
Gangster Godfather

Blood-stained youth, regretless vows, young love, sincere friendship, the dangers of society, and the complexity of human nature. A turbulent time that cannot be forgotten! A piece of unofficial history that has been passed down to this day! A group of brothers who share weal and woe in life and death! An out-of-print era that carries the flag and stands at the top! Watch the storm with a smile and move forward side by side! Brothers, let's go together.

aotianwuheng · Urban
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286 Chs

Chapter 267 Right and Wrong

Zhang Fenglei was pacing back and forth with his hands behind his back. Just when he didn't know what to do, Hu Ma came over with a cane.

 He looked at Zhang Fenglei and the other three with some surprise: "How is Xiao Yan?"

 Xiaoshou was extremely helpless: "Brother Yan is still in a coma and is fine for the time being, but something happened to Xue Qi."

 Hu Ma immediately became more energetic: "What did you say?..."

 On the outskirts of Cangshi, in an ordinary rural courtyard, Liu Jiabei, Zhang Pei, and Hu Pao were sitting together, cooking hot pot.

 Zhang Pei ate the meat and said in a low voice, "What should we do next? We can't just hide like this."

 "You won't be able to hide."

 Canopao glanced at Liu Gabei: "What do you mean?"

 Liu Gabei took a deep breath and his eyes flashed: "Since we have already broken up, there is no need to worry about anything anymore."

 "If she wants to live, she must obey me honestly. If she doesn't want to live, I will send her to hell!"

 "If we really kill her, we will definitely not be able to return to Baoshi! Everything we do in Baoshi will be completely finished!"

 Liu Gabei nodded: "You are right. But if this bitch just refuses to listen and cooperate, what should we do?"

 "Is that the end of it?"

 "If we just forget it, we can return to the guaranteed market? And our industry can be saved?"

 There was silence in the dining room.

 Zhang Pei ate a lot of meat, but the business was not big: "We didn't want to take this step, it was this bitch who forced us to go."

 "It's already like this. If you don't take action, she will swallow you up!"

 "Zhang Pei is right. Life and death are determined by fate, so do whatever you want!"

 Canopao took a deep breath and nodded: "That's it, the two of us go to Xue Qi to negotiate terms. Brother Pei secretly lurked back to Baoshi, waiting for news from us!"

 Zhang Pei said "Yeah": "It's better to compromise where you should compromise. It's best not to make the matter irreversible."

 Liu Jiabei nodded: "Who would be willing to take this step if they have a choice!"

 Zhang Pei put down the bowl and chopsticks: "Then I'll go back first. Please give me news as soon as possible and tell me what to do next."

 Huapao and Liu Gabei had no intention of eating anymore, so they simply went directly to the basement.

 The cold basement was filled with a dead atmosphere, and a damp and dull atmosphere filled the air.

 The dim lights barely illuminated the walls, casting twisted and terrifying shadows.

 The cold and damp masonry on the walls seemed to exude an icy chill.

 The ground was wet, and it felt cold to the touch when you stepped on it.

 The corners of the wall were covered with spider webs, and scary spiders were crawling among them, adding a touch of eerie atmosphere.

 The cold air condensed on the skin, making people feel creepy.

 The sound of water leaking sounded from time to time, like a threatening warning in the darkness of the basement.

 Xue Qi was huddled in the corner, her eyes dull, and a chain was fixed around her ankle, restricting her movement.

 Hearing the footsteps, Xue Qi didn't react at all.

 It seemed like everything had nothing to do with her.

 Liu Jiabei picked up a chair and sat across from Xue Qi.

 He handed Xue Qi a cigarette and took the initiative to light it: "I'm sorry to make you suffer. I had no choice but to understand!"

 Xue Qi ignored Liu Jiabei and just smoked calmly. The way she puffed away the smoke was still full of charm.

 Artillery sat next to Liu Jiabei: "Xue Qi, I promise with my life that we don't want to hurt you. But if you just don't cooperate and insist on forcing us to death, then don't blame me for not cherishing our old friendship. !"

 Xue Qi stared at the cannon with a smile, and there was something in her words: "You are not a person who misses old feelings. As long as you have some humanity and miss old feelings, can the two of us get to this point?"

 Cannon laughed: "What you mean is that you want to grab the water seal. I should offer it with both hands, otherwise it would be inhumane not to miss the old relationship, right?"

 "If you don't plot against me, will I steal the water seal?"

 "Am I plotting against you, or are you plotting against me?"

 "Whoever plots against someone first has the best idea!"

 "You are so ambitious! Do you blame me for plotting against you?"

 Xue Qi'e's face was full of ridicule: "Is it my ambition, or are you too suspicious?"

 "Are weird people suspicious of the things you did?"

 Xue Qi smiled indifferently: "You can say whatever you want. In short, all my ambitions are forced by you."

 Liu Gabei frowned: "Don't talk about the rights and wrongs between you two right now. I can't explain it for a while. Let's talk about the things between us first."

 Xue Qi stared at Liu Jiabei: "What do you want to talk about?"

 Liu Jiabei stared at Xue Qi: "Do you admit that you are plotting against us?"

 "I said I didn't, do you believe it?"

 "Of course I don't believe it."

 "Then what else are you asking me for?"

 Xue Qi was simple and clear: "Just tell me the matter and that's it. Is it interesting?"

 Liu Jiabei immediately became angry, and he almost didn't take action directly.

 He forcibly controlled his emotions: "I'll give you two ways to go now. The first way is to get rid of all our captured brothers, and then help us deal with the Sweet Potato Ye group. Finally, according to the previous agreement, Give us back the territory that belongs to us. In this way, we will settle the matter and we will not care about what has happened! Don't say you can't handle it. In this situation, you can definitely do it. Because no matter what Is it the actions of the police or the support of Sweet Potato Leaf and the others, you are the mastermind behind this!"

 "Oh? Are you so sure?"

 "We didn't get this information from one channel, we got it from multiple channels!"

 "Otherwise we wouldn't have gotten this far!"

 Xue Qi chuckled: "What about the second way? Let me listen!"

 "The premise of the second path is to get rid of our captured brothers first. Then work with us to deal with the Sweet Potato Ye group. Finally, we will help you occupy Tianbei Street, and then give Tianbei Street to you!"

 Xue Qi said "Oh": "Is there such a good thing?"

 "Of course I can't give it to you for free."

 Liu Jiabei said in a low voice: "You have to compensate us for all the losses during this period, and in addition, distribute the profits of Tianbei Street to us as expected!"

 Xue Qi put out the cigarette, but her words still showed that it didn't matter: "Then if I choose neither of these two paths."

 Liu Gabei smiled and pointed around: "Then take a good look at this basement. See if it is suitable as your tomb!"

 Xue Qi disagreed: "These are the three roads, right?" Liu Jiabei nodded: "Yes, these are the three roads!"

 "This is already our biggest concession, not even a millimeter! You are not a fool, you should be able to feel our absolute sincerity!"

 Xue Qi narrowed her eyes: "Then give me some time to think about it."

 "Okay, I'll give you three minutes to think about it!"

 "Three minutes, are you kidding me?"

 "I'm not teasing you at all."

 Liu Gabei took out a butcher's knife: "Do you know what I am best at? That is slaughtering animals. My patience is limited. You think about it."

 After Liu Gabei finished speaking, he slowly closed his eyes.

 Xue Qi fell into silence.

 I don't know what I'm thinking about.

 Canopao sighed and continued: "We are all foxes in the same mountain, so no one can even think about playing Liaozhai."

 "We definitely can't let you follow your thoughts and plans and fly into the sky without us."

 "Just give up on this idea!"

 "Now that you have taken advantage of it, enough is enough and you can stop it when you are ready!"

 "Girl, the human heart is not enough for a snake to swallow an elephant!"

 Huopao's words directly touched Xue Qi's heart.

 Xue Qi suddenly raised his head and looked at Cannon.

 After a moment, Xue Qi slowly said: "Are you willing?"

 "Of course I'm not willing to give in!"

 Cannon didn't hide anything: "But now that things are here, what can I do? I have to recognize the reality and accept the reality!"

 "Get through this first, and then find a way to get back on track!"

 Cannon's attitude was extremely resolute: "Shui Feng is my child. I will fight for it and grab it no matter what."

 "Then after I leave Tianbei Street, I will fight and rob!"

 Xue Qi suddenly laughed: "Hearing you say that, I feel much better."

 Cannon spread his hands: "I just said, we are all foxes in the same mountain, we understand each other too well, so there is no need to engage in useless things!

 "Okay, I admit it too!" "

 Xue Qi sighed helplessly: "Then choose the second way."

 "Thank you for your cooperation."

 Liu Jiabei opened his eyes and handed Xue Qi his mobile phone: "Then take a look and see if we can get our people out first."

 "When we're done, let's discuss it. If the inside and the outside work together, we'll take out the sweet potato leaves."

 Xue Qi nodded: "Okay, no problem, but before doing this, shouldn't you give me a better environment first?"

 Liu Jiabei took a deep breath and did not express his position at the moment.

 Cannon's eyes flickered, and he thought for a moment: "Since you agreed to our request, we will definitely give you a better environment. However, this place is too small at present, and we have too many people, so we would like to trouble you to leave here temporarily. Feel aggrieved."

 "Once we find a new hiding place, we will definitely change it for you."

 Xue Qi disagreed: "We have already reached an agreement, why are you hiding? Just go back."

 "It's better to hide for a while."

 Artillery stared at Xue Qi with a smile, and his words were full of advice: "We have to wait until our brothers inside come out. We have more people on hand and feel confident before we go back."

 Liu Jiabei's eyes lit up, and he followed closely: "We have no intention of guarding you, we are mainly guarding against those scoundrels like Sweet Potato Ye!"