
Level 1

I woke up to the sound of frantic knocking on a door that was God knows where and a high pitched Neanderthal kept yelling "Kit wake up". I swear I'm gonna kill them if he or she doesn't stop! Knocking! Another two minutes of knocking passed, before I finally decided to get up. Big mistake! When I stood up, sudden dizziness hit me and it felt like a train had run over me and I fell on my bed again.

Me: "Hold your horses! I'm coming as soon as I can get my painful ass down there."

I slowly got back on my feet and shuffled, very slowly and painfully, to the door and opened it really fast to surprise whoever was knocking on my door.

Me: "What the fuck do you want and who on earth are you?"

Kid: "What's earth? Never mind that! You're going to be late for the cleansing ceremony. Get dressed!"

Me: "The what now?"

Kid: "The Cleansing ceremony silly!! We really need to go. If we're lucky, we might even see a few burnings today!"

Me: "Look, kid. You're not making any sense right now. Just leave me alone so I can go back to sleep."

Kid: "Kitai NoName, my mom told me to tell you that you should get your ass to the ceremony no matter what! You need to thank the gods for saving you after that horrible beating, which you kinda deserved, last night. And please stop calling me kid. My name is Wyatt (said like quiet, but with a w instead of the q). Now get dressed or I'm going to call Mom. You don't want to get nearly beaten to death again now do you?"

Me: "Guess not."

I opened the door further and let him in. I then started getting dressed when White came into my room with something that looked like an envelope.

White: "Hey Kit! I found this outside your door. It looks like you got a letter, but it's blank."

Me: "You opened my mail?"

White: "You can't read, remember?"

Me: "Let's pretend that I don't remember anything, so you're going to have to explain it on the fly. You can start with where we are, who's in charge, is there a hierarchy here, how old am I, how do I know you and who are you and I exactly."

White: "Ok. I'll start small and go bigger. You're in the Lower District, aka Commoner's Cage, of the town of Oorlock. Oorlock is situated West from The Capital where the King of Alzuss lives. Alzuss is one of the Seven Continents on The Common Realm. There are multiple realms, but this one is the only one where all the races are able to survive. As to a hierarchy, we have us, the commoners, at the bottom, the nobles above us, Knight Apprentice, Holy Knights and at the top, we have The Church. You are twenty years old, twenty one in three weeks and we know eachother due to our parents who had been friends since they were kids. As to who we are, we're simply two nobodies who are closer to being family than just friends. I am White Flower and you are Kitai NoName. Now come on. We need to get to the cleansing ceremony.

I got dressed as fast as I can and just as soon as I was about to leave the door, I noticed that the paper I had been holding this whole time, was actually not blank. I didn't read the entire thing, but I did notice that at the bottom, it read welcome to Level 1