
Games aren't real life.. Right?

A world of gaming has always been my life, but now? Games can't be real life.. right?

Elijah_Thomas_4555 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter Two: Growth

"Two years here... TWO YEARS!? Does this program just boot us when we're two years old or something!?" Baby Eli flailed his arms around. Aurora chuckled "It seems like baby Gamor is a bit fussy-" She said to the infant before continuing "Maybe you'd like to see the world now?" She gets up with Eli or "Gamor" and starts walking towards a sliding door. "This place has a really Japanese, home feel to it.. and what's that on her face? Skip? Is this what babies see when they're born?" There was a button on the side of his mothers face that he could reach for. "Maybe this takes me to the next big event in my life? Hmmm... if I know my games, I'm sure I can unlock more and get stronger later in my years if I'm picky about what I do and don't skip. Lets see the world I live in then." As Gamor finished his fussing, Aurora opened a door that lead onto a large balcony. The baby's eyes widened as he looked out at the large town made of burgundy bricks and tiled roofs. Aurora tickled Gamors tummy as he let out a giggle. She chuckled in response "This is the town of Vastina. Isn't our home beautiful Gamor?" She said before sighing "Your father.. I wanted to name you Auranor. It means 'one who talks with the wind' where I come from." Gamors eyes glistened with interest as she spoke. "Since you were in mommys tummy, I felt that name would fit you perfectly but holding you in my arms now? I can feel that your fathers choice of name was right." She snuggled up to her baby "Such a cutie! I feel as though you didn't even come from me.. like you don't belong in this world. Such a blessing you are Gamor Sentient."

Aurora was short, about 5'3" and incredibly gorgeous. She had long, white hair that looked like it belonged to a deity. Her eyes were a crystalized light blue color and her skin looked like fresh snow. She had two beauty marks; one right below the left side of her lip and the other on the right side, under her eye. As Gamor, or Eli, examined the world, his mom and the room he was born in, a knock on the door was heard. "Knock knock."

Aurora didn't remove her soft, loving gaze from her child as she responded "Enter." Though, her words carried a strength he wasn't used to hearing, so Gamor stopped playing with his mothers hand and set his eyes on the two entities that quickly walked in and took a knee. "Your majesty-" A female voice started, lifting her head. "We've finished reconnaissance and I have found the hideout of 'That Man'. As you requested, I took no action and reported back to you immediately."

"Your MAJESTY!? I knew we were important just from the view but.. royalty?" Gamor thought to himself, looking back and forth from the red-haired woman, to his mom, back to the other red-haired individual. The other one spoke "Your majesty-" A male voice. "Before rendezvousing, I tailed one of their caravans and have discovered a small town, just Southwest of their hideout, East of here, has been supplying them with food and weapons. Upon further investigation, this has been happening for a few months now. Not willingly, but forcibly."

Aurora had a sweet smile when playing with her newborn but as she lifted her head from the baby, to her subordinates, that warm, gentle smile turned into a straightened mouth. The soft eyes Gamor was already accustomed to, became two frozen suns. The air in the room stiffened. "She's strong and dangerous." Gamor thought to himself as he stared up "Almost like a whole different being is holding me." Aurora started to talk. "You provided me with that last bit of information why? Are you going to suggest we make them an ally? The enemy of my enemy, is my friend? Is that what you're proposing Rosan?" They locked eyes as they spoke. "Your majesty. I believe this to be very beneficial to both parties if we were to join forces. No, we don't need any help to take down 'That Man' but they share a certain amount of hate that can compare to yours. Not only that, but they grow a large number of medicinal herbs as well as poisonous flora we happen to need to advance our apothecary. Of course, your potion making skills would flourish vastly within a town like that, if you were to take a visit one day. When you're feeling better your majesty." He lowered his head again. Aurora laid Gamor down on her and her husbands gigantic bed, next to his toys; an elephant, an owl and his favorite one of all, a panther. On the nightstand next to the bed, laid a book. It's design mysterious and mesmerizing. Gamor tried with all of his might to reach it but couldn't quite pull his baby body there yet.

As he tried, the bedroom door opened and in walked his father; Kensuke Sentient. Brunette hair and eyes looking like brown agate gemstones, glistening with pride. He had tanned skin, almost peanut butter complexion and stood at 6' even. Slim but very fit. Everyone looked at the new addition to the room, including Gamor. Kensuke stood there with a puzzled look. "Did I... interrupt something? I do.. I do sleep here you know?"

Aurora giggled, looking like the mother Gamor knew, eyes and face soft again "No, no dear! I was just getting an update on-"

"Kaia, got it." He cut in before continuing. "All I want to know is when and where I'll be going." His voice holding more weight than the heaviest of rocks but still his fathers face, as he lifted Gamor up. "I Just wanted to have some time with my child, take him for a stroll around the town he will one day rule over. Isn't that right Gamor?" He said tickling the baby's tummy to create a laugh. "Rosan. Rosalia." He nodded towards the two knelt scouts. "Lord Kensuke!" They said in unison as he departed. "Tell me more about that town you spoke of."

Kensuke and Gamor headed down to the barracks. "You probably don't understand any of what I'm about to say but one day? I hope you'll remember this moment and all I say my son." He opened the door to the sound of swords crossing against each other, grunting and wooden shields being hit. "For this? This is my second home, my second family and the area where I'm at my second strongest." Gamor babbled, as Kensuke let out a hearty laugh in response. "HAHAHA! Yes, only second. For I am at my strongest when fighting for our Queen, on the actual battlefield my son. And now you."

As he finished they both heard a loud squeal. "EEEEEEEE!!!!! IS THAT HIM GENERAL!? WHAT'S HIS NAME!?" A loud female voice shrieked, running up to the baby's face. Her dark green, shoulder length hair almost tickling Gamors nose, emerald eyes glistening, peering into his own, with a huge smile, hands clasped on her rosy cheeks. "Uhhh.. a bit too close!" Gamor thought to himself, examining the woman in his face. "Very pretty though... AND STACKED!" His eyes widened at the sight of her chest, mouth drooling. He turned to look at his dad who was looking back at him perplexed, answering. "It's... Gamor Sentient." Gamor went back to looking around the room nervously. "Surely he doesn't know about... No, no, no, he's still an infant! But he was definitely looking right?" Kensuke thought to himself, still examining his son.

"Hellooooooo world to Kensuke!" She snapped as Kensuke jumped "AH! Huh, what?! Nothing!" She looked at him confused. "Well first of all, weird and I was asking if you're trying to bake poor Gamor! He's sweating in that blanket!" And as if they were of one mind Gamor babbled as Kensuke blurted out. "No, no he's perfectly fine Lorena!" Both of them giving a nervous chuckle. She glared at her General, who gave a huge grin. Then glared at the baby, who gave a similar grin, showing only gums. "He has black hair and black eyes, but personality wise? I can tell this is your child through and through." She said rolling her eyes with a sigh.

They both started walking through the barracks, chatting, Gamor taking in all of the sights. The techniques and skills being used. "Magic and sword skills? I wonder what Kensuke uses when he fights?" he thought to himself and as if the universe was reading his every thought, someone in leather armor comes running up. "GENERAL! LIEUTENANT!" A young voice said, saluting his superiors. "Well if it isn't my favorite rookie Kota. At ease and stop referring to me as 'general'. I'll be Kensuke to everyone until I return next week. What can I do for you?" Kotas golden eyes burned with passion "Please spar with me! I've taken all of your advice and I think... I believe I can finally break your sword!" Kensuke chuckled in response. "The fact that you decided to challenge me as I hold my child is admirable. I don't think you truly want to win but you have my respect. Lorena! Please throw me a sword."

She tossed him one of the wooden swords holstered on the wall, as he catches it with his right hand. "Gen- Kensuke, do you want me to hold Gamor?" Lorena questioned as Kensuke scoffed slightly. "Nonsense.." He got into his battle stance, right leg forward, sword extended towards Kota and a stone face. He started exuding a dense aura. "What the-!? Even I feel like I'm more durable!" Gamor thought to himself, looking around, taking everything in. "KOTA!" Kensuke bellowed "You've always had trouble getting through my 'Stone Wall' technique. You must have something new up your sleeve to challenge me so boldly. Come and hold nothing back!"

Kota took a lowered stance, a small circle of wind surrounded his feet. "Earth vs Wind? I don't think Kota will have much luck against Kensuke." Gamor thought to himself, examining his fathers opponent. Kotas foot twitched slightly, then all of a sudden, he was above the two, midair, ready to strike from above. "He's quick!" Gamor thought, looking at him, wide eyed and mouth open. Kota crashed down with a quick, forceful slash. 'SHHHHHTCKKK' the two wooden sticks clashed, creating a large shockwave, blowing Gamors blanket. Yet Kensuke easily parried it and pushed Kota far to the side. "You've gotten quicker but if that's all you've come to me with, the result will be the same as any other time before Kota." He said, never taking his eyes off of him but never moving from the spot he was in. "I'm just getting warmed up here General Kensuke." He charged at him again, so quick that he made afterimages of himself. 'Shtck, shtck, shtck' the sound of a multitude of quick succession attacks from Kota getting blocked, filled the barracks. "Ahhh... You're attacking the same spot on my blade over and over, wearing it down. Cunning, but.." Kensuke thought to himself as he used his wooden blade to block a kick directed at his face. Kota used that as a springboard to gain some space in-between the two, jumping backwards. "Downburst Sting!" Kota said as an extremely dense amount of wind covered his blade, making everyone brace themselves. All except for Kensuke and Gamor. "This aura is even protecting me from this energy?" Gamor thought.

Kota darted towards the two in an instant. Kensuke said nothing but his sword glowed a brown hue, similar to his eyes and in an instant; Kota was being held up from his back by Kensuke. "WHAT JUST HAPPENED!?" Gamor exclaimed in his head. "Woah..." Lorena whispered to herself. "G-general Kensuke.. what did you just do?" the Lieutenant questioned, as the onlookers probably wondered the same. "I just used a skill and a bit of speed to counter him, that's all." Which was actually all he did. To Kensuke, even though Kota was moving extremely fast, time moved in slow motion for him when in a clash of swords. Kota was moving faster than his average opponent in his eyes but Kensuke watched his assault carefully. When his sword glowed that brown hue, that was a God-tier skill called 'Terras Blade', which easily sliced through Kotas Disaster-tier skill. After the swift dismantling of his wooden blade, Kensuke simply side stepped to his right, gave a swift heel to the midsection, knocking Kota unconscious and held him up. A God-tier skill, combined with God-tier technique, honed by a prodigy of the sword; Kensuke Sentient. Kota gasped for breath as Kensuke sat him against the wall, still cradling his child. "Ah, you're up! I figured that wouldn't keep you down for too long but tell me something, did you learn from this experience today?" As he finished, Lorena walked in with a cup of water for the young recruit and handed it to him. He devoured the water, taking deep breaths. "Yea... not only do I need to work on more defense, but your speed is unreal and I should never challenge you in front of family."

"HAHAHA!" I did warn you after all!" Kensuke helped Kota to his feet. "Should I grab you a ride to the house or can you walk?" Kota shook his head "No, I'm fine General. Besides, I can't rest just yet, I almost had you!"

"Kota... I don't know what you saw, but you were nowhere near being at "almost had you". From my view, you were outmatched from the start of his Stone Wall activation but then again, this is Kensuke. It's to be expected."

Kensuke smirked. "Lorena, he's not wrong you know. Kota, you'll be a fine Lieutenant one day. Maybe even a General, if you aspire that road and train hard enough." They shook hands, Kota stood there star-struck from the huge compliment given to him. "YES SIR!" Kota replied as Kensuke and Gamor left the building. "I hope you took something away from that spar as well Gamor, even if you become a magician like your mother, never be limited to long OR short range attacks. Versatility is key to survival in this world." The sun was setting on the beautiful day of adventure, as Gamor stared off into the sky, reminiscing on everything he'd encountered today, as well as the words of wisdom passed onto him. "Gamor, look." Kensuke held him up to look at a gorgeous garden of varying flora. "This is your mothers prized garden. She calls it "The Requiem"... sad. Poetic but sad. Poisonous flowers, mixed in with medicinal ones and yet never morphing. You don't enter here unless you're an herbalist. For example, look at these two flowers. One is a Water Lily, the other is a Lotus. They can look similar but the Water Lily is used in poisons and the Lotus is widely used as medicine with varying effects. Though, the Blue Lotus flower, can be and is, used as both. That's honestly the extent of my knowledge hahah. I'm sure your mother will teach you all about this when the time comes. I come here to learn and surprise her one day, with a truly potent poison or medicine." They both stand there admiring the sights. "Lets head home.

They wash Gamor up, play with him, read him a story and everyone gets ready for bed. "Today has been amazing.." Gamor thought to himself as his parents both bend down to give him a kiss goodnight. He reaches up and presses the "skip" button. His world starts turning black. Text appears and a mechanical voice starts reading off; "Knowledge of "War" acquired. Knowledge of "Espionage" acquired. Knowledge of "Tomes" acquired. Knowledge of "Magic" acquired, subskills; "Wind", "Earth", "Ice", "Water" acquired. Knowledge of "Swordsmanship" acquired. God-tier sword technique; "Earthen Ruin Style" acquired and sealed. Knowledge of "Herblore" acquired. Knowledge of "Poison" acquired. Knowledge of "Medicine" acquired. Knowledge of "Armor" acquired, subskills; "Leather armor", "Metal armor" acquired. Passive skill "Receptive" acquired. Passive skill "Meticulous" acquired. Passive skill "Perseverance" acquired. Passive skill "Strength II" acquired. Passive skill "Intellect II" acquired. Talent "Prodigy" acquired."

"All of that from not skipping day one? Oh, this will be great growing up!" He thought, as his world started reforming. Muffled voices being heard. "What's happening?" Gamor said to himself as everything came into focus. It was his parents; Kensuke to the left and Aurora to the right, calling out for him.

"Come to mommy Gamor! Look, I have Ms. Elephant!" She made a bad impression of an elephant noise. "Hoot! Hoot, should you come to? Daddy and Mr. Owl of course! Hooot else!?" Kensuke hooted. "My parents are so embarrassing, I almost want to laugh at them." As Gamor said that to himself, his eyes started twinkling, stumbling towards his parents, walking on his two feet as they're cheering him on, rooting for him to take just one more step. "BRRRRRNNNTT!" Auroras bad elephant sounds went. "HOOT! HOOOOT!" Kensuke shouted. Gamor got close to his parents and they both held their arms out for the baby to walk into but instead of walking towards Mr. Owl or Ms. Elephant, he went in-between the both of them, to the bed where Mr. Panther was perched, which he swiftly plopped down and started playing. The two adults looked at each other and started laughing hysterically. "What kind of elephant were you trying to be!?" Aurora playfully slapped him in the chest "Oh!? And what about you, Mr. Hoooot sounds ridiculous!" They poked, teased and tickled each other before joining in with the playing of stuffed animals with their child.


"Haaaaappy biiirthday-"


Gamor woke up in his dimly lit room, smacking his lips. "Ahh... mouth is really dry." He said in his mind. "Dirshy.." he quietly said out loud. Aurora quickly looked at Gamor, setting her book down and picked him up. "YOU JUST TALKED!?" She said in an excited, hushed tone. "What was that?? Say it again for mommy??"

"I dirshyyy." He said, wiping his eyes. "Kensuke! Wake up, hurry!" Aurora shook him awake. "Ughh... Yes my love, what is it?" he groggily said, turning on his side, eyes still closed. "It's Gamor, he talked! He said he's thirsty!"

"Ah.. we should get him some tea to relax him, so he'll go back to sle- talked??" He finished, eyes bursting open, turning towards the two. "Actual words?" Aurora nodded her head furiously. "Tea pwease." Gamor asked. They both shot out of the bed and headed for the door, shouting for one of the many maids and butlers they had to bring Blue Lotus Tea. As his parents were making a fuss over his first few words, Gamors eyes were fixated on that mysterious book he once seen. It called to him like nothing ever before, sitting in it's usual place, right next to his mothers sleeping spot. He crawled over to it, opened it to page one but "A blank page?" He thought to himself. All of a sudden, he felt a strong wave of sleepiness overcome him. "W-what's happ..en.." 'THUD!' was the last thing he remembered thinking and hearing.

As Gamor came to, he remembered the sound of the 'thud'. "I really hope I didn't hit my head.. small fall or not, I'm pretty sure my baby body is fragile still."

"Hmph, you're more durable than you realize Elijah." A strange voice commented. "Yea, well I'd rather be.... cautious and... safe.. How.. did you know my name? My REAL name?.. Who and what are you?" Eli looked down at himself, seeing only a translucent being, surrounded space; stars, moons, suns, planets. "No body?" He thought to himself. The being talked "No body. Just a name and a figure, to answer your mind. To answer your question, I am nothing but a book of knowledge and a being that knows all. Elijah Thomas, Gamor Sentient, son of Aurora and Kensuke Sentient." The shadowed figure, with a black cloak spoke with such a prevalent, astute, yet gentle tone of mixed voices, Eli couldn't lie even if he wanted to. "Welcome inside the 'Book of Destiny'. Most open this books cover to see nothing but blank pages and no trip. I reveal only to a select chosen few, less than 15 have been able to get this far in the past 20,000 years. Is the lore apparently. Though, including you, there have been 3; You, your mother and an orphan who stumbled upon my counterpart a year from now." Elijah looked at him in awe, still cautious, still curious. "So, why am I here then? Is there a prophecy I have to fulfill? A grand and magical quest only I can do?" The shadowed figured chuckled "No, not at all. That is your choice alone. I am here to give you insight into your skills and abilities. What you do with that information, and how you decide to use this knowledge, is up to you." As the being finished talking, it extended it's hand, palm up, as a small black hole formed within it. "This is just one of the affinities you posses." Elijah examined "his" power. "So, I can create black holes?" The being responded with "Correct."

"So my power is the ability to manipulate black holes?"

"That is incorrect. Your ability is akin to your name, it's Cosmic Manipulation. This, is just one way to use such an ability, the rest? You'll have to find by yourself. I am just a guide, a small stepping stone, to give direction. You have multiple applications for such an ability, it is your job to find and unlock them, as many as you can. This is the very first of it's kind, I can assure you. There are tales of such an ability, Gods wielding such a feat but none thought it possible to actually possess. Next, I want to tell you about your affinity towards stealth. You have a unique talent, akin to your favorite toy."

"Mr. Panther!?" Eli said in an excited tone, then cleared his throat. "I mean, the panther?" The being laughed "Yes, Mr. Panther. Your love and attraction towards him, as well as taking an interest to your mothers personal servants; Rosalia and Rosan, have granted you the unique talent of "Panthera Strider", which grants increased speed while sneaking, increased stealth, especially in foliage, dark areas and during the night in general, as well as highly acrobatic movements and increased vision within darkness. Another piece of knowledge I will give to you is, everyone isn't chained to one element for magic. What you learn, can and will, branch into another tree, which will morph into another ability. Everyone has a minimum of 2, most obtain 3, some have 4 and a rare selection have 5 or more, depending on how they train, who they talk to and how they live, as well as their ability to mix within their base affinity. Since you and your mother will have much to talk about when you're older, I'll use your father as an example. His base affinity is Earth. He molded that into his swordplay, as you've witnessed, he has a strong affinity with water, being that his hometown was on the shore, which lets him have control over mud and swamp areas. With that being said, he also has control over wood and most nature."

Elijah stood there, staring with intense interest. "He's... THAT powerful?" The being nodded. "That fight was only a small morsel of ability he has when in battle. If Kensuke would've found me earlier in life? You'd be a king of a continent by now. Aurora, has no such desire to rule like that and yet she does spectacularly. Both are rare gems for sure, but Kensukes opportunity to gaze within my domain has long since passed and now you. Lastly, you must not use your power until the right moment. It will be for the best, I promise."

"B-but.. how will I know when that moment has come?" Eli pleaded, desperate for a clear answer. The being responded. "I have high hopes for you and when the time comes we'll meet again, but for now? You have a life to resume. Gamor Sentient."

The stars, the planets, the suns, the being, all started becoming smoke, leaving behind only the darkness of space, the nothingness, but then a light started to shine, as if someone lit a candle and the new world he was born in started to reform. His fathers face, although hazy, filled with worry and fear, started to form in Gamors face.

"Aurora! He's coming to! Someone fetch him something to drink!" Kensuke shouted to the room filled with people but Aurora sternly cut in. "No! I already told you, he won't have any ability to drink. If he has come to, he'll be sleep within the minute. Trying to force him to drink will only kill the boy Kensuke. I know you're scared but trust me when I tell you that I know somewhat of what he's going through, not of his talk within the book but the aftereffects of it. Lay him down, Everyone, leave our chambers but bring some water up here for when he wakes. He'll be thirsty. Bring food in three hours and not a minute later." She ordered, as the butlers and maids bowed, leaving on command of their Queen. "Kensuke, dear, lay him down and you come to bed too. Do not worry, I promise he will wake up better." Aurora reassured him and all three of them laid down, cuddling the baby Gamor, as his half conscious eyes closed.

"Cosmic Manipulation" acquired, skill, "Black Hole" acquired. Unique talent "Panthera Strider" acquired."

Gamor woke to his father cradling him on the porch, overlooking the town of Vastina. He noticed a very light, cooling mist. "Is it raining out?" he thought to himself, touching his fathers chest. Kensuke looked down, with a worried, surprised look and quickly got up and threw the sliding door open, rushing inside towards the area his wife was sitting at. Without missing a beat, she had a bottle ready for Gamor and handed it to Kensuke.

"Here, drink." Kensuke whispered lightly, Gamor taking it and thirstily drank. Aurora walked over calmly, used her ice powers to make her hand have a nice chill to it and rubbed it on Gamors forehead and cheek. "Gamor, did you have a talk with mommys book?" She asked in her sweet voice. Gamor stopped drinking, taking deep breaths "Yes" he responded.

"Since he talked with that mystical book you keep so close, does that mean we can have someone come and appraise his ability now? We need to know how to properly raise him." As he finished, they heard a knock on the gilded double doors. Aurora walked towards the door "I already handled that." She said as she opened the door. "Thank you for coming." She lightly bowed her head, as a female with a mask covering everything from the bridge of her nose to her chin, entered the room. "Please raise your head my queen!" The lady took a knee. "It's my pleasure to assist. Especially one so young. Lord Kensuke, a pleasure to be in your presence as well." Kensuke nodded to her. The masked female had a large, purple mat rolled onto her back, inside of a bag and a pouch on her hip. The woman got up. "I will start. May I?" She gestured towards the royal bed, as Aurora and Kensuke moved out of her way. The mat was spread across the bed, an intricate design with 4 circles, in a diamond shape. "Undress the baby and place him in the middle please." She asked, pulling out 6 candles of different colors; blue, brown, red, yellow, green and black. Gamor was laid down, as 4 expensive looking jewels were placed inside the circles of the mat, the candles set on the outer sides, encircling the diamond and Gamor, lastly, the masked lady sprinkled a mist of liquid all over Gamors body, with a drop on his head and a drop on his tummy. She lit the candles and started chanting, her hand lightly over Gamors chest, as he drifted off into a slumber. The smoke created a screen that went nowhere, the stones started glowing brightly, then Gamor started glowing. The lady backed away, unrolling a scroll and setting it on the bottom of the mat. "The smoke will rush onto this scroll and all will be revealed as to what he knows at this very moment." A few minutes passed, as the smoke condensed into a ball, then quickly shot onto the scroll but crinkled. Her eyebrows furrowed and her eyes squinted slightly. Kensuke noticed the subtle body language. "Is something wrong Visioness?" She walked up to the crinkled scroll and tried grabbing it but quickly retracted her hand, rubbing her thumb and pointer finger together. "Strong magical ability within the person being appraised, can physically alter the scroll."

"So he has a strong affinity with electricity is what you're telling us?" Kensuke cut in, asking and taking a step forward.

"I was shocked, metaphorically and physically but we should consult the scroll for answers concerning that. It should be ready to touch." She picked the scroll up and straightened it, there were categories written on it; knowledge, abilities, techniques, talents. Under 'Knowledge' was written; War, Espionage, Tomes, Wind, Earth, Ice, Water, Swordsmanship, Herblore, Poison, Medicine, Leather Armor, Metal Armor and the last one was just question marks. Under 'Abilities' was; Receptive, Meticulous, Perseverance, Strength II, Intellect II and the last was one skill, just question marks again.

"Visioness, what do those question marks mean?" Aurora questioned, examining the scroll intently with Kensuke but Visioness was wide eyed, eyebrows trembling. "I-I... I'm n-not.. certain my queen.. I have never heard of something like this happening, never seen something like this.. not even from the eldest of Seers." She stammered, staring at the baby. They continued reading.

Under 'Techniques' was one 'Earthen Ruin Style', which had a chain around it. Kensukes face lit up "Did he learn that from seeing me only use a partial skill!?" He quickly shot his gaze to Visioness, who was still a bit distraught. "Yes, I believe so. Receptive, means he can pick up abilities he has an affinity with very easily. Something that should take a month to learn, will be a weeks worth of practice for the young prince." They kept reading.

Under 'Talents' was two; Prodigy and more question marks. Aurora quickly grabbed the scroll and started pacing back and forth. "How do we get these question marks to talk with us Visioness? There must be a way, even if it's in one of your legends. We have a unique child, this appraisal told us that much but I'm not waiting for him to grow up to find out, what if these are bad omen? There is a way isn't there?" Aurora almost sounded scared, a bead of sweat coming down her face, her eyes never leaving the scroll, Kensukes eyes never leaving his wife. Visioness dropped to her knees "Queen.... I am sorry, I-I've.. never heard of anything such as this, no legends, not even a whisper of knowledge but I promise to you, this land and my reputation of being a Visioness, I will uncover something!" Her eyes gleamed with determination. Aurora retrieved her child. "You may leave. Any information you do find, please relay it back to me at once." Her eyes looked devoid of emotion, her voice mimicked her ability. Visioness packed her things and left.

Auroras eyes went from Gamor, to the book and Kensuke watched. A few moments of silence went by. "You're thinking too negatively Aurora-" Kensuke spoke. "Those question marks? I can't imagine them being anything horrible. He has the makings to be a legend amongst legends, do you think not even the book would make you aware?" He guided her to the bed to sit. "The book never told me I'd have a remarkable child either.. Kensuke.. there's something I've never told you, something I thought was just desperation and lies. Someone who supposedly specialized in darkness magic, put a curse on me when I was younger. I wasn't always the nicest person around." She let out an empty chuckle, stroking her babys face before continuing. "I was young.. maybe two years before meeting you and I bullied a visitor. She wore strange clothes, talked weird, she was a loner and I preyed upon that-"

"That means nothing Aurora!" Kensuke sternly cut in but Aurora couldn't listen. "And what if it isn't!?" Her eyes looking wild with worry, as their yelling woke Gamor up. "What if I did this to him?.. Not being able to appraise skills.. that has omen written all over it, can't you see?" She hugged her baby, quietly sobbing. Kensuke wrapped his arms around her, consoling her.

"The Visioness said he's a quick learner, didn't she?" Kensuke questioned, stroking his lovers face, removing the tears. "Yes, what of it?" her tone lighter than air itself. "Well.. what if we use dispelling magic on him, get him resistance to mind control and hexes, so that he will never be in trouble from those again? Considering that he adapted my Earthen Ruin Style, just by being in my presence, I'm sure the same can be done here right?" Aurora looked into his soft, gemstoned eyes, then down at the infant, who met her gaze. "You're also suggesting we infuse him with small doses of poison.. that's not something I'd feel comfortable doing Kensuke. Even if he will morph it into something amazing."

"Well, why not ask your all knowing book? Will it help with this kind of decision making?" Aurora set Gamor down to play. "I'm not letting a mystical book, dictate what my child will or will not digest." She sternly blasted back at him. "Well, this mystical book already directs your life and our childs life and if I would've found it myself, the same with me. So we might as well treat it, him, her, as part of this family with decision making. Listening to it has never steered us wrong before, I can't assume it'd start now Aurora."

She sat there intently, biting her thumb nail, watching as Gamor played with his panther. "Do... do you really think that could work though?" Kensuke guided Aurora to her chair and sat her down. "There's only one being who can answer that question." He said, handing her the book.

As she opened it, her consciousness was sucked into a realm made of pure ice. A fortress, her fortress. Beautiful, glistening trees, covered in light blankets of tiny ice shards. The ground made of ice as blue and clean as Auroras eyes. She sat on the throne within her fortress and at the door? The being in a black cloak, with no face. "Aurora-" the being's voice echoed throughout the chamber. "-It's been awhile hasn't it? These days, you have no need to console me, so what do I owe the pleasure?" The being said, while advancing to the foot of her chair. "Please, you know why I'm here all-knowing. Please tell me if I should feed my baby harmful substances.. I just want him safe from harm!" Her voice cracking, trembling, enough pain to crumble the walls of her fortified fortress. She cupped her hands to her face and wept. The being said nothing, did nothing, until Aurora composed herself, clearing her throat "Please guide me to the right answer."

The multi-toned being spoke. "Aurora, the amount of strength you've amassed since our last meeting is immesurable. I'm proud of that from you, truly. What I will tell you is, he isn't someone who would die easy, if that's what you're worried about. Dosage in moderation would secure the desired outcome. There are dangers though, if you mess up, he will lose something very valuable to him. Though, I'm not worried about that and if you go about this experiment without second guessing, neither should you." She gazed at the being, speechless. "Hm.. I'll give you a minute or two to reflect on what I've said and what you want to do before this place dissipates." The being lightly bowed to Aurora, then turned into an ice statue which slowly crystallized into the tiniest ice glitter until the being was no more. Aurora sat there, thinking, pondering the possibilities that coursed in her mind. She stood up, determined and as she got to her feet, the calm weather outside, turned into a harsh blizzard. Rushing, bone chilling winds, entered the throne room, encasing her and all in sight. As it did, the world started slowly crumbling, as did Aurora, until it and her, were nothing left, reappaearing back into her own reality. She placed a hand on her head, Kensuke rushing a glass of water to her side. "Figured you'd be 'dirshy' after your trip." He said with a slight smile. Aurora chuckled softly in response "Don't let little Gamor know you're poking fun already." As she sipped on the water, she rose her arm towards the sky and made the clouds above their home reform into what looked like a flower.

"I'm assuming that means we'll be going through with the plan?" Kensuke asked. Aurora did nothing but nod. A few minutes later, a cluster of maids and butlers entered their room with trays of flora, vials, beakers, pestle and mortars and various liquids. "When I wake, we'll begin." She said as she went to the bed and slept.

When she woke, she started mixing the ingredients that were bought to her earlier. Gamor watched inquisitively as the first bottle of greenish liquid was handed to him. "They said this was poison right?... I do trust them but.." Hesitantly, Gamor grabbed the bottle and stared at his parents. Aurora, back to mixing her vials and Kensuke with a stone glare. "Bottoms up..." Gamor thought to himself as he drank the vile looking liquid as fast as he could. It tasted like cardboard wrapped in grass, with a harsh, bitter aftertaste of dirt. In an instant, he started choking; tears forming in his eyes, unable to catch a breath, he scratched at the floor. "Aurora!? What did you mix him!?" Aurora kept doing as she was. "It's a torture poison. That drink will choke you to a certain point. It's more effective than a waterfall. If he's as prodigious as claimed, 3 more of those should give him the resistance needed to fake it if ever used." He handed Kensuke another bottle, keeping her eyes fixated on her work. Kensuke grabbed it, grimacing at the sight of what they were doing to their son.

"I'm sorry Gamor... I'm so sorry." He whispered in a pained tone. Feeding his young baby the lavender colored liquid. "That is a poison which immobilizes the muscles. He shouldn't be able to move, let alone speak for a few hours. Give him these other two in quick succession, I want this to be the one he gets used to now. Keep an eye on his breathing and his pulse." Kensuke snapped his head towards his wife, grabbed her shoulder and spun her around but when he stared into her eyes, it wasn't the warm, beautiful crystals he was accoustomed to, it was a cold, barren winter wasteland. "Did you see my answer? Do what I say or I will remove you myself Kensuke." He reluctantly listened, feeding the drooling infant. Though, the whole time he was being drugged? Gamors eyes never left from his mothers work. His mind went numb, thinking nothing. His breathing was sporadic, he had to be laid onto his stomach from risk of choking on his own saliva. The treatment lasted for three days straight, three times a day; breakfast, lunch and dinner, something being consumed had a poison, increasing in potency.

One morning after breakfast, his usual meal of muscle relaxant, didn't effect him how it once did. As Gamor dropped to his feet, he slowly started pushing himself up, back to his feet, wobbling and struggling to stand. "Perseverance ability kicking in?" Aurora questioned to herself, as she laid in the bed. She got up and gave Gamor a sweet yellow liquid that tasted similar to lemonade. "Gamor, sit." She demanded. "Why would I just sit, when I tried so hard to stand?" Gamor thought to himself but his body listened to the command given from his mother. "Gamor, attack me." And without hesitation, Gamor lunged at his mother with a left kick, which she easily deflected. His assault didn't stop there, he came with fist after kick, after kick, after fist. "Hmm... his combat abilities are far above par, especially for a four year old." Aurora thought to herself before saying outloud "Gamor, head to sleep." He immediately stopped his assault and collapsed where he stood, sound asleep. Every time Gamor went down for a nap or went to sleep, Aurora would read the recipes of everything he'd ingested for the day. Conscious or not, she believed it would stick. One night, Gamor woke up from his heavily induced poisonous sleep. "I-I... I need.. to skip..." His brain struggled to make out, his arms almost unwilling to move and respond but he finally made it.

The mechanic voice happened again; Posion Resistance V acquired. Mind Control Resistance acquired. Ability, Herbalist acquired, Lotus Extract poison learned. Nightshade Mixture poison learned. Jonquil poison learned. Puffer Fish Toxin learned. Lavender sleeping medicine learned. Calendula ointment learned. Echinacea cream learned. Pain Resistance V acquired. King-Tier Swordsmanship acquired. Expert-Tier Magician acquired.

When Gamor came to, he was sitting in a field, drenched in sweat next to his father. Kensuke looked at him. "You know son, your eyes look so... shadowed, misty, like you aren't here with us and some days, it has the brightest glint in them, like today." He put his hand on Gamors head. "Your skill with the sword has improved immensely. Now that I know you're here, shall we give it another go?" Kensuke asked while getting up, extending his hand to his son. Gamor smirked "I'd like that!"

They both got into their respective stances. Kensuke, just as he was when he went against Kota; one leg in front, one hand grabing his sword. Gamor, had his right leg towards the rear, left leg front. His left arm was extended but relaxed and his right hand held his sword, eye level, pointed towards his opponent. "Oh? Trying a new stance Gamor?" He nervously chuckled "Ahaha! Yea! I figured I'd try out something new to throw you off." He responded but thought to himself "Do I usually just use a geenric stance? This is my first time being in actual combat. Judging by my height, I have to be around 5 or 6 by now. Is this the next significant part in my life?" As he finished his thought, he noticed Kensuke quickly charging at him.


The sound of Gamor blocking with his wooden sword rang throughout the open field. "Sorry to cut your thoughts short but you should keep your attention on your opponent, especially if you can't beat them." Kensuke advised, giving Gamor a spinning kick towards the midsection, which Gamor fortified with ice, softening the blow. "Ahhh, very cunning my child! Moves I haven't seen from you indeed. Since I have you here with me, lets talk." Gamor charged at him, never removing eye contact "Talk about what?" As he got close, he ducked down and a rock clone of himself, with a sword, shot out from the ground behind him, lunging at Kensukes face but he matched with Gamors crouch, which Gamor figured would happen, already having his wooden blade flying horizontally towards Kensuke, that he easily blocked. Before Gamor could react, Kensuke swept his feet, grabbed him and tossed him back to where he came from. As he slid on his side, he regained composure and made a stone foothold to stop him.

Kensuke smirked "First of all, the way you fight now, with that glint in your eyes, makes you very dangerous. Remember these days. Next, I know I've asked you this plenty of times.. and you never answer, maybe because you aren't able to? You have strong affinities with earth, like me, water like mama and myself, ice like her and even wind like her. Wind might even be your strongest element so far! But none of them are your true ability.. and I know that. You came into contact with that mysterious book of mamas at a young age, so we all know that you, at least, know your true power. I even watch you sneak off late at night, once or twice a week and take the book into our library. You won't return for hours. I even know that you've noticed me every time, no matter how sneaky I think I'm being, you know when I'm following and watching but you never act like you aren't going to your spot, with that book. So, I want to ask you again; will you show me your true power Gamor? I promise to keep it secret. I don't know why you would want to but you can believe in me." Gamors eyes softened. He stared at the ground, remembering what the book had once told him. "I can show him at least right? No one's around that I can detect.. It'll be fine." He thought to himself, looking back at his father with determined eyes. "I'll show you during our spar but dad.. it's dangerous, so please be careful." His words held so much weight, Kensuke decided to use 'Stone Wall', gripping his wooden sword with both hands now. "Then I'll treat our fight like equals." Gamor got into his stance. "Feather Step." As small wind circles appeared around his feet and vanished. Within a second, he was in front of Kensuke, ready to attack. "Sylph Fury Strikes!" A large gust of wind came to help him strike faster, throwing a flurry of attacks, which were all easily blocked.

Gamor touched the ground and came with a spinning axe kick to Kensukes head, that he blocked with his forearm. He springboarded off of his arm, into the sky and sent icicles rushing towards his opponent. Kensuke masterfully dodged them, backflipping and side stepping. All of a sudden, he couldn't move. Gamor was on the ground, one hand touching the floor and as Kensuke looked down, one foot was submerged into the ground as three icicles came rushing towards him. "Terraforming Slash!" Kensuke said, thrusting his sword into the ground, creating a mountainous area, blocking the ice, freeing his foot and obscuring Gamors vision on him. But as soon as Gamor couldn't see him, he rushed towards the area. "Supermassive Black Hole!!" Gamor screamed as he made a decent sized black hole, which sucked up most of the extra terrain, and pulled Kensuke in from where he was hiding. He stared into the abyss of the black hole, astonished and starstruck but just as he was about to be consumed, the black hole dissipated, leaving only Gamor flying through the gaping hole in the terrain, unconscious. Kensuke caught him and held him. "Black holes Gamor??" He questioned to himself and to a sleeping Gamor.

Yet, what the hypervigilant Gamor and Kensuke combo failed to pick up on, was the being perched upon one of the highest trees miles away. "Oh, hohoho.... what an interesting little rabbit I've found..." the male voice said from behind an eagle mask, before swiftly vanishing into the forest. A moment later, the eagle masked man was kneeling in front of a long, spikey haired man, a scar extending from the entrance of his right nostril, down and across his mouth and chin, to the inside of his robe, unknown how long. The long-haired man was making a rabbit carving. "It seems you were right about the young 'Rabbit', he has a power only known in legends of the Gods." The man with no mask got up from his stump, putting his rabbit figurine next to a bear and a swan. "Yeah.. as destiny told us once before, isn't that right dear sister?" He said as he formed a fist, as a white flame instantly incinerated all of the carvings into ash.

I'm constantly reworking the story. So, if you've read it once, I can almost guarantee you there are details added that you haven't read. I want to thank you all for taking a look at it and if possible, add it to your library.

Elijah_Thomas_4555creators' thoughts