

When Althea and Amelia got captured and sailed across the borders, they become commodities to be sold in the slave market in a distant land. Althea is taken as a mistress because of her beauty, while Amelia escapes a terrible fate by pretending to be blind. She is forced into the most worse ring of servants at the dukes house. Where she is treated as a nobody and she creates beautiful memories to tame her inner demon. Despite years passing, Amelia has never forgotten her twin, Althea and their elder brothers promise to reunite their family, However with her movement restricted and guards watching her every move, escape seems impossible. When Amelia comes in contact with the dukes arrogant friend, her life swings out of control and her life turns into a realistic and hurtful fairy tale. Now with a battle with her own inner demons and that of a power hungry prince, Amelia must accept the truth about her siblings death and make a choice that could disrupt the course of a whole dimension.

Ayomide_fareedah · Fantasy
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2 Chs


"The kingdom always comes first" said king father. "You're getting married, end of discussion".
I drifted into a long and uneasy sleep after remembering father's words....
There is only pain. My head. My chest... burning pain. My side my arm. Pain. Pain and hushed words in the gloom. Where am I? Though I try. I cannot open my eyes. The whispered words become clearer...a beacon in the darkness.
"Her ribs are bruised, your highness and she has a hairline fracture,but she's stable and strong"
"Why is she still unconscious?".
"The princess has had a major head damage to her head but she'll wake up,let's give her time". I try in vain to movey hands. Nothing moves. Nothing responds. I relax and unconscious ness claims me once more stealing me away from the pain.

EVERYTHING IS HEAVY AND aching: limbs, head, eyelids, nothing will move. My eyes and mouth are resolutely shut, unwilling to open, leaving me blind and mute and aching. As I surface from the fog. Consciousness hovers. A seductive siren just out of reach, sounds become voices.
"I'm not killing her".
What! Who's dying...I will myself to wake ...the voice is strained, a whisper
"Your majesty, you should kill her"
"No, Luke. I'm sure she will wake up".
"I'll sot with her, your highness, it's the least I can do after she saved my men's".
The soldiers!
"How are the soldiers?".
"They're groggy...annoyed and angry. It'll be a few hours before the knockout gas is completely out of their system".
"I know. I'm feeling all shades of foolish for relying on their instincts. You warned us...we were just stubborn..if it wasn't for this lady..."
"We all thought champfer was out of the picture. And my crazy little assistant, why didn't he tell me?". The voice is full of anger.
"Your majesty, I'm sorry, I'll make sure he's punished".
"Brave and headstrong and stubborn and stupid ". The voice cracks
"It's been three weeks your majesty, she can't make it".
The fog closes in.

THE FOG LIFTS BUT I have no sense of time.
"If you don't shoot her, I sure as hell will. What the hell are you waiting for?".
"Trust me, I'm being patient ".
What! I fight the fog--fight---. But I spiral down once more into oblivion. No...

"You told me you'd kill her". The voice is talking and it's quiet and admonishing.
"I know". The voice is resigned. "But I'm trying to give her time. You know"
"Time!, you're not getting the message. You know....it's been a month. She can't make it".
Hush! There are muffled sobs . No..

I HAVE A PRESSING need to pee. I open my eyes. I'm in the clean sterlile environment of a room. It's dark except for the moonlight and all is quiet. My head and my chest ache but more than that, my bladder is bursting... I need to pee. I test my limbs. MY right arm smarts and I notice the bandage on my wrist. I shut my eyes quickly. Turning my head, I'm pleased that it responds to my will. I open my eyes again. I swing my leg down and make for the door, but I fall with a thud.
Someone rushes in, raising me so suddenly that I fall weakly into his arms.
"Hi" I crook
"Oh, Carmen" his voice his choked and relieved. He grasps my arm squeezing it tightly
"I need to pee" I whisper.
