
gamer: strings of faith

Eric's life was full of painful experiences that caused him to develop a condition called split personality disorder. However, when he was 16, he was taken by a wealthy businessman who gave him a new chance at life. About 100 years ago, strange things happened on the moon. For just four minutes, mysterious wormholes appeared and then disappeared. But they left behind valuable materials that helped advance technology tremendously on Earth. just like every gift, this discovery came with a price.

esgod_ · Fantasy
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3 Chs

I care

Ring ring, the alarm clock vibrated loudly in the room, jolting him awake. With his eyes still closed, he reached out groggily and hit the clock, causing it to fall to the ground with a clatter. "Just give me five more minutes," he mumbled, his voice muffled by the soft pillows.

With a sudden burst of energy, he flung himself out of bed and stumbled over to the fallen clock. Squinting at the bright red numbers, he groaned when he saw the time. "4:16 am. I'm late. Guess I don't have to do that interview now," he muttered sarcastically to himself as he rubbed his eyes and tried to shake off the remaining drowsiness.

As he made his way back to bed, his hand brushed against the bedside table and he felt something wet. Puzzled, he picked it up and realized it was a tear-stained note. It was a handwritten letter from his alarm clock, thanking him for all the times he had relied on it to wake him up. He couldn't help but chuckle at the silly sentimentality of it.

Just then, he heard a loud hum came coming from the corner of the room. He turned to see the AC unit, which had been on the fritz for weeks, suddenly springing back to life. The repairman he had hired must have finally fixed it, bringing a slight chill to the air and a smile to his face. "Umm, this is bliss," he thought to himself as he crawled back under the warm covers.

But his moment of peace was abruptly interrupted by the incessant buzzing of his phone. Groaning, he reached over and picked it up, squinting at the bright screen. "Who the hell is calling me at this hour?" he grumbled under his breath. His irritation turned to surprise when he saw that it was his girlfriend calling.

Hesitating for a moment, he answered the call, only to be met with a wave of anger and frustration from the other end of the line. "I'm breaking up with you. Okay? Don't try to beg me. We're done," she spat out, her words sharp and final.

Eric, still half-asleep and confused, yawned and rubbed his eyes. "Can you hang up now? Something important just came up," he said with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

But his girlfriend was not one to be brushed off so easily. "I just told you I'm breaking up with you. You can't just ignore me like this," she replied, her voice shaking with emotion.

Eric sighed and ran a hand through his messy hair. He knew that this was coming, that their relationship had been on shaky ground for a while now after all this was not their first break up.But he couldn't bring himself to care, not in this moment when all he wanted was to crawl back into bed and forget about the everything.

With a sense of resignation, he ended the call and tossed his phone aside. "Guess I'll have to deal with that tomorrow," he muttered to himself as he burrowed under the covers.

And as the room fell silent once again, filled only with the soft hum of the newly repaired AC unit, Eric finally allowed himself to surrender to the peaceful embrace of sleep.

If you read this first chapter to the ending thank you this actually my first time writing. You have any problem with the chapters please comment so I will know what to fix I know this first chapter was short I will try to increase the work counts in the future chapter