
Gangster Godfather

Blood-stained youth, regretless vows, young love, sincere friendship, the dangers of society, and the complexity of human nature. A turbulent time that cannot be forgotten! A piece of unofficial history that has been passed down to this day! A group of brothers who share weal and woe in life and death! An out-of-print era that carries the flag and stands at the top! Watch the storm with a smile and move forward side by side! Brothers, let's go together.

aotianwuheng · Urban
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286 Chs

Chapter 92 Golden Ling

Wang Yan said every word.

 "I don't know how many bad things Ke Sanshui told you about me."

 "I don't know how many lies he told you about "I brought you to this point."

 "I'm going to say something now, please listen carefully."

 Wang Yan is full of aura.

 "Call him here and confront me face to face."

 "If people dare not come, call and confront them!"

 "As long as Ke Sanshui can tell you a word, I will give you my head."

 "If he can't tell, ask him to come and see you. Ask him if he dares!"

 Wang Yan became unhappy as he spoke.

 "We have to be reasonable in everything we do, right?"

 "It's really baffling. I want a debt and you want my life. Isn't this being unreasonable?"

 Jin Ling was directly told by Wang Yan that he was weak.

 The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he stopped talking several times.

 Wang Yan knew that Jin Ling had believed his words.

 He seized the opportunity and continued.

 "Boss Jin, the person who really brought you to this point was your good friend Ke Sanshui."

 "It's not like he can't help you at all."

 "He just wants to force you to stab me directly."

 "We are not fools. You must know whether what I say is true or false."

 "If you still want to lie to yourself, you are putting all the responsibility on me."

 "Then I have nothing to say. Just come to me."

 "I have nothing, so I have nothing to fear."

 There is something in Wang Yan's words, and every word is heart-breaking.

 "From what I see, you don't have a good relationship with Ke Sanshui."

 Jin Ling was speechless by Wang Yan.

 At this moment, there was a sudden commotion outside the door.

 Not long after, the door was kicked open with a bang.

 Several aggressive men rushed into the room.


 With a roar, several people immediately took action.

 He stood up with his little hand and pointed his gun at the man in front of him: "You idiot, try moving!"

 The man's eyebrows were raised, and he looked like he was really going to move.

 The situation seems to be out of control.

 Jin Ling suddenly raised his head: "Don't move!"

 Several men across from him were stunned for a moment, looking at Jin Ling but not moving.

 "You guys get out first!"


 "Get out when I tell you to!"

 Many people looked at each other and had no choice but to leave the office temporarily.

 Wang Yan took a deep breath and let go of the big stone hanging in his heart.

 He quickly helped Jin Ling sit on the sofa, and poured Jin Ling a glass of water.

 "Boss Jin is Boss Jin."

 "Okay, you don't need to do this. I don't want to distinguish between true and false, right and wrong."

 Jin Ling sighed.

 "No matter what, my company is finished, my project is finished, and I am completely bankrupt."

 Jin Ling stared at Wang Yan.

 "Let me tell you clearly. I will definitely not be able to pay for your money."

 "As for the property in my name, including this company, I left half to my wife and children, and the remaining half was also divided among my brothers."

 "I don't have anything now, I'm just alone."

 As he spoke, Jin Ling gave Wang Yan a stunned look: "You can either take my organs and sell them."

 "Boss Jin, please stop teasing me. How can we do this?"

 Jin Ling sighed, leaned on the sofa, and slowly closed his eyes.

 It can be seen that he is really tired!

 Wang Yan and others are also very depressed. Isn't this nonsense?

 Of the two projects assigned by Artillery, one was given away for nothing, and the other was completely bankrupt.

 There is no way to explain to Artillery this time.

 The office suddenly became quiet, and after an unknown amount of time, Wang Yan suddenly spoke.

 "Boss Jin, there are some things I don't understand."

 "If you don't understand it, don't do it. Is it useful to understand it so clearly?"

 "Maybe if I figure it out, I can still help you."

 "It's just you? Has your hair grown completely?"

 "Anyway, it scared Ke Sanshui away."

 Hearing what Wang Yan said, Jin Ling suddenly opened his eyes. He stared at Wang Yan without saying a word.

 Wang Yan looked serious.

 "Although your project is suspected of violating regulations, after all, it was not violated for a day or two."

 "Why was it okay to make such a big show of things before, but now it suddenly doesn't work?"

 "In the past, if there were people holding it up, it would be fine. But now there is no one holding it up, so something will happen."

 The more Jin Ling talked, the more depressed he became.

 "Our sales office has been sealed, our account has been frozen, and even I have been restricted from traveling."

 Wang Yan narrowed his eyes: "You and Ke Sanshui must have known each other for a long time, right?"

 "Yes, for many years. The two of us were kind of brothers in the trenches."

 "Then do you know who Ke Sanshui is in this relationship?"

 Jin Ling's eyes suddenly widened, and he thought carefully for a long time.

 "I don't know who it is specifically, and it's impossible for him to let me get in touch with him."

 "But one time after he helped me with some errands, I invited him to dinner."

 "He was drunk and mentioned a person's name when he called someone."

 "I don't know if it's this person, but this person's role is definitely indispensable."

 Wang Yan tapped the table gently, "What is this person's name?"

 "It seems to be called Wang Bin."

 "Wang Bin, are you sure that's the name?"

 Jin Ling nodded.

 "One hundred percent sure, but I don't know which department he is from or what he does."

 "But from Ke Sanshui's tone, he seems to have a lot of respect for this person."

 Wang Yan narrowed his eyes and thought for a moment.

 "Boss Jin, if I help you get this done, you can pay us the bill."

 Jin Ling sneered.

 "Don't mention paying the bill for you. I can just give you Ke Sanshui's share."

 "That's not necessary." Wang Yan said simply and clearly.

 "I don't have the ability to help you turn this illegal project into a formal one."

 "But if you know who is stumbling upon you, I can find a way to help you remove the stumbling block."

 "When the time comes, you don't need to pay me too much. It's just the difference. You can make up for me as much as you want."

 "What does it mean to make up for the difference?"

 Wang Yan took out the project contract.

 "Here are two contracts from the company. The upper one is from Dapo Town, and the lower one is yours."

 "All related benefits are clearly stated."

 Jin Ling laughed when he heard this: "You must not be able to do it in Dapo Town."

 "That's not necessarily the case."

 "Chen Ji Mao is a master who doesn't take soft and hard advice and doesn't care about anyone. You definitely can't do it."

 "Don't worry about that." Wang Yan pointed to the contract: "Look at the numbers first."

 Jin Ling curled his lips, "You don't have to look at it, I still understand your Tufang's profits."

 "If you can really help me remove this stumbling block, unblock my company, and unfreeze my account, I will definitely give it to you."

 "I'll pay you three times, five times, whatever!"

 "No, it's as much as you need."

 For Jin Ling, he had already searched for all the connections he could find, but to no avail.

 Otherwise, his project would not have reached this stage.

 So when faced with Wang Yan's words, he was just treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor and didn't take it seriously at all.

 He still had a half-dead expression.

 "Okay, then I'll be waiting for your good news."

 Wang Yan nodded, turned around and left with his little hand Ren Meng Ren Yi.

 When they came out, the whole company was packed with people.

 The group of horses Ren Meng brought were all squatting in the corner, motionless.

 Several of Jin Ling's close subordinates were all aggressive and had no intention of letting him go.

 It was only after Jin Ling came out to say hello in person that Wang Yan and the others were able to leave.

 The four people drove the vehicle straight to the water-sealed earthwork, and Ren Meng's face was full of curiosity.

 "Xiao Yan, how can you help them remove this stumbling block?"

 "I haven't thought about it yet."

 "What did you say?" Ren Meng's face was full of disbelief: "Are you serious?"

 "Of course it is." Wang Yan said word by word, "I really have no other choice. I'll deal with it first and then talk about it."

 "Or aren't these two projects really completely useless?"

 Xiaoshou glanced at Wang Yan meaningfully but said nothing.

 Ren Meng shook his head helplessly.

 "You're really good at it."

 Wang Yan smiled and changed the topic.

 "Brother Meng, I still don't understand. What's the use of recruiting so many people?"

 "There is no combat effectiveness at all. At the critical moment, everything will fall apart."

 "I admit that we brothers are indeed a bit uneven, but it's not as bad as you think."

 "Do you know what this golden lattice was used for before?"

 "How did I know? Aren't you just engaged in real estate?"

 "Jin Ling first started his career in casinos. When he became famous, Ke Sanshui was nothing."

 "No way, Jin Ling shouldn't be as big as Ke Sanshui, right?"

 "Age is only one aspect and cannot represent the whole story."

 "Jin Ling established himself in Taihe District before he was thirty years old. He owns four or five large casinos and makes a fortune every day."

 "In the later stage, it was because he was young and frivolous that he had a conflict with the previous half-district chief of Taihe District."

 "The two sides fought for two years, both inside and outside, and in the end it ended in a lose-lose situation for both sides."

 "Jin Ling was sentenced to twelve years, and later the sentence was reduced to ten years. He just came out not long ago."

 "When he first came out, he was actually doing his old job."

 "But who knows what he was thinking. It may be that he started to transform into real estate because of the recent strictness."

 "Actually, Ke Sanshui became the half-district chief because of Jin Ling's credit."

 "If Jin Ling hadn't forced the half-district chief to lie down, Ke Sanshui wouldn't have been able to get up."