
Gaming Empire System

Wallace transmigrated to a normal magical world. However, the world is not dominated by Mages, Knights, etc. but by the human Nobles. Normally, nobles are only adept at political and social studies, but in this world, Nobles have magical powers too, called personal dungeons. To protect their lands and people from magical radiation to live a normal life, the Nobles feed their dungeons with mana users like knights, mages, or magical crystals to clear the radiation—it was an ultimate power that even Mages, Knights, and other Mana users also relied on. However, a threat came from a lady seeking revenge on the bloodline of his ancestor. If she isn't amused by his dungeon, she would make Wallace's soul go through endless years of suffering. Fortunately, he too happened to have this power as well, and it was much different from normal Nobles because his dungeons are Gaming Dungeons! However, will this be enough to save himself from this unknown vengeful lady? Ding! Gaming Empire System activated! Note: this novel is inspired by Black tech internet cafe system. Please support me with powerstones and ticket.

Notorious_911 · Games
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130 Chs

Toraz Bracelet

As everyone focused on Wallace, a tense silence fell over the group.

Why did Baron shut them up?

Immediately, the atmosphere grew thick, and one could feel the anticipation in every breath they took.

Suddenly, breaking the quiet, Wallace's strong voice broke through the tension, saying, "Thanks!"

He thanked them for keeping quiet, while his eyes were narrowing as he looked at the soldier standing before him, with blood dripping from his left hand.

Wallace felt a surge of curiosity, and his brows furrowed with concern. "What happened to your hand?" he asked urgently. As if he was hurrying on something.

The soldier hesitated, his eyes darting nervously as if he was searching for an explanation.

Before the soldier could say a word, Wallace interrupted, his tone tinged with suspicion, "Did Ellenair's hit manage to send some of the exoskeleton skin of the assassin bug to your left hand?"