
Reactivation and Redemption

With Alice's hand hovering over the Red Queen's console, the weight of their decision hung heavily in the chamber. The moment of truth had arrived, and everyone, from the hardened soldiers to the distressed workers of the Hive, was all too aware that their survival rested on this one gamble. 


"Everyone ready?" Alice questioned, her voice just above a whisper, as she met Jameson's eyes. 


Before anyone could respond, there was a low, eerie humming, which was then abruptly replaced by a sharp, electronic beep. The Red Queen's console blinked to life, and a ripple of electric current seemed to course through the room. 


"Ah, there you are. Things, I gather, have gone out of control. I did warn you, didn't I?" 


The large, holographic representation of the young girl's face, which was the Red Queen's avatar, materialized. Her innocent eyes scanned the room before settling on Jameson. 


The Red Queen's holographic avatar illuminated the dim chamber. Her gaze, cold and calculating, swept across the room before settling on Jameson. 


"Jameson," she began, her voice smooth and devoid of emotion, "your continued survival is... optimal for our current situation." 


He nodded cautiously, "Thanks to you, it seems. We need your help." 


She looked from Jameson to Alice, "You shut me down to stop me from killing everyone. Now you want to turn me back on?" 


"We had our reasons," Rain interjected, her voice laced with bitterness, "Now tell us what the hell is going on down here." 


"Research and Development," Red Queen comments as if asking what else the answer could be. 


Deciding to be more specific, Matt, asks "What about the T-Virus?" 


"The T-Virus was a major medical breakthrough although it clearly also possessed highly profitable military applications." 


Kaplan confused, "How does that explain those things out there?" 


"Even in death the human body still remains active, hair and fingernails continue to grow, new cells are produced, and the brain itself holds a small electric charge that takes months to dissipate. The T-Virus provides a massive jolt to both cellular growth and those trace electrical impulses. To put it quite simply, it reanimates the body." 


Rain incredulously quips, "It brings the dead back to life?" 


"Not fully. The subjects have the simplest of motor functions. Perhaps a little memory, but virtually no intelligence. They are driven by the basest of impulses, the most basic of needs." 


Kaplan, not catching on, "Which is?" 


"The need to feed." 


Rain has a more practical question, "How do you kill them?" 


"Massive trauma to the brain or severing the top of the spinal column are the most effective methods." 


Rain simplies that explanation, "You mean, shoot them in the head?" 


Matt changes the subject, "Why did you kill everyone down here?" 


The Red Queen's eyes never wavered. "It was necessary. The T-Virus escaped into the air conditioning system and an uncontrolled pattern of infection began. The infection had to be contained." 


She paused, processing multiple outcomes. "My primary directive remains unchanged. You must understand, those who become infected, I cannot allow you to leave." 


Spence jumps in, concerned, "Woah, we're not infected." 


"Just one bite, one scratch from the creatures is sufficient and then you become one of them. The infection must be contained. Now that I'm active, I can control the Hive's security systems, seal certain sectors, and trap the infected. But I need your cooperation." 


"And in return?" Alice inquired, her eyes narrowing. 


"In return," the Red Queen began, "I ensure you exit the Hive alive." 


The group exchanged wary glances. The fragile alliance they were forming with an AI was uncharted territory. 


Rain, ever the skeptic, challenged, "How do we know we can trust you?" 


"You don't," replied the Red Queen matter-of-factly. "But without me, your survival probability is less than 9%." 


Matt voiced the sentiment that seemed to be on everyone's mind, "Looks like we're in this together then." 


Jameson stepped forward, "We'll need a way to reach the surface without being overwhelmed." 


The Red Queen's hologram projected a layout of the Hive's immediate sections. "I can provide you with three routes to your destination," she began in her cold, analytical voice. 


"To your right is the door leading to Dining Hall B. I would strongly advise against this path," she warned. Her digital eyes narrowed slightly, hinting at the gravity of the situation. "Biological experiments are housed there. The power interruption may have compromised the containment measures." 


Alice glanced briefly at the door, her memory of previous encounters with the Hive's experiments making her visibly tense. "Noted," she murmured. 


The Red Queen continued, "The door to your left leads through a series of offices. While it might seem the most direct, it currently possesses a high infected presence. Expect heavy resistance." 


Rain scowled, tightening her grip on her weapon. "Just our luck," she muttered. 


"The final option," the Red Queen went on, "is to proceed into the maintenance tunnels. I must admit, my surveillance doesn't extend to those tunnels. Their status is unknown. It could be clear, or it could be even more dangerous than the previous options." 


New Quest: Escape the Hive 

Navigate through the Hive to the surface while evading or combatting the infected. 


Objective 1: Select a path. 

Objective 2: Collect supplies. 

Objective 3: Prevent team member infection. 


Hidden Objective: ??? 

Hidden Reward: ??? 


Reward: Escape the hive, ???, 1,000 EP/uninfected escapee, 10,000 EP. 


Jameson stepped forward, assessing the layout. "The unknown could work in our favor. It might be our best shot." 


Matt frowned, considering. "It's a gamble. But it might be better than facing certain threats." 


Alice, ever the leader, took a deep breath. "We've faced the unknown before. At least in the tunnels, we can keep moving and won't be cornered easily." 


Rain nodded, "I'm with Alice. The tunnels might give us the edge we need." 


The group exchanged determined glances, the weight of their decision settling around them. 


"Very well," the Red Queen intoned, her voice unwavering. "Proceed with caution. Remember, every second counts." 


With a shared nod, the team readied themselves, preparing to delve into the unknown depths of the Hive's maintenance tunnels, hoping the darkness would shield them from the horrors above. 


Rain led the team through the oppressive darkness of the maintenance tunnels. The dim torchlight in her hand barely cut through the thick mist in the air, caused by hot water hissing from rusted pipes. Every step taken was met with the squelch of mud underfoot. Water dripped incessantly from overhead, adding to the feeling of being trapped in an underground rainstorm. 


"They're for water, gas, and power," Kaplan explained, the moisture in the air causing his voice to echo softly. 


"All looks the same to me," Spence grumbled, casting suspicious glances at the seemingly identical passageways. "Feels like we're walking in damn circles." 


Kaplan, defensive, countered, "We're following the path the Red Queen provided." 


Spence, his frustration peaking in the stifling environment, roughly pushed Kaplan aside. "Feels like she's leading us into a trap." 


Rain reacted swiftly, grabbing Spence and shoving him against a grating. "Enough! We have to trust the path and keep moving." 


But as Rain released him, hands - rotting, cold, and hungry - shot out through the grate, grabbing Spence. The team fought fiercely, pulling him free from the grasp of the concealed zombies. 


A momentary reprieve was cut short when Alice, assessing the onward route, found herself face-to-face with a lurching zombie. With adrenaline-fueled agility, she punched it to give herself some room. 


Jameson was by her side in a heartbeat, thrusting his baton into her hand, their eyes meeting briefly in mutual understanding. 


As zombies surged forward, they tore the grating from its fastenings. The force pushed it into Matt, Kaplan, and Spence. Rather than falter, the trio pushed back, using the grating as an immediate barrier. Their faces slick with sweat and the dampness of the environment, they held it firm, creating an improvised "wall" against the relentless undead. 


Alice and Jameson's combat dance began, their synchronicity evident as they pushed back the horde. With each twist and turn, their muddy footprints painted a testament to their desperate struggle. 


Alice swiftly took down two zombies, using the baton's reach to crack skulls and maintain distance. 


Jameson, on the other hand, using his brute strength, knocked a zombie into a cluster of its comrades, making them stumble and buying time. His subsequent strikes eliminated three zombies. [+42 EP]


Noticing the tactical advantage, Jameson motioned for Alice to exchange weapons. Now with the dagger in her grasp, Alice gracefully maneuvered, weaving through the zombies and dispatching two more with quick, precise slashes. Jameson used the baton's weight to pummel another two zombies, focusing on taking down the most immediate threats. [+24 EP]


The ever-growing number of zombies coupled with the choking atmosphere made their situation increasingly dire. "Up! Get to the pipes!" Alice's voice echoed urgently. 


While the duo held the line, Rain provided cover fire. The sharp retort of her gunshots competed with the muffled echoes of the dripping water. Matt assisted Spence up onto the pipes first, before reaching out for Alice, pulling her to safety. Kaplan quickly followed, scrambling up with Alice and Matt's assistance. 


Jameson, finding himself isolated as his team members ascended the pipes, intensified his offensive. 


A zombie lunged at him, only to be swiftly countered by a ferocious elbow strike. As it staggered back, Jameson quickly followed up with a deadly strike to its head with the baton. 


His peripheral vision caught two more undead approaching. With a spin, Jameson delivered a powerful kick to the first one's chest, sending it crashing into its companion. Seizing this opportunity, he closed in, wielding the baton with both hands, and took them both out in rapid succession. [+42 EP]


Rain's intention to follow was halted by the shocking sight of Zombie J.D. Time seemed to slow as he bit into her neck. The confined, echoing space amplified her pained cry. Pushing past the pain and shock, Rain shoved J.D. back, ending his existence with a single shot. 


With a surge of strength, Jameson rushed to Rain, heaving her towards the waiting hands above. Once she was safe, he quickly ascended himself. 


Gathering atop the pipes, their heavy breaths mingled with the sound of dripping water and snarling zombies, the team knew that their descent into this dark, watery nightmare was far from over. 


Starting EP Pool



Melee Kills 

2 zombie kills = 20 EP + 20% combo bonus = 24 EP 

3 zombie kills = 30 EP + 30% combo bonus = 42 EP 

3 zombie kills = 30 EP + 30% combo bonus = 42 EP 


Melee Total EP = 108 EP 


Kill Total 

108 EP 


Survival Bonuses: 

No Damage: +20% 


Total Bonus = +20% 


Kill Total w/Bonuses = 129 EP 


Finishing EP Pool = 1,151