
Gangster Godfather

Blood-stained youth, regretless vows, young love, sincere friendship, the dangers of society, and the complexity of human nature. A turbulent time that cannot be forgotten! A piece of unofficial history that has been passed down to this day! A group of brothers who share weal and woe in life and death! An out-of-print era that carries the flag and stands at the top! Watch the storm with a smile and move forward side by side! Brothers, let's go together.

aotianwuheng · Urban
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286 Chs

Chapter 139 Rescue Liu Guangyao

"Stop talking nonsense and leave now."

 Zhang Zonghe started the vehicle and hummed a tune.

 "King of Hell, let me tell you, the proprietress of the shop diagonally across from you is really good."

 "Small body, but full of energy."

 "It's easy to relax in bed."

 "So different from the women I fucked in the nightclubs."

 "The most important thing is that there are no tricks and you save money!"

 "Can you shut your mouth?"

 Wang Yan glanced at Zhang Zonghe fiercely: "Can you have some damn discernment?"

 "When has this been going on? Do we still have the heart to listen to you?"

 "I tell you, always be hopeful."

 "No matter what time, never forget a woman, Yuva, definitely Yuva."

 Zhang Zonghe's face was filled with unfinished thoughts: "This is just your phone number. If it were anyone else, if I, Zhang Zonghe, could get out of her bed, I would be a bastard, and neither my parents can."

 The more Zhang Zonghe talked, the more excited he became, and the more he talked, the more excited he became.

 "I will kill all the Yuvas in the underground mall! All of them! All of them!!"

 "If you say one more word, I'll beat you up, do you hear me?"

 Tie Kui is always so direct, but he is also really easy to use.

 Zhang Zonghe looked at Tie Kui fiercely again. Although his face was unconvinced, his actions were very honest.

 The vehicle soon drove to the vicinity of Baoshi People's Hospital.

 While waiting for the traffic lights to turn green, I saw a large number of crew members walking out of the hospital.

 The person taking the lead was Zhou Zhiyuan. He didn't know what he was giving orders. Soon, everyone got in the car and left.

 Zhang Zonghe looked like he was watching the excitement: "It seems that there is another war in this hospital."

 "They're looking for us." Wang Yan took a deep breath: "It should be the taxi driver who tipped the offender."

 Tie Kui glanced at Wang Yan with a look of luck on his face but said nothing.

 Xiaoshou took a deep breath: "Zhang Pei monopolizes the entire Tianbei District passenger and freight market."

 "If he spends some money and exerts some effort in this circle, we will be in real trouble."

 "Taxis, buses, buses, plus countless logistics vehicles and freight vehicles."

 "These are all in a state of moving at any time."

 "We can't even defend ourselves against it."

 After hearing what Xiaoshou said, Wang Yan became more serious and nodded.

 "We don't have much time left, Hezi, drive faster!"

 Zhang Zonghe also heard the seriousness of the matter and stopped making trouble now.

 He accelerated quickly and the vehicle moved forward quickly.

 Just as the vehicle passed a family compound, the intercom in Wang Yan's pocket suddenly made a sound.

 "Brothers, I found Liu Guangyao. He is hiding in Building 5, 401!"

 Several people in the car glanced at each other subconsciously.

 Wang Yan didn't hesitate and said directly: "Hezi, enter the community!"

 Zhang Zonghe immediately changed direction, and the vehicle drove straight into the community and stopped at the side of Building 4.

 The vehicle stalled and the lights were turned off. Everyone hid their bodies and looked out the window.

 Soon, another voice came from the intercom.

 "Everyone gather in the community immediately."

 "Listen to me, just do it quickly and don't leave anyone alive."

 "The scene must be cleaned up afterwards."

 "What we do this time cannot be discovered by anyone, do you understand?"

 "Got it, boss."

 Wang Yan narrowed his eyes and looked at everyone in the car.

 "Have you heard these voices?"

 Several people shook their heads in unison.

 Wang Yan frowned: "Could it be that Ke Sanshui deliberately didn't use acquaintances just to be on the safe side?"

 "I think it's possible."

 "These people are all strong and strong, and they are very vicious. They are very similar to the miners on Ke San's sailor."

 Tie Zhui glanced at Wang Yan: "Brother Yan, what should we do next?"

 Wang Yan took a deep breath: "Let's see how many people are here first."

 "If you have the chance to save people, you must save them."

 After saying that, Wang Yan took out the dagger.

 Little Tie Kui also took out a dagger.

 Zhang Zonghe felt around and found several condoms.

 Wang Yan glanced at Zhang Zonghe helplessly.

 "Okay, stop looking around, I don't need you, just wait downstairs."

 Just as Zhang Zonghe was about to curse, Tie Kui's ferocious eyes looked at Zhang Zonghe again.

 This is really a thing that brings down another thing. Zhang Zonghe immediately became bored and muttered a few words to himself.

 Within five minutes at most, a Jinbei car without a license plate drove up.

 The vehicle stopped at the door of Unit 4, and seven figures wearing masks and hats got out of the vehicle.

 Five of them entered the corridor directly, while the remaining two dispersed and rushed to the two ends for surveillance.

 When Wang Yan saw that there were only five people, he said without any hesitation: "Let's go!"

 The three of them got out of the car and followed them in the dark night.

 Wang Yan looked serious: "Remember, you don't have to show mercy when dealing with these people."

 "If you don't mess with them, they will mess with you."

 Little Hand nodded: "Brother Yan, how do you think this group of people knew Liu Guangyao's whereabouts?"

 "You ask me, I'll ask who to ask." Wang Yan squinted: "Ask him later."

 The three of them entered the unit, their three steps turned into two, and they rushed up to the fourth floor very quickly.

 The door on the left side of the fourth floor was ajar, and the sounds of fighting could be clearly heard inside the house.

 Without saying a word, Wang Yan opened the door and rushed into the living room.

 In the living room, the two killers had fallen to the ground dead.

 One had his neck slit and another had his heart stabbed.

 In the corner, three killers surrounded a figure and were stabbing wildly.

 This figure didn't know where the strength came from. He opened his arms and held on to the walls on both sides, motionless.

 When Wang Yan saw this situation, he rushed forward without saying a word.

 He stepped forward, aimed at a killer, and stabbed him in the heart.

 His little hands were even more decisive, covering the killer's mouth from behind and hitting his neck, causing blood to splash everywhere.

 Tie Kui grabbed the last killer's neck, ran towards his back and started to stab him.

 In an instant, all three killers fell to the ground.

 Zhang Peng still held up his arms and maintained the same posture just now.

 There was blood all over his face and his mouth was bleeding continuously.

 He was speechless, but the moment he saw Wang Yan, his eyes suddenly became much cooler.

 He almost used his last breath of strength to smile slightly, and then closed his eyes.

 Even at the end, Zhang Peng's hands were still supporting the walls on both sides.

 His death poses are all standing death poses.

 This scene is extremely shocking.

 Wang Yan and others were startled when they saw this.

 Behind Zhang Peng was Liu Guangyao, who had completely lost his ability to resist.

 Liu Guangyao was covered in blood and leaning in the corner with a dagger stuck in his forearm.

 His eyes were blood red, tears were streaming down his face, his expression was extremely painful, and he could no longer speak.

 Wang Yan knew clearly that what hurt Liu Guangyao was not his own injury, but Zhang Peng's.

 The phone in the little hand suddenly vibrated. It was Zhang Zonghe calling.

 Wang Yan knew that he could not waste any more time.

 He pulled Zhang Peng away forcefully, while Tie Kui directly picked up Liu Guangyao, and they turned and left.

 Zhang Zonghe's car has stopped at the door of the unit.

 As soon as Wang Yan and others got into the car, Zhang Zonghe started the vehicle.

 As soon as their car turned away from Building 4, two cars drove side by side from the opposite side.

 Zhang Zonghe raised his eyebrows and was about to speed up and hit him.

 Wang Yan directly pressed Zhang Zonghe's wrist, and then pressed the horn twice.

 Zhang Zonghe then hit several high beams. The two cars on the opposite side hesitated for a few seconds and then slowed down.

 They merged into a row, and while passing Zhang Zonghe's vehicle, everyone's eyes were on the car.

 Tie Kui and Xiao Shou were already lying in the car, and they couldn't see anything at all.

 Three cars just "passed by."

 When Zhang Zonghe drove to the door, the man who had just been responsible for handling surveillance also appeared in his sight.

 He also looked specifically at Zhang Zonghe's car, and then avoided the vehicle.

 After leaving the community, Zhang Zonghe let out a sigh of relief: "Where are we going now?"

 "Send Liu Guangyao to Kangda first. We need to help him treat his wounds first..."

 Twenty minutes later, Wang Yan and his team returned to Kangda Clinic again.

 They put Liu Guangyao on the bed, and a group of people started tossing around in a hurry.

 While he was busy, the rolling shutter door at the door suddenly moved.