism cried out with a screech in response before she flew towards him bearing her talons as she attacked with a flash of light.

Hello readers and welcome to my story! I hope you will enjoy this journey with me, but before we get any further here is a short disclaimer for this story. This is a fantasy first and foremost. This story can get dark at times and the MCs can and will be put through some tough situations. However, this doesn’t mean this is a dark story. This is a progression type story; the story will move forward and the MCs will learn and grow. So, while there may be some scary parts it is not a dark genre story. I just want to make that clear. So thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoy your day every day!

Kate_Rosalinecreators' thoughts