
Gamer System in Uchiha World

In the dark and complex world of Konoha, Uchiha Shisui's bold defiance against Danzo sets off a chain of events that reshapes the village. With cunning and determination, Shisui gradually seizes control of the council members, bending Konoha's politics to his will. Amidst this political turmoil, Kushina Uzumaki discovers the manipulation of her husband, Minato, and confronts Shisui in a fierce battle. The conflict results in the tragic deaths of Fugaku, Kushina, and Minato. In a desperate attempt to protect his children, Minato splits the Kyubi's chakra, sealing Yin and Yang into Naruto and his sister Himawari. In the shadows of these monumental events, an overlooked and talentless member of the Uchiha clan meets an untimely demise. However, this is not the end for him. A soul from Earth takes over his body, giving him a second chance at life. This soul inherits a unique power, navigating life with the aid of a mysterious Game System, setting him on a path of growth, discovery, and power. This is the story of Horyu Uchiha, a character marked by pragmatism, neutrality, and a thirst for knowledge. His journey is one of self-improvement and strategic maneuvering in a world rife with conflict and intrigue. Caught between the legacy of his clan and the machinations of the powerful, Horyu must carve his own path, all while keeping his biggest secrets - reincarnation and the Game System - closely guarded. 1. Smart MC: Expect a protagonist who is both intelligent and strategic. Horyu, the main character, uses his wit and knowledge to navigate the complex world he finds himself in. His decisions are often based on logical reasoning, providing a cerebral aspect to the story. 2. Selfish MC: Horyu is characterized by a certain level of selfishness, often prioritizing his own interests. This trait adds depth to his character, making him a more realistic and relatable figure, especially in the cutthroat world he inhabits. 3. Complex Political Landscape: The novel delves into the intricate political dynamics of Konohagakure, including power struggles, betrayals, and alliances. Readers can expect a detailed exploration of how different characters vie for control and influence. 4. Dark and Mature Themes: "Gamer System in Uchiha World" is not a light read. It deals with darker themes, including manipulation, betrayal, and the consequences of power. The story's tone is mature, catering to an audience that appreciates a more serious narrative. 5. Reincarnation and New Beginnings: The novel features the theme of reincarnation, with the protagonist Horyu getting a second chance at life. This element adds a unique twist to the story, allowing for fresh perspectives and developments. 6. Intense Action and Combat: Fans of action will not be disappointed. The novel features intense combat scenes and strategic battles, showcasing the skills and abilities of various characters, including Horyu. 7. Emotional Depth and Character Development: Expect a narrative that explores the emotional journeys of its characters. Horyu's growth, his interactions with others, and the personal challenges he faces add a layer of emotional depth to the story. 8. Unexpected Twists and Turns: "Gamer System in Uchiha World" is full of surprises, with plot twists that keep readers engaged and guessing. The story's unpredictable nature adds to the excitement and intrigue. 9. Moral Ambiguity: The novel doesn't shy away from exploring morally grey areas. Characters, including Horyu, often face dilemmas that challenge conventional notions of right and wrong, adding complexity to the narrative. 10. Romance: Light romance. Harem is a possbility, and matching is still in the air. I will see how it goes. Nothing certain. 11. R-18: Maybe. Not heavily, but possible.

TheFanficGod · Anime & Comics
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198 Chs

Uchiha Ancestral Blade Appears!


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As Orochimaru dispatched the clones with a mix of precise taijutsu and a sweeping motion of his Kusanagi, the real Horyu surged forward, Chucky in hand, ignited with the Fire Style: Blazing Edge Dance. The air around them crackled as intense heat met cold calculation. Horyu's blade, cloaked in flames, clashed against Orochimaru's Kusanagi, sending sparks flying into the damp forest air. Each strike from Horyu was a combination of precise kenjutsu and the lethal dance of flames, aiming to breach Orochimaru's defenses and force him back.

Orochimaru, intrigued by the young Uchiha's tenacity and skill, engaged directly, his own swordsmanship a testament to years of experience and dark knowledge. The two danced a deadly ballet, steel and fire intermingling with the natural elements of the forest around them.

Utilizing Chakra Weave Mastery, Horyu attempted to gain the upper hand by enhancing his physical attacks with nuanced chakra control. He sent chakra-enhanced shockwaves through the ground, aiming to destabilize Orochimaru's footing, while simultaneously preparing an explosive trap with precise chakra threading.

[Chakra Weave Mastery: represents Horyu's unparalleled skill in chakra manipulation. Chakra Control (Advanced), Chakra Amplification Technique, Chakra Echo Tracking, Chakra Thread Manipulation, Chakra Flow Control, and Chakra Pressure Manipulation in one skill. This technique signifies his adeptness at weaving his chakra into complex patterns for various uses.]

Orochimaru, ever the tactician, recognized the ploy and leapt into the air, avoiding the trap. He countered with a barrage of summoned snakes, their fangs dripping with venom. Horyu, thinking quickly, employed the Fire Style: Inferno Shield, a circle of intense flames erupting around him, creating a barrier that incinerated the snakes as they attempted to breach it.

The fight intensified as Horyu shifted tactics once more, launching into the Fire Style: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet. A massive, roaring dragon of fire surged from his mouth, its trajectory aimed to engulf Orochimaru. The sannin, however, was not easily bested. With a swift series of hand seals, he summoned a massive water dragon, the two elemental beasts colliding in mid-air in a spectacular display of ninjutsu mastery.

As the smoke and steam cleared, Horyu stood ready, his stamina beginning to wane but his resolve as strong as ever. He knew he was outmatched, but the fire in his eyes spoke of a spirit that refused to be quenched. Orochimaru, facing him, acknowledged the young Uchiha's strength and resilience.

"Quite the performance, Horyu Uchiha," Orochimaru said, his voice a mixture of praise and a chilling promise. "But let's see how you handle this."

'Shit, he knows me!' He cursed, as he jumped back.

The sannin vanished, reappearing behind Horyu in a blur of movement. Horyu spun, narrowly avoiding a strike aimed at his vitals, the tip of Orochimaru's sword grazing his clothes. The young Uchiha retaliated with a fierce counter, his own blade aimed at Orochimaru's heart. But Orochimaru was no longer there, having moved with serpentine agility to another vantage point.

Realizing the gap in their power, Horyu employed Shadowmeld Tactics, blending into the shadows to escape detection. He moved through the forest, his presence barely a whisper against the foliage, leading Orochimaru towards the planned meeting point with his team.

Despite his best efforts, Horyu knew that Orochimaru was still on his trail, the Sannin's ability to sense him a constant threat. He laid traps using his knowledge of Fuinjutsu, hoping to slow Orochimaru or catch him off guard. However, Orochimaru navigated each trap with alarming ease, his fascination with Horyu's tactics growing.

In the heat of their chase, Horyu recognized the necessity of adopting a more cunning approach against Orochimaru. With a rapid shift in strategy, he delved into the depths of genjutsu, aiming to ensnare the Sannin in a deceptive illusion that could give him breathing room and escape, but it was equally futile, forcing Horyu to stop and defend the incoming attack.

As they circled each other warily, Horyu locked eyes with Orochimaru, activating his Sharingan to its full potential. The air seemed to thicken, the forest around them distorting as Horyu initiated the Illusionary Death technique, a genjutsu designed to trap the opponent in a mental labyrinth of their own demise. The world around Orochimaru darkened, the trees withering, as if reality itself was succumbing to death's embrace.

Orochimaru, sensing the shift, narrowed his eyes, recognizing the trap. With a smirk, he countered with his own mental fortitude, his chakra flaring up to dispel the illusion. The battle of minds was intense, a silent clash of wills that left the surrounding foliage trembling.

Horyu, undeterred by Orochimaru's resistance, transitioned seamlessly into a physical assault. He vanished, utilizing the Shadowmeld Tactics to close the distance between them in a heartbeat. Orochimaru turned just in time to parry a strike from Chucky, now glowing ominously with a chakra-infused edge. Horyu's strikes were precise, each one a deadly dance of steel and shadow, aiming to find a breach in Orochimaru's defenses.

But Orochimaru was no easy prey. He met Horyu's kenjutsu with his own, the Kusanagi sword moving in a blur, countering Horyu's every attack. The clash of their blades sent shockwaves through the forest, the sound of metal against metal a constant echo in the night.

Yet, for all his efforts, Horyu found himself matched at every turn. Orochimaru's ability to adapt and counter was unparalleled, his experience spanning decades. With each exchange, Horyu pushed himself harder, his Sharingan whirling as it attempted to predict and counter Orochimaru's moves.

The battle escalated, their surroundings bearing witness to the devastating power at their disposal. Trees were uprooted, the earth was scorched, and the very air seemed to burn with their chakra. Horyu's determination was palpable, his focus unwavering as he sought any advantage, any weakness in Orochimaru's defense.

As the chase continued, Horyu realized that he couldn't run forever. He needed to make a stand, to test his limits against one of the legendary Sannin. Turning to face Orochimaru, Horyu prepared for what might be the final confrontation.

The two clashed once more, Chucky against Kusanagi, fire against shadow. Horyu fought with everything he had, utilizing his entire arsenal of skills and techniques. Yet, despite his formidable abilities and strategic mind, he was ultimately outmatched. Orochimaru's power was overwhelming, his mastery of jutsu beyond anything Horyu had ever faced.

As Horyu realized the gravity of the situation, his determination surged. Stowing Chucky back into his inventory with a mental command, he drew the Uchiha Ancestral Sword, its ancient aura pulsing through the air. "Motherfucker. I am not dying in here!" he roared, defiance etched into every feature. The seal on his wrist glowed ominously as he activated it, reaching out for Kurenai with a mix of hope and desperation. "Sensei, where are you!?" The response was grim, Kurenai's voice heavy with concern, "We were stopped by a strong enemy."

"Fuck," Horyu cursed under his breath, realizing he was on his own.

With his two-tomoe Sharingan blazing, Horyu faced Orochimaru, the ancient blade in hand signaling a new phase of the battle. Orochimaru's interest was piqued at the sight of the legendary weapon, his eyes narrowing with a mix of curiosity and surprise. "Hmm? How intriguing," Orochimaru mused, his tone a blend of amusement and anticipation.

As Orochimaru advanced, Horyu swung the blade, releasing a wave of chakra-enhanced force. The air crackled as the chakra wave, infused with his fire element, sliced towards Orochimaru, extending the reach of his attack beyond the physical blade itself.

Orochimaru dodged the fiery flying slash from Horyu with a serpentine grace, leaving a series of afterimages in his wake. The attack cleaved through the air, its chakra-enhanced force splitting a nearby tree in two. The sight of the Uchiha Ancestral Blade's abilities manifesting so vividly caught Orochimaru's attention, his eyes widening in a mix of surprise and curiosity. "Fascinating," he murmured, observing the blade's prowess as it sliced through the air, extending its reach far beyond the physical steel with a wave of chakra that was both precise and infused with elemental fury.

Horyu, his Sharingan ablaze, focused intently on Orochimaru, reading his movements with an enhanced perception that allowed him to react with incredible speed. As Orochimaru lunged forward, Horyu parried with the ancestral blade, the chakra precision wave creating a barrier that Orochimaru was forced to navigate, his movements a dance of evasion and attack.

Seizing a fleeting moment, Horyu unleashed the Phantom Mirage Edge, his blade casting illusionary afterimages that flickered around Orochimaru, masking his true strike. Orochimaru, caught off guard by the sudden multiplicity of attacks, found himself dodging not just one, but several perceived threats, his own counterattacks slicing through illusions as Horyu aimed a real, tangible slash towards his flank.

Orochimaru, quick to adapt, twisted away from the direct hit, the edge of Horyu's blade grazing his clothing. He countered with a swift kick, aiming for Horyu's midsection, but Horyu, utilizing his Sharingan's predictive abilities, sidestepped at the last second, allowing Orochimaru's foot to pass harmlessly by. Horyu retaliated with a precise fist aimed at Orochimaru's jaw, a blow meant to unbalance rather than incapacitate.

Orochimaru laughed like a madman, his amusement echoing through the dense forest, chilling to the bone. "You are worthy, Uchiha Horyu! You worth it!" His voice was laced with a twisted delight as his neck stretched unnaturally, then bit down hard on Horyu's shoulder. The sharp, penetrating pain quickly overshadowed Horyu's adrenaline, forcing him to his knees. As the sensation of the cursed seal began to invade his body, spreading like wildfire, Horyu's vision blurred, the world tilting on its axis. 'Cursed Seal,' he realized grimly, a cold dread settling in his gut. Orochimaru's presence loomed over him, a dark shadow ready to consume. 'I am fucked,' Horyu thought despairingly, his body slumping to the ground under the overwhelming pressure of the seal.

But suddenly, Orochimaru's advance halted. His sinister gaze shifted, looking past Horyu with a mixture of curiosity and anticipation. Struggling against the pain, Horyu turned his head, his vision clearing just enough to catch sight of several figures emerging from the forest's embrace. Tsunade, her presence as formidable as the legends suggested, walked at the forefront, her eyes sharp and assessing. Beside her, Shizune maintained a cautious stance, medical bag at the ready. Following them were Kurenai and his teammates, Hinata and Shino, all bearing the marks of recent battle, battered but resolute. Horyu swiftly sent the Uchiha Ancestral Blade back to inventory. He regretted even taking it out but he had no other choice at the time.

"Tsunade," Orochimaru greeted, his grin widening, a mix of mockery and genuine intrigue coloring his tone. "Long time no see."


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