
Gaming in the Walking Dead(Rewriting)

After being killed by a deranged psychopath, the mc finds themselves being reincarnated into the world of TWD as Lucas Anderson. However, he was left astray as he has the survival system. Will Lucas survive this world? Well, only time will tell.

Boots_ups_your_ass · TV
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6 Chs

My intestines were played with

"Help! Someone help me!" A man cried out as they stumbled through an alleyway. His physique was pale and timid as a knife was plunged into the side of his chest. Not how he expected his night to go. Earlier that evening, everything had been going fine. He had gone to a bar and met a new acquaintance, bonding over their shared struggles as they drank heavily. Before long, they were both drunk. Feeling gratitude from the shared drink, he idiocy offered to take him home.

However, his comrade drunkenly said his house was nearby and he could stay the night. He instantly accepted the invite, not wanting to drive home and with that, they left the bar. His friend drunkenly led the way as he grew unsure of his friend's claim as they were walking through an alleyway. They reached a dead end. He watched his friend move his hand into his pocket.

Thinking he was reaching for his keys, he grow confused. "Hey... is this a house?"



I felt a jolt of pain as I looked toward the man. I stumbled back before falling to the ground, seeing a grin that horrified me. He pushed the knife deeper down, twisting it as he laughed. I tried to push him off me, but he was too abnormally strong. Looking around, I saw a brick and quickly slammed it on his head. He came crashing down to my side, and I hurriedly picked myself up. I speed-walked away from the dead end before crying out for help.

I wander through the alleyway, my previous intoxication gone as the situation unexpectedly grew direr. I stumble around the brick walls,n not seeming to find the way out. My head rages with questions, which wasn't helped by the headache settling in. I wonder why he stabs me.

'It was a trap.' I roughly concluded as it was not the right time to think about that. However, I couldn't help but dread the thought of what I possibly just survived. 'I need to get help.' I thought as I turn my attention to the knife in my chest comfortably sitting there. Hopefully, I can get out quickly to get help.


That was what felt like hours ago. Although I know that wasn't true as it was still night. My pace slowed as the pain got more painful. And this alleyway contains a bunch of different paths and dead ends. "Come on, just a few more corners. Just a little more." I push through as I turn a corner to see a street. "Oh, thank god."

With new hope, I quickened my pace before crying for help again. I made my way to the exit when I saw a silhouette in front of it. "Hey, hey! Help, hel-" The excitement in my throat died as I saw the face of the silhouette. "No... no, no, no. Fuck you!" I backed up, knocking over a garbage can. "W-why are you doing this?!"

He said nothing before rushing towards me with a second knife.

I could do nothing.


An assault of stabs came and left my body with multiple holes, barely leaving me alive. The man stopped stabbing and brought the knife to my stomach, cutting it open. I weakly watched as he stuck his hands inside, grabbing my organs. He was a monster in human skin. I moved my hand over to the knife still in my chest from earlier. I looked at the man as he played with my intestine. A wave of disgust and rage filled my head. With that, I surged my hand forward, catching the man off guard and bringing him down before stabbing him in the head.

His eyes shot up before slumping over on me. I slowly pushed him off me with my remaining strength and looked at him. 'Ha, I should have killed you earlier, you bastard.'

I sat there for a moment before resting my arms on my open stomach. I know there is no hope for me. I lost too much blood.

'It's cold....' I thought before closing my eyes.


I woke up to an unknown ceiling. It took me a moment before a fit of coughs left my mouth. I sat up to clear my throat when it came to me. I quickly touched my stomach, feeling it was unharmed. Breathing a breath of relief, I slowly moved my hand off my stomach before noticing the unfamiliar room. 'Was it just a dream? It felt so real.'

I climbed out of bed and walked over to the door, pulling it open to reveal a long hallway. To my left, there was another door. I walk towards it before knocking.


"Hey, um, you up?" I asked but received no answer. "I just want to thank you for letting me spend the night. I'm going to head out now. I'll make sure to lock the door behind me."

Still getting no answer, I hesitated before trying to open the door. It was locked. An uneasy feeling washed over me as I stood there. I wonder why he wasn't answering before shaking off my concerns.

I turned around and walked down the hallway. As I walked down the hallway, I looked to see a picture frame on a shelf. And for some reason, I stopped and picked it up. It was a picture of a family of three, an old couple and a teen sitting on a picnic table, smiling at the camera.

Assuming the dude from the bar was the teen, he looked majorly different from what I remember. But hey, I was drunk.

I put it down before looking up, seeing a mirror. But the figure standing there didn't have my face, instead, it was the face of the teen in the picture. I stood there stunned. Shakingly I raised my hand, seeing the reflection copy.

His surprised hazel eyes look at me. His light brown hair was not even remotely to my once black. His face was once again young, however, he couldn't help but tremble.

'Does this mean I died? Was I reincarnated?!' My eyes flew in rage as I realized that I actually died. "THAT BASTARD ACTUALLY KILLED ME!!!"

I raised my fist to probably do something stupid, but before I can that a ding rang out.

[Welcome to the world of the Walking Dead. Days till Operation Cobalt: 2 days.]

I stood still staring at the blue screen, taking a couple of seconds to reboot.

"Ffffffffuck." I let out at the news as I was hit with the fact was in the Walking Dead. You know, the one placed in a literally zombie apocalypse.

'Why? Why did I hate to die and be reincarnated here? Was it because I drink too much?' I thought as my eyes twitch at the situation.

"And what are you?" I speak in an angry voice before hearing another ding.


[I am the Survival System. I will now be starting immersive calibration.]

"Starting what now?" I asked when a surge of pain enter my brain. Memories started to run through my mind. Showing me the story of Lucas Anderson.

Lucas, the teen that I am currently possessing, was born without his father or mother. His dad died in a car crash and his mom after giving birth. He was given to his grandparents on his father's side and they shared him with his mom's parents. However, that was cut short as the oldies argued with each other.

His dad's parents' family was just them. So other than his other grandparent he just had them.

He grew up with just them. At times it was lonely, but that was alright. But coming up to his final year in high school, both his grandparents died.

The house was thankfully not taken away, however, the death impacted Lucas hard. He stops doing to school and spends his day indoors. His other side contacted him, cousins from a while back. They call and mail, slowly building him back up to go to school. I don't know what happened to Lucas though. He just went to sleep and I woke up.

I felt a little guilty for taking his life, but to be honest he probably wouldn't want to have to survive in a zombie apocalypse. I glance at the screen that said.


"Shows me my status," I asked, feeling glad that I have a system to help. I snap out of it as I look at the status.

[ Name: Lucas Anderson (Previous) David Goans.] [Age:17]








Combat skills:

Survival skills:

General Skills:


Perks: Zombie kill counts(0)


Inventory: 10 slots



Word count: 1475

Hey. Hey, you! Tell me what you think of chap. Aprec!

No update schedule confirm. I'm bad at commitment.