
In Shadows and Light

Navigating through the myriad of flashing server LEDs and the hum of data exchanges, Jameson's attention was unwittingly drawn to an unexpected aberration amidst the digital synchrony: a gentle gleam that stood apart from the green and red constancy. 


A vial of luminous blue liquid was on the floor near the hand of one of the zombies I had just finished off. It was dressed differently from the rest. The name badge suggested this was a high-level researcher. 


Approaching the body, Jameson spotted a glint of blue near its hand. Retrieving the item, he found himself holding a vial filled with a luminous blue liquid. The label on the vial read: "Blue CIV - Experimental." 


Holding the vial up to the light, Jameson asked, "Red Queen, what is this?" 


The AI's voice, ever cold and distant, responded, "That is a variant of the T-Virus, Mr. Jameson. It's an experimental compound designed to modify the original strain, potentially enhancing certain physical and cognitive functions." 


Jameson squinted at the vial, trying to understand its implications. "And if I took it?" 


"Considering your unique physiological condition due to the T-Virus, the effects could be potentiated. Enhanced strength, agility, perhaps heightened senses... or it might do nothing at all. It's untested on humans," the Red Queen elaborated. 


Item Acquired: Blue Cerebral Injection Vial (CIV) 

A vial containing a modified T-Virus strain. The luminous blue liquid inside has the potential to modify and possibly enhance the effects of the original T-Virus. 


Effect: Raises the level of the chosen skill by 1. 


Clarity now in his grasp about the vial's power, Jameson carefully tucked it away, believing there would be a more opportune moment to harness its potential. 


[Quest Issued: Secure Critical Areas] 

The Red Queen wants you to secure some areas that contain critical research. You don't really think it's a priority, but it's probably a bad idea to let zombies spread it all around willy-nilly. 


Objective 1: Secure the office area. 


Objective 2: Pass through the cafeteria. 


Objective 3: Secure the datacenter. 


Reward: Blue CIV, 500 EP 


[Current EP: 801] 

With the luminous Blue CIV vial securely tucked away, Jameson moved cautiously through the datacenter. The hum of machinery seemed louder in the quiet, reminding him of the technological behemoth that powered the Hive. 


"Jameson," the Red Queen's tone interrupted his focus. "Several critical areas in the Hive are densely populated with the infected." 


He exhaled, rubbing his temples, "How many are we talking?" 


"In certain sections, group sizes range from twenty to thirty. The largest concentration is near the research labs, approaching a hundred," she informed him, her voice devoid of emotion. 


Jameson swallowed hard. "One step at a time then. Where first?" 


"The living quarters. Many of the infected seem to have congregated in the communal areas," the Red Queen replied. 


Taking a deep breath, Jameson nodded to himself, "Alright. Point the way." 


The Red Queen activated a display on a nearby screen, showing him the quickest route. "It is imperative to act with speed and caution." 


Quest: Clear the Living Quarters 

Thirty zombies are making a mockery of this room's title. Teach them a lesson. 


Objective 1: Use the Red Queen's route to reach the living quarters. 


Objective 2: Use stealth, strategy, or brute force to clear them out. 


Objective 3: Ensure all threats are room, including private rooms, are cleared. 


Objective 4: Report back to the Red Queen with the status. 


Progress: 0/30 


Reward: 1,000 EP 


With the weight of the task on his shoulders, Jameson acknowledged, "Understood." He made his way toward the living quarters. Drawing his combat knife, Jameson moved cautiously through the hallway. Though he wasn't trained for combat situations, the need to survive sharpened his senses and reflexes. He focused on staying quiet, avoiding any sudden movements, and keeping an eye out for any threats. 


Drawing his combat knife, Jameson crept forward, careful to minimize any noise. He recalled those late-night zombie movies he watched, chuckling to himself about how life had taken such an unexpected turn. 


He approached a slightly ajar door, light seeping through the cracks. Pushing it open gently, he saw three infected individuals aimlessly wandering around. Without hesitation, Jameson lunged at the nearest one, his knife finding its mark. [+10 EP]


Total EP: 811 


Using the door as a temporary barrier, he managed to take down the other two, methodically and quietly. [+20 EP] 


Total EP: 831 


Catching his breath, he whispered to himself, "Three down, twenty-seven to go." 


Navigating through the dimly lit corridors, he stumbled upon the kitchenette, now in disarray. Food packets lay scattered, and water dripped from a faulty faucet. In the middle of the chaos, a group of zombies munched on... something. Jameson shuddered at the thought. 


Jameson pulled the shoelaces from the shoes of the fallen zombies, constructing makeshift trip wires between doorways. He established choke points, ensuring he could control the flow of the undead. 


Taking a moment to check his weapons, he found solace in the weight of his pistol, the cool metallic feel of the shotgun, the utility of his extendable baton, and the sharp edge of his knife. 


To draw the zombies, Jameson banged his baton against the wall. The echo seemed to linger in the silent quarters before being gradually replaced by the shuffling and groaning of the approaching horde. 


The air grew thick with tension, and Jameson could feel his heart racing, each beat echoing his rising anxiety. 


A lone zombie rounded the corner, its dead eyes locking onto him. Keeping his aim steady despite his nerves, Jameson landed a clean headshot with his pistol. He counted the shots, reminding himself he had a limited supply. [+20 EP]


More began to emerge, their silhouettes darkening the corridor. As they neared the trip wire, Jameson fired thrice in quick succession, dropping three zombies. Their momentum carried them forward, causing them to tumble over the wire. [+42 EP] 


The thudding of fallen bodies and the echo of gunfire acted as a magnet for more. Jameson retreated to his second trip wire and took a deep breath. Switching to his shotgun for its stopping power, he shot into the group, taking down two instantly. A third zombie stumbled into another's path, and using the chaos, Jameson used the baton, its tip crashing against a zombie's skull, rendering it motionless. 


As the next wave came, one broke ahead of the pack and surprisingly made it past the wire, forcing Jameson to sidestep and use his knife, plunging it deep into the zombie's temple. But this maneuver cost him time. Two zombies got dangerously close, tripping over the wire, giving him just the momentary reprieve he needed. Taking advantage of their fallen state, he crushed one's head with his baton and shot the other. 


He continued the dance of death, fluidly transitioning between his weapons, making each shot count. As the last of the trip wires was in play, he felt the beginnings of exhaustion creep into his muscles. Still, he persisted, keeping the zombies at bay, shooting, bludgeoning, and occasionally stabbing when they got too close. 


Minutes felt like hours, but eventually, the groans of the undead were replaced by an eerie silence. 


Starting EP Pool 



Melee Kills 

20 zombie kills = 200 EP 


Melee Total EP = 200 EP 


Ranged Kills 

1 zombie headshot = 20 EP 

3 zombies headshot = 60 EP + 40% combo bonus = 84 EP 

2 zombie headshot = 40 EP + 30% combo bonus = 48 EP 

1 zombie headshot = 20 EP 


Ranged Total EP = 172 


Kill Total 

372 EP 


Survival Bonuses: 

Strategic Traps: +30% 

Ammo Conservation: +20% 

No Damage: +20% 


Total Bonus = +70% 


Kill Total w/Bonuses = 632 EP 


Finishing EP Pool = 1,463 


Gasping for breath and wiping sweat from his brow, Jameson whispered to himself, "One room at a time, one step at a time." 

He radioed in, "Red Queen, the living quarters are now secure." 


Quest Completed: Clear the Living Quarters 

Thirty zombies are making a mockery of this room's title. Teach them a lesson. 


Objective 1: Use the Red Queen's route to reach the living quarters. (X) 


Objective 2: Use stealth, strategy, or brute force to clear them out. (X) 


Objective 3: Ensure all threats are room, including private rooms, are cleared. (X) 


Objective 4: Report back to the Red Queen with the status. (X) 


Progress: 30/30 


Reward: 1,000 EP 


There was a slight pause before the AI replied, "Very efficient, Mr. Jameson. Proceed to the research labs next. It's crucial that we secure the sensitive data there." 


Total EP Pool = 2,463 


Jameson nodded, steeling himself for the next challenge. "Alright, on my way." 


Quest: Purge the Research Labs 

The brilliant minds that once toiled here have now been consumed by a mindless hunger. Return peace to this hub of scientific discovery. 


Objective 1: Access the high-security labs using the Red Queen's authorization. 


Objective 2: Eliminate all threats, ensuring no infected remain hidden. 


Objective 3: Report back to the Red Queen with status of the labs. 


Hidden Objective: ??? 


Progress: 0/100 


Reward: 5,000 EP 


As he made his way towards the labs, he passed through a series of high-security doors, each requiring a biometric scan. Normally, he wouldn't have access to these areas. He could only assume the Red Queen had added him to whatever access list needed. With each passing door, he felt the gravity of the Hive's secrets pressing on him. The research labs would hold the key to unraveling the mysteries of the T-Virus and perhaps even a way out. 




Pushing through a final security door, Jameson stepped into the research labs, and the scene that met his gaze was macabre. Rows upon rows of experimentation chambers, previously pristine, now lay in ruin, doused in crimson and littered with overturned tables and shattered equipment. It was clear the staff hadn't stood a chance. 


Distracted, Jameson didn't notice the infected scientist crawling out from beneath a table. A snap of teeth near his ankle was his only warning. He stumbled back, kicking it away in the nick of time, its mouth still snapping hungrily. He regained his balance and delivered a swift blow to its head with his extendable baton. 


But that was just the beginning. 


From deeper in the lab, they began to emerge - the remnants of the brightest minds who had once worked here. Their intelligence and humanity had been stripped away, leaving only hunger. Jameson's instincts took over as he backed away, attempting to gauge their numbers: at least two dozen, possibly more. 


He unloaded two shotgun blasts, taking down three zombies. But they were too many, and he was quickly overwhelmed. He could feel hands grabbing, claws scraping, and mouths snapping at every direction. Every blow he delivered was met with an agonizingly slow recoil, the creatures seeming to feel no pain. 


His pistol barked loudly, another three zombies falling with clean headshots, but his ammo was running low. In an act of sheer desperation, he flung a heavy microscope from a nearby table into the crowd, momentarily creating a gap. He plunged into the melee with his knife, every thrust finding its mark, though he felt more than once the teeth of the undead graze his skin, narrowly missing a fatal bite. 


A powerful jolt to his side sent him crashing into a console, the impact jarring and disorienting. One of the zombies, bulkier and more aggressive than the rest, had lunged at him. It pinned him down, snapping its jaws close to his face. The acrid smell of decay overwhelmed him. With all the strength he could muster, Jameson rammed the blade into its eye, using the brief respite to scramble away. 


Noting his desperate situation, Jameson spotted an emergency gas valve on the wall, its bright red handle beckoning. He knew it was a risk, but he had no other option. Swiftly, he turned it, releasing a torrent of freezing CO2 into the room. The zombies, already slow, became even more lethargic, their movements slowing further under the extreme cold. 


However, the effect wasn't isolated to the zombies. Jameson felt the cold biting at his lungs, every breath stinging and labored. His vision started to blur from the CO2, and he could feel a headache forming. 


Using the dense fog as cover and fighting the effects of the cold on his own body, Jameson launched a final frenzied assault, his baton and knife dancing in tandem. The air filled with sounds of snapping bones and the soft thud of lifeless bodies falling. 


Starting EP Pool 

2,463 EP 


Melee Kills 

12 zombie kills = 120 + 30% environment kill + 100% combo bonus = 276 EP 

10 zombie kills = 100 + 30% environment kill + 100% combo bonus = 230 EP 

5 zombie kills = 50 + 30% environment kill + 100% combo bonus = 115 EP 

10 zombie kills = 100 + 100% combo bonus = 200 EP 

3 zombie kills = 30 + 40% combo bonus = 42 EP 

38 zombie kills = 380 EP 


Melee Total EP = 1,243 


Ranged Kills 

4 zombies headshot = 80 + 100% combo bonus = 160 EP 

4 zombies headshot = 80 + 100% combo bonus = 160 EP 

4 zombies headshot = 80 + 100% combo bonus = 160 EP 

4 zombies headshot = 80 + 100% combo bonus = 160 EP 

3 zombies headshot = 60 + 40% combo bonus = 84 EP 

3 zombies headshot = 60 + 40% combo bonus = 84 EP 


Ranged Total EP = 808 EP 


Kill Total EP 



Survival Bonuses: 

Unbowed: +10% 

Darwin Award: -10% 


Total Bonus = 0% 


Kill Total EP w/Bonuses = 2,051 


Finishing Total EP = 4,514 


When the mist cleared, Jameson leaned heavily against a table, panting painfully. 


Quest: Purge the Research Labs 

The brilliant minds that once toiled here have now been consumed by a mindless hunger. Return peace to this hub of scientific discovery. 


Objective 1: Access the high-security labs using the Red Queen's authorization. (X) 


Objective 2: Eliminate all threats, ensuring no infected remains hidden. (X) 


Objective 3: Report back to the Red Queen with status of the labs. (X) 


Hidden Objective: Complete quest with more than 50% HP remaining. (Failed) 


Progress: 100/100 


Reward: 5,000 EP 


 Amidst the fallen creatures, he tried to calm his racing heart and stinging lungs. 


EP Pool: 9,514 EP 


His clothing was torn, his body ached in a dozen places, and he was drenched in a mixture of sweat and dark ichor. But he was alive, but for how much longer he couldn't say. 


Jameson's once tidy appearance now bore witness to the harrowing nightmare he'd just escaped. Beneath the tatters of his clothing, a canvas of raw wounds and livid bruises sprawled across his skin, each telling its own brutal story of survival. The worst was a gaping bite on his calf, with ragged, torn flesh revealing glimpses of the bone beneath. Every step sent bolts of searing pain through his body, making his limp more pronounced. 


Blood flowed freely from multiple wounds. His right arm bore deep, jagged scratches, evidence of a zombie's desperate attempt to pull him close. Another bite, almost symmetrical in in viciousness, punctured the left side of his neck, dangerously close to his carotid artery. Each beat of his heart caused it to spurt rhythmically, staining the pristine floors of the Hive with a trail of his life essence. 


A long gash down his chest wept crimson, painting a morbid streak down to his waist. His left ear was half-torn, dangling precariously, and dried blood matted the side of his face. His once clear eyes were now clouded with pain, the whites tinged with broken blood vessels, while his lips bore deep cuts, turning his grimace into a grotesque mask. 


His breathing was ragged and shallow, each inhalation a struggle. Every exhale brought with it a gurgling sound, suggesting possible internal injuries. The blood loss was making his vision fade in and out, the world dimming around him as the edges of his sight blackened. 


The once subtle hum of the Hive's machinery sounded like a dull roar in his ears. With every step, a wave of dizziness threatened to pitch him to the floor. The cold of the facility seeped into his bones, intensifying the tremors that racked his body. A thick metallic taste coated his mouth, a combination of his own blood and the putrid residue from his attackers. 


Collapsing against a nearby wall for support, Jameson coughed violently, flecks of blood splattering against the sterile surface. Each droplet stood as a testament to his dire condition. His thoughts were fragmented, a mixture of desperate hope, memories, and encroaching despair. 


Despite it all, a stubborn spark of determination remained. It was this ember of willpower that pushed him forward, one agonizing step at a time, refusing to let the dark embrace of unconsciousness claim him, 


But willpower has its limits and eventually Jameson succumbed, collapsing on the floor. His vision darkening, one of the system windows prominent in the darkness: 9,514 EP. 


A jolt of clarity shot through Jameson. "Ah, buy... Strength... Endurance..." 


Jameson fell to the darkness.