
Gamer in Overlord

My first ever try at writing a story, so it's gonna be bad. But I would like to become a better writer so i would appreciate any helpful advice or criticism. Anyway, it's a Overlord SI/OC story. A guy dies, gets 1 wish and then gets thrown into a world he seems unfamiliar with. Now it's time for his great adventure. English is my third Language. I write on a phone. And my Internet connection is bad. So if you think there's something wrong with the fic, it's not my fault XD I do not own Overlord or the characters mentioned in the story. I do not own the cover photo. I only own The OC.

Student_Of_Culture · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

The Dungeon

"Ava, how do i use the dungeon?" I asked Ava.

[Just think or say out loud 'Open Dungeon']

"Open dungeon" I said out loud.

And a big blue swirl opened in from of me. It looked like {Gate} spell that Ainz used to go to Carne village. It was exactly the same, but blue.

[That's the way to enter the dungeon. No one except for you can see it. Go through here to enter the dungeon]

Hearing that i went through the blue gate. On i other side, i appeared on a big field, filled with grass, with a few tree here and there. There was a small river flowing nearby. I could see a big forest a little far away. There were also mountains in the distance. In total, this place looked beautiful.

I could also see a wooden house nearby. Seeing the house i asked about it.

[That house is for you to rest in if you want]

"Hmm. Ava, explain to me all the functions of the dungeon." I asked Ava.

[The dungeon is the place where you can farm for Exp, equipments and crafting materials. You can also use the dungeon to practice your skills or hide in if you are in any danger in the real world. The dungeon has multiple levels. This is the safe zone. Here there are no monsters. In this place you can build whatever you want. Monsters will begin to appear from the 1st floor. The deeper you go the stronger the monsters will be. The stronger the monster, the better the loot and exp. Also every level has a Mini Boss that is in the centre of the level. Every 5 levels there is a Boss Monster. And every 25 levels there is a Mega Boss Monster. To go to other levels, there is a lift inside the house. A new level will only be unlocked after you clear your current level. So to unlock the second level of the dungeon, you must kill the mini boss on the first level.]

"That's a lot to take in. But i think i understand. Anyway, do Monsters respawn?"

[Yes. Normal monsters respawn every midnight. Mini boss and Boss Monsters also respawn. But they take more time. Mine Boss Respawns every week and Boss Monsters respawn every month. Mega Boss monsters do not respawn. But they give amazing loot.]

"Amazing loot? Now i can't help but imagine what i will get. Anyway let's get started with The Grind."

Saying that i started walking towards the small house. Going inside i started looking around. In the corned i could see a Futuristic looking lift, made of glass and metal. It looked kinda cool.

Going inside it i started to look where the panel with floor numbers was. But i couldn't find anything. Before i could ask Ava answered my question.

[Vik, the lift operates on voice commands. Just say the floor you want to go to and it will take you there. For now you only have the safe floor and 1st floor available.]

"Thanks Ava. Lift, take me to the 1st floor" I asked. The lift door closed and it started to go downwards. It didn't make a single sound. Neat.

After a few seconds the lift stopped. Looking outside i could see destroyed buildings everywhere. In the distance, i could also see a few people with green skin walking around weirdly.

So it's a post apocalypse zombie world for the 1st floor. It's good. I don't want to fight intelligent enemies so early. I have no fighting experience, so i will die if my enemies are smart. Zombies are the best starter exp pack.

Before going outside the lift, i first opened my status menu. I had leveled up but hadn't used my available stats on anything yet.

Name : Vikram Singh

Age : 28

Title : None

Level : 2

Exp : 50%

HP : 110

MP : 110

Str : 11

Vit : 11

Dex : 11

Int : 11

Wis : 11

Available points : 5

Skills :

Gamer's Mind

Gamer's Body

Fireball (Fires a small ball of fire that explodes on contact and does AOE damage. Does 100 Hp damage on contact and does 10 burning damage for 10 seconds. Mana cost : 20)

"Hmmm, so 1 get point in every stat and 5 points for free use after each level up. Nice. And that fireball spell looks pretty good. That burning damage does equal amount to the impact damage. It's a total of 200 damage and it's AOE. It's way better that i expected." I was happy seeing the fireball spell wasn't as useless as i thought.

I went outside the lift and started going towards a single zombie. I first have to test how fast and strong these zombies are. I took out my starter steel sword and held it in my right had as i prepared to fire fireball from my left.

When i was in a close distance from the zombie, i could see a bar on top of its head. It was the zombies HP bar. The zombie had 180 HP.

"Nice. I can kill it in a single fireball." Aiming my hands towards the Zombie, i cast {Fireball}. A small ball of fire formed in front of my hand and fired quickly towards the zombie. On impact it created a small explosion and the zombie started burning.

The burning zombie then turned towards me and started coming for me while making 'zombie noise'. After taking a few steps it suddenly fell and turned to ash. The undead was finally dead.

[Ding! 50 exp recieved. 1 zombie tooth received. 1 piece of rotten flesh recieved.]

[Ding! Level up]

"Eww, zombie tooth and rotten flesh. What kind of disgusting crafting materials are they." I said with disgust. Atleast i leveled up. So i guess it took 50 exp for me to reach level 2 and 100 exp to reach level 3. I wonder what it would take for level 4. 150 or 200. 50 more exp for every level or double increase of exp needed in every level. Lets hope it's only 50 increase and not double.

[Sorry Vik but it's double every level.]

"No problem Ava. I was just being a little too optimistic. Only 50 increase would be way too easy. Now let's go get some exp"

"It's time to grind"