1 The Dream

Zandu, a warrior of war, had been exiled to the outer reaches of space. There wasn't any life, just him, his ship, and space junk.

He woke up, sweating and screaming, his vision blurry and head pounding. He'd had the dream again. The dream of 7 of his friends being brutally murdered in the War of Akaru. Most regarded the war as a myth, but it was very real to Zandu and every other being who fought in it.

It was a war of gangs, the Bishidu against the scum of Akaru. The Bishidu was only a small group at the time, but it was still embarrassment that they lost the fight.

Zandu and his friends were captured and held prisoner, where they were tortured and abused for important information. Zandu escaped, the others weren't so lucky.

Although Zandu should've been welcomed back into the Bishidu gang with open arms, all warriors who fought in the war were exiled. This was the beginning of a ruthless and evil empire, ruled by a mysterious and anonymous leader.

Beep! Beep! The ships alarms went off, and they sounded especially awful because of Zandu's headache. He grunted, 'space scum', pulled his hood over his head, and grabbed his blaster and sword.

Space scum were small gangs who scoured the dark parts of the universe, but they never usually came out as far as this.

Before Zandu could pull himself together, his small ship was being sucked into the docking bay of a much larger ship. In large red paint, on the wall, the words 'AKIF TRIBE' were written.

'Ah, the Akif!', Zandu exclaimed, 'Interesting.'

The Akif gang was a large organisation which were very unusual to find in the part of space Zandu was in. He had prepared for a battle, but there would be no chance he was going to take down every warrior on the ship by himself.

Afterall, he had a terrible headache!
