
Gangster Godfather

Blood-stained youth, regretless vows, young love, sincere friendship, the dangers of society, and the complexity of human nature. A turbulent time that cannot be forgotten! A piece of unofficial history that has been passed down to this day! A group of brothers who share weal and woe in life and death! An out-of-print era that carries the flag and stands at the top! Watch the storm with a smile and move forward side by side! Brothers, let's go together.

aotianwuheng · Urban
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286 Chs

Chapter 167 Nowhere to Escape

After saying that, he walked out of the cemetery and ran back to the factory along the path.

 He came to the window again and carefully observed the situation in the factory.

 At this moment, there are at least forty or fifty people in the factory.

 Hu Ma was still tied to the middle pillar, unable to move at all.

 Wang Yan was immediately a little depressed. He was alone and could not be the opponent of so many people no matter what.

 After thinking for a moment, Wang Yan's eyes lit up.

 He rolled headfirst into the mud puddle a few times, then sprinted straight to the door of the warehouse.

 His face was muddy and he was "out of breath."

 "Oops, Brother Pei was ambushed in the cemetery, hurry up and save people! If it's too late, it'll be too late!"

 After saying that, Wang Yan turned around and ran away.

 Many people in the factory were immediately anxious.

 Without saying a word, they followed Wang Yan and rushed out of the factory and went straight to the cemetery.

 Wang Yan took the lead and rushed out of the abandoned mine.

 There is a dense grove not far from the mine, which is the only way to reach the cemetery.

 After Wang Yan entered the woods, he changed direction and climbed directly into a big tree.

 Seeing a large number of horses rushing towards the cemetery, Wang Yan jumped down from the tree, turned around and ran towards the factory.

 When Wang Yan ran to the factory again, there were only four or five horses left in the factory.

 Wang Yan knew that once those people went to the cemetery, his plan would be revealed.

 Five hundred meters to go and five hundred meters back, leaving him extremely limited time.

 At this point, he can't care so much anymore.

 Wang Yan strode into the factory bravely.

 As he walked inside, he yelled at the last few horses in the factory.

 "What the hell are you still doing here? Didn't you hear that Brother Pei was attacked? Go and save people!"

 The few horsemen were not familiar with Wang Yan in the first place. In addition, Wang Yan's face was covered with mud and he was extremely embarrassed. They really didn't recognize Wang Yan this time.

 "We're all gone, who's here to keep an eye on people."

 "Brother Pei is about to be fucked. He's still staring at you here. Hurry up and leave!"

 Several Ma Zi still stopped in place: "Brother Hao has specifically warned us before that we are not allowed to leave."

 "Brother Hao or Brother Pei, who do you listen to?"

 Wang Yan was so aggressive and angry that he really frightened several of them.

 But some of these people are still sober.

 A man who looked like a leader walked directly in front of Wang Yan and looked Wang Yan up and down.

 "Why do you look so strange to me? Who are you?"

 Wang Yan had a calm expression and smiled slightly.

 "I am the fucking Prince of Hell."

 After saying this, Wang Yanmao used all his strength to lift his leg and kicked the man in the crotch.

 With a scream of "Ah", the man subconsciously bent over and covered his crotch.

 Wang Yan saw the opportunity and directly strangled the man's neck, took out a dagger and pressed it against the man's main artery.

 "Let Hu Ma go immediately, or I will kill him!"

 As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Yan aimed his sword at the man's thigh and said, "Plop, plop~".

 The blood instantly stained the man's pants red.

 "Hurry up and release them!"

 Wang Yan didn't give the other party a chance to think at all.

 While speaking, he ran towards the man's other thigh: "Pu Chi, Pu Chi~" and two more stabs.

 His eyes were blood red, his face was ferocious, and the dagger hit the man's artery again.

 "Believe it or not, I want his life!"

 The man was completely confused.

 Before the opponent Ma Zai could express his stance, he yelled directly.

 "Do you want to watch me die? Let me go!"

 The man's emotions were clearly out of control.

 The people opposite were all the man's core team. When they saw the man talking like this, they cut the ropes on Hu Ma's body without saying a word.

 "Master Ma, how are you?"

 Hu Ma stared at Wang Yan in disbelief: "I'm fine. I can't die."

 With that said, Hu Ma directly picked up the coat left by Zhang Pei and put it on.

 "Go from the back!"

 Hu Ma knew what Wang Yan meant.

 He picked up the chair and rushed to the corner of the warehouse. He pointed at the glass and clicked twice, then stepped on the chair and walked out of the factory.

 He stood outside the window and shouted at Wang Yan: "Xiao Yan, come here quickly!"

 Wang Yan held the man back a few steps, then pushed the man hard, turned around and ran away.

 He rushed to the corner of the factory very quickly, turned over and jumped out of the factory.

 "Let's run!"

 Wang Yan pulled Hu Ma and ran diagonally forward.

 "There's no exit there."

 "We can only run up the mountain, we can't escape anywhere else, so hurry up!"

 Hu Ma stopped talking and ran with Wang Yan desperately.

 But he was so fat that he couldn't run very far.

 Wang Yan had no choice but to drag Hu Ma and run. The two of them could only run a distance of fifty meters at most.

 A large number of Zhang Pei's cavalry suddenly appeared from all directions.

 They all had fierce looks and ferocious expressions: "Don't let them escape, catch them!"

 Hu Ma shook her head subconsciously: "Xiao Yan, run quickly and leave me alone. I will take care of you."

 "If we can run, we will run together. If we can't, we will die together."

 Wang Yan dragged Hu Ma and continued running.

 "Xiao Yan, if you do this, I will feel uneasy about my conscience."

 "Keep your strength up and stop talking."

 Wang Yan's attitude was firm and unquestionable.

 "I will never keep you until I die. Absolutely not."

 Hu Ma knew that he must not be able to persuade Wang Yan.

 At this moment, the anger in his heart also rose.

 "I don't know who you got this stubborn temper from. Let's go and fight!"

 The two quickly rushed out of the mine and rushed directly to Dahu Mountain behind them.

 In a short time, the two of them rushed to the foot of Dahu Mountain.

 Hu Ma looked up at the steep Big Tiger Mountain, then looked back at the pursuers who were getting closer and closer to them.

 "I really can't survive. I can't even run, let alone crawl."

 Wang Yan could tell that Hu Ma had reached his limit.

 He took a deep breath and handed Hu Ma a cigarette: "Then save your energy and risk your life with them."

 Hu Ma laughed "hehe" and slapped Wang Yan on the head.

 "Little bastard, is there something wrong with you? You dare to come to save me alone? Are you crazy?"

 Wang Yan stared at Hu Ma and said word by word, "You are my relative, my dearest relative."

 Hu Ma's tears welled up in her eyes.

 He spat: "Fuck it, I didn't hurt you in vain."

 As soon as they spoke, the two of them were completely surrounded.

 Zhou Zhiyuan walked out of the crowd and stared at Wang Yan and Hu Ma fiercely.

 "If you run away from Dahu Mountain, we will have no shame in living in the future."

 Speaking of this, Zhou Zhiyuan waved his hand: "Brothers, come on!"

 The densely packed figures rushed toward Wang Yan and Hu Ma.

 The two men looked at each other, with no fear in their eyes.

 Wang Yan took out his dagger and rushed forward first.

 Hu Ma moved her neck and followed closely.

 When things have reached this point, there is no way out.

 Wang Yan also let go completely.

 He took a few long strides and plunged into the crowd.

 He put his arm around the neck of a horse boy, aimed at his lower abdomen and slashed twice with "plop" and "plop~". He turned around and grabbed the other person, stepped forward and struck him twice more. When he turned back, he raised his hand to block the oncoming knife. , swung the dagger and stabbed the horse in front of him in the chest.

 Before he could draw out the dagger, a piece of the knife hit his forearm, and the dagger fell to the ground.

 Several short sticks came towards Wang Yan and fell on Wang Yan like raindrops.

 Wang Yan held his head in his hands and quickly retreated, and was soon beaten to the foot of the mountain.

 A horse boy rushed out from the side, jumped up high, swung a knife and hit Wang Yan.

 If he was really hit this time, he would lose half his life.

 The knife was about to fall on Wang Yan's head.

 Wang Yan, who had been curling up with his head in his hands, suddenly moved.

 He immediately gave up his defense, kicked off the ground with his left foot, stepped forward with his right leg, and forcefully carried the surrounding sticks, using all his strength to deliver a heavy punch.

 This heavy punch directly hit the bridge of Ma Zai's nose, knocking Ma Zai directly to the ground from mid-air.

 "Creak~" There was a sound of broken nose bones, followed by a heart-rending scream.

 At the same time, several knives and short sticks hit Wang Yan's head like a storm.

 "Bang, bang, bang, bang~" he swung wildly and beat Wang Yan back to the foot of the mountain.

 These few blows were hard enough, and blood began to flow down Wang Yan's head.

 Wang Yan instinctively hugged his head and continued to curl up.