
Gamers 4 Life

If you're not dead, and you're not alive, what are you? A group of gamers gets to find out when they wake up in Purgatory and have to make their way through Hell to reach Heaven. Will they win the ability to return to their bodies once again, or will they be stuck in between for all of eternity? Whatever happens it's bound to be the greatest adventure of their lives!

8ty · Fantasy
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6 Chs


They say that in the last minutes before you die your life flashes before your eyes. I found that as the headlights of a car rushed at us over the median my thoughts were more selfish.

Is this what I get when things are finally going so well? Is this my reward for wanting just a little bit more than my lot? 

Then the light overtook everything before fading to the warmth and comfort of the void.

It was in this darkness that I found my life replaying. It wasn't a long or exciting movie, that's for sure. I myself gave it a solid meh. I had lived most of my life quietly and had a decent job in a good town and was in fair financial condition. There was nothing to stand out about me, I was median all the way. I was a gamer pretty much my whole life, but never stand out, same as everything else. Then in my middle years I hooked up with a few other people and somehow our combination worked. Really, really worked. 

Our tiny group, a guild called misfit reavers, somehow began achieving things not even bigger guilds could do. Before we knew it we were a featured guild and we were even asked to speak at the convention they held for the game every year. That's where we were heading. Well, four of the five of us anyway. We were on our way to the convention center to do our run through on stage before the actual event. 

Poor Evie. It was her husband who was driving. She was going to meet us there. She had to drop off their kid to do something. I know I knew what it was at one point but my thoughts were getting hazy.

As my mind lost its focus I felt a gentle pull, like a current, and with nothing else to do I went with it.