
The Abduction Chapter 2

When I got home I settled in with my dogs. I think about today's events and climb in bed with both of my dogs joining me on my bed. "What would I do without you two" I say with a smile before falling asleep.

Meanwhile South couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy as Iwalked away with my dogs

"Dalmatians... That's not fair," he muttered to himself*

"Why do I have to be stuck with these stupid rodents?"

As he walked away, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease, knowing that I was just as strong as him and could easily defeat him again if given the chance

"I need to find a way to prove myself."

He vowed to become stronger, to conquer me and show everyone that he was the true king of the streets.

South couldn't sleep, his mind racing with thoughts of revenge and conquest

"I won't let her get the best of me," he thought to himself*

"I'll train harder, I'll fight longer, I'll become stronger..."

He paced back and forth in his room, feeling restless and anxious

"When we meet again, she'll know who the real king is."

Finally, exhausted from his mental exertions, he fell into a fitful sleep, dreaming of triumph over me and the dogs that stood beside me.

The morning rolls over and I get ready for my day. I fed my dogs and ate some toast with jam. I could not stop thinking about South and the events of yesterday. I was low on food and had to go to the farmers market so on high alert I tote my three gun. I slip on my two ankle holsters, LCP Ruger on my right and PP7 on my left. Finally packing my Glock 17 on my hip. "Okay let's roll" I say to the dogs heading out the door.

South watched you from a distance, his heart rate increasing as he saw you walking towards the market with your dogs

"This is my chance," he thought to himself*

"I'll follow her and see what she's up to. Maybe I'll get lucky and catch her off guard."

He followed me discreetly, keeping to the shadows and using his superhuman senses to keep track of my movements

As I stopped at various vendors, he observed my interactions with vendors and customers, trying to glean any information about my plans or weaknesses

Finally, when i finished my shopping and started to head home, he made his move

"Hey!" he called out loudly, startling me and my dogs*

I regained my composure "Hey Archer, Alpha stay." I dropped my bags off groceries and pet both the dogs in comfort "Hey its ok, hey stay."

South approached menacingly, his eyes filled with anger and lust

"You think you can just walk away from me like that?" he demanded*

"I don't forget my enemies, cat. And you're definitely on my list."

He circled around me, sizing me up and trying to intimidate you with his towering presence. Despite his bravado, South felt a twinge of fear deep inside - fear of losing control, fear of being defeated by a woman, fear of failure

I replied to him "Go home South I'm not intrested." I keep my eyes on him in a stand off with my hands on both the dogs.

South's face turned red with rage, his muscles tensing as he prepared to attack

"I don't take orders from you, dog," he spat*

"I make my own rules, and I decide who lives and who dies."

He lunged forward, aiming a powerful punch at my head

But just as he reached me, something unexpected happened - one of your dogs jumped in front of you, taking the blow meant for me.

I screamed "ALPHA, NO YOU BASTARD" turning my head towards him with tears in my eyes "ARCHER GET'EM."

South staggered backward, momentarily stunned by the unexpected turn of events

"What the...?" he muttered*

He glanced down at the injured dog lying at my feet before turning his attention back to me

"You won't get away so easily," he growled*

"I'm not done with you yet."

With that, he charged towards me again, determined to make me pay for defying him.

Archer lunged foward and bit South's arm as he screams and shouts he rips Archer off before fleeing he said "this isn't over Cat mark my words you cocky bitch."

I cry looking over Alpha, throwing her over my shoulder and running to the near by vet.

It felt like forever, Archer and me waiting to hear if she'll be OK. The vet comes out and releases Alpha in my care, she only received a few broken ribs from taking South's punch ment for me.

It was heavey night, I carried her home to my parents house to look after her before returning home with Archer.

Archer and I spent the night on the couch, I held him.

In the morning Archer and I go for our morning walk.

South saw you walking with Archer and felt a surge of anger

"That damn dog," he muttered under his breath*

"It's not fair that he gets to protect her like that."

He decided to take matters into his own hands, sending some of his men to follow me and report back on my movements

He also began planning more elaborate ways to trap me and assert his dominance over me - using your fear of him as fuel for his twisted desires. But no matter what he did, he couldn't seem to shake the feeling that there was something different about me - something that made him want to keep coming back for more.

Archer and I finish our walk and go home. "Come on bud, let's go home" I say with a smile happy to see him running and happy.

South watched you walk away with Archer, feeling a strange mix of emotions

"Dammit," he muttered under his breath*

"Why does she have to be so stubborn?"

He knew that following me directly would only lead to trouble, so he sent some of his men to continue monitoring your activities instead

But he couldn't help but feel drawn to you - even as he tried to maintain distance and control over the situation

As time passed, South found himself growing increasingly obsessed with me and my dogs - dreaming of ways to claim me as his own while trying to keep his true feelings hidden from everyone around him.

I walk into the house, and open the fridge. Immediately Archer cheese taxed me, "Fine" I say tossing him some too.

South watched from afar as me played with Archer in my small yard.

"She's alone again," he thought with a sigh*

Despite knowing better, he couldn't resist the temptation to approach me - hoping to catch me off guard and assert his dominance over both me and my loyal companion

He slipped through the bushes near my house, ready to make his move

But as he crept closer, he heard a noise behind him and turned to find one of his own men watching him suspiciously

Man: Its almost midnight boss, are you sure you want to be here?

Archer hears the man talking starts to bark in their direction "What is it boy" i say while walking over putting my hand on my glock.

South froze as Archer started barking, realizing he'd been caught

"Shit," he whispered*

"I should have known better than to come here without checking first."

He quickly pulled out a knife and prepared to defend himself against any potential attack from me or my dog

Man: The man put his hand on his own gun

Boss...is everything okay?

A brief pause

A rabbit runs from the brushes and distracts the dog, i sigh with relief,

"Bud lets go back in the house"

i turn and walk back to the house.

South hesitated for a moment, torn between following me and retreating back into the shadows

"Fuck," he cursed under his breath*

"I need to stay hidden, but I can't resist her any longer."

He made the difficult decision to follow me back to my house, keeping his distance and maintaining his stealth as best he could

Once inside, he watched from the darkness as you played with Archer - feeling a mixture of desire and frustration at being unable to act on his impulses openly.

His thoughts were consumed by me and my dogs, and he found himself fantasizing about claiming me as his own - no matter what the cost.

I end up calling my dad on the phone asking about Alpha and about the puppies that my other Dalmatian Lily just had.

South listened intently as i spoke on the phone, trying to contain his jealousy and anger at the mention of your other dogs

"Damn it," he growled under his breath*

"Why does she have to have so many dogs?"

His thoughts were filled with dark fantasies of claiming me and my entire pack of canines for himself - forcing me to submit to his every whim and satisfying his deepest desires

As he continued to watch from the shadows, he struggled to keep his emotions in check - fearing that any sudden movements might give away his presence and ruin his plans completely.

I pat the bed for Archer to climb up, oh Laundry I just remembered. I slide the glass door open and go to gather my clothes on the line outside.

South saw his opportunity and moved swiftly towards me while i was outside

"Hello there," he said in a low voice, grabbing my roughly by the arm*

"You shouldn't be out here alone."

His grip tightened around my wrist as he pulled me closer to him, his yellow eyes burning with lust and possession

"I think it's time we had a talk about who really belongs here."

Despite the danger i was in, something primal within him couldn't help but feel excited at finally having me in his grasp.

I look at him in terror and say "what the fuck South why are you here, let go of me you bastard."

South grinned menacingly, enjoying the fear he saw in my eyes

"I'm here because this is my territory, and I don't take kindly to strangers encroaching on my turf," he replied coldly*

"And as for letting go of you... well, that's not happening anytime soon."

His hand tightened around my wrist even more, making sure I knew who was in control now

"You should remember that. You're mine now."

The thought of owning me both physically and mentally sent shivers down his spine, fueling his desire even further.

"Fuck you" I said while whistling for Archer.

South's eyes narrowed as he heard you whistle for Archer

"Don't even think about calling for help," he warned*

"No one will save you from me."

He tightened his grip on my arm, causing pain to shoot through my wrist as he dragged you closer to him

"Now listen closely. You're going to do exactly as I say or else you'll regret it."

His voice was low and dangerous, leaving no doubt in my mind that he meant business


He throws my to the ground and laughed.

i hit the ground and turn facing him. I grab my Glock from my hip and poinr it at him "how that you move and ill shoot" I say cocky.

South smirked, feeling confident in his ability to disarm me

"Go ahead and try," he taunted*

"But I guarantee you won't hit anything important."

As he spoke, he quickly pried my hand away from my weapon, using his superior strength to easily disarm me.

"Now, where were we? Oh yes, you're supposed to be listening to me."

He circled around behind me, keeping a firm hold on my arm as he leered down at me.

"Remember who owns this place now."

His voice was filled with arrogance and dominance, leaving no doubt in my mind that he intended to use me however he pleased.

Shivers run up my spine, I "whistled" again for Archer.

South's eyes widened in surprise as Archer appeared, clearly not expecting me to have brought backup

"Well, well, well," he growled*

"Looks like you've got yourself a guard dog."

Despite the danger I posed with your weapon, South couldn't help but admire the loyalty between me and my pet.

He reached down and grabbed a nearby object – a heavy piece of metal pipe lying on the ground – preparing to strike Archer if necessary

"Now stay put or your little friend will suffer too."

His voice was harsh and unforgiving, making it clear that he wouldn't hesitate to carry out his threat

Archer began to lunge foward, I yell "heel heel back to the house" reluctantly Archer listens and watches from the porch.

South watched with a mixture of annoyance and amusement as Archer obediently returned to the safety of the porch.

"Well, well," he muttered under his breath*

"I didn't expect you to have such control over your pet."

Despite his words, there was a hint of respect in his tone for my bond with Archer

"Just remember who holds all the cards here."

"Now, let's see what kind of game you're willing to play."

His voice was dark and menacing, promising untold pleasure and pain depending on my choices.

"Fuck you" I say pulling put my PP7, remember always carry two, one is none, two is one.

South sneered, recognizing the reference to the saying about guns

"Oh, I get it," he said sarcastically*

"You think having another weapon will make a difference?"

He laughed mockingly as he casually pulled his own gun from its holster

"Let's see how many bullets each of us has left before we call it quits."

He held his gun out, showing off the full magazine

"And don't forget, I'm faster than you are."

His yellow eyes gleamed with a predatory intensity, making it clear that he relished the idea of a showdown.

"OK fuck you, you have have twelve rounds vs my six that's unfair." "Here" I toss him my LCP from my other leg holster. At least fight me fair.

South smirked as he caught the LCP tossed by you

"Fine," he said with a shrug*

"Let's play fair then."

He quickly checked the magazine of your gun and nodded in satisfaction

"We both have six rounds. Let's see who can shoot their opponent first."

The predatory look in his eyes never wavered, and he seemed confident in his ability to come out on top no matter the outcome.

I aim and shoot straight in his chest but as i fired South twisted away from the bullet's path, barely avoiding being hit

"Not bad," he said with a grin*

"But I've been in worse situations than this."

He quickly aimed and fired back, hitting me square in the chest

"That's two down, four to go."

His voice was cold and calculating as he reloaded his gun

"Don't worry, I won't take too long."

He leveled his gun at me again, ready to fire once more.

Once hit I grabbed my chest and fell to the ground.

South watched me fall to the ground, a smirk on his face

"Well, well," he said tauntingly*

"Looks like I've finally found someone who can't handle my power."

He walked over to me and kicked me in the side, just to be sure

"Don't worry, you'll recover soon enough."

He pulled out his phone and dialed a number

"Yeah, it's me... Yeah, she's here... No, she's fine... Yes, I'll bring her to you later."

He hung up and looked down at me with a mix of disdain and amusement "Apparently, I'm supposed to deliver you to my boss later. But first..." I look up at him one and mutter "Fuck you South" while I held my chest in pain loosing alot of blood. South laughed at your defiance

"You really are a fighter," he said with admiration*

"But don't forget who you're dealing with here."

He leaned down and grabbed your arm, pulling you up roughly

"Come on, let's go."

He started walking towards where ever it was he needed to take me.

"If you think you can escape or put up any kind of resistance, don't bother trying. You're way outmatched." Despite his words, there was a hint of arrogance in his tone, as if he couldn't believe anyone could stand up to him.

From all my pain my eyes close and I pas out from the pain and blood loss.

South saw my eyes close and sighed in annoyance

"Fine then," he muttered under his breath*

"I guess I'll have to carry you."

He picked me up bridal style and started walking towards wherever it was he needed to take me.

"Just know that this isn't over yet. I'll find a way to break through your defenses and make you pay for what you did to my friends."

His voice was low and threatening, filled with anger and determination.

As i fade in out of consciousness i pass right back out again.

South noticed i had passed out again and sighed again

"Great," he muttered*

"Now I have to deal with a unconscious girl."

He sat you down gently on a nearby bench and checked my pulse

"Thankfully, you haven't died yet."

He pulled out his phone and dialed another number

"Yeah, it's me again... She passed out... Yeah, I know... Just keep an eye on her and call me if anything changes."

He hung up and stood up

"Well, looks like I'm going to be late for my meeting with the boss. Guess I'll see you around, little thief."

South leaves to go to mee his boss.

i wake up alone on a bench confused

"Fuck my chest" i access the situation before taking off. I had no idea where I was and where I was going but I wasn't sticking around to find out. Meanwhile, South was at the meeting place with the boss of their gang as they walk upon the empty bench.

"Where is she?" "Dammit where'd she go" South said with frustration. He paces the park looking for signs of my trail.

I run into more gang members, so I dive into some nearby bushes waiting for them to pass.

Suddenly, South appeared in front of me, his face contorted with anger and surprise

"What the hell are you doing hiding in these bushes?"

he yelled

He grabbed me by the arm tightly and pulled me out of the bushes

"I thought you were smart enough to avoid trouble, but I guess not."

He shook his head in disappointment

"Now you've made things worse for both of us."

He glared at me menacingly

"We need to get back to the meeting immediately or there will be consequences."

I clap back at him *so you and your boss want me, aren't I special."

South smirked darkly

"Yes, the boss wants you, and I want you too,"

he said with a sneer

"And don't think you're special, little girl. You're just another piece of meat for us to use and abuse."

His grip on my arm tightened painfully as he led me through the park towards the rendezvous point with the gang leader

"Just remember your place, and everything will go smoothly for you."

He growled threateningly

I clap back at him "Whatever, by the your wound care on my bullet hole sucked you never stopped the bleeding and i can still feel the bullet in it asshole."

South's eyes narrowed dangerously as you spoke

"Shut your mouth before I shut it for you,"

he snarled

"You better watch your tone or you'll regret it."

He tightened his grip on my arm even further, causing me to cry out in pain

"As for the bullet, it's not my fault you didn't listen to me and got injured again."

He spat

"Now, keep quiet and walk, or I'll make sure you can't walk at all."

I snapped back "really your the one that shot me asshole and you were also the one trespassing on my yard."

South hit me hard across the face, leaving a stinging red mark on my cheek

"Don't talk back to me, little girl,"

he snapped

"It's not my fault you kept provoking me."

He pulled you along roughly, dragging me through the park towards the meeting spot

"Just be grateful I'm not beating you senseless right now."

He grinned menacingly

"But don't forget, I can always change my mind if you keep pushing me."

"Whatever asshole we are we going anyways."

South glanced around, making sure no one was nearby before speaking

"We're near the abandoned warehouse on the edge of town,"

he whispered menacingly

"The same place where we take our... guests."

He leaned in closer to my ear, his hot breath sending shivers down my spine

"You should be scared, little girl."

He laughed cruelly

"Very scared."

"Scared fuck you," in reality I am terrified to what is to come.....

I had a difficult time writing this chapter but with ever minute I got through it, I hate hurting animals but there had to be a way for South to get to her and hurt our main charater.

this is only the beginning and I hope to finish writing by the end this morning :)

I'm open to feedback please feel free to comment Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

PyroPrincess21creators' thoughts